The Impeachment Thread

I don't think you see the whole truth. If you did, you would see fault from both sides, and you've made it clear you do not.
You certainly cling to that assumption.
Being a man of continuums, I do not have the ability to not see the faults on both sides.

That’s interesting and I guess it would be correct in the context of this thread . I’m betting if Teddy were alive somebody would have to restrain him from riding his horse over and beating the lefts leading candidate down with his ridding crop , dragging him off stage hog tied , and declaring he did it because it was what’s best for the country . Then declare that it was a great victory over socialism . Afterwards he would be pointing at the rest , telling them they have lost their minds . So yes context is everything .
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If you honestly believe that then you have went full retard
When you consider this country is basically controlled by two parties, is it really that far out of a statement? We blindly elect the same people to Congress, over and over, based mostly on the letter they have next to their name. Both parties are out to serve themselves and amass mostly power, but wealth as well. Being able to recognize that seems more enlightened than retarded.
Damn. That's an ugly statement. I can understand disliking someone, but damn.
But Trump would approve of that message (unlike any past president).
Hell, Trump wouldn't only approve, he would re-tweet it to millions with a couple of thumbs up followed by MAGA.

This is the tone set by our president Again, unlike any past president.
Not the norm, not the center of any continuum.....far from it.
Pelosi should rescind the invitation.
That is the reason that the Republicans have held off on the vote until Wednesday... one day after the State of the Union Address. They want to give Trump a chance to make his case before the vote and a President's approval rating usually goes up after the State of the Union... although Trump's didn't last year, but that could have been because we had just come out of the government shutdown. Republicans are playing politics too. The vote should have been tonight.
As did the ones who blindly worshiped him and showed up in the tens thousands to cheer him on at his pep rallies.
I use to have no comprehension as to how that could happen. I understand it only slightly better now.
Was this your monologue audition for the soap opera?

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