The Impeachment Thread

???? did you misread my post?
Not only do I see fault on both sides. I don't have the ability to not see it even if I were to choose.
Which does seem to be an ability many have.
Saw a VN admission of truth and agreed with you. 😝😝😝😝. For shame Luther, a double negative...... There ok I was a grammar Nazi.
Here's another VN admission.... Being a grammar Nazi is totally unfulfilling.
Can you quote that defense? Having seen your continuum of "truths", pardon me for not taking you at your word.
Alan Dershowitz for the Defense: L’État, C’est Trump
On Wednesday, he took that further—much further. “If a President does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment,” he argued. Dershowitz was offering Trump—and all future Presidents—a free pass. His argument seemed unbelievable: as long as the President thinks his reëlection will benefit the country, he can do anything in pursuit of it without fear of impeachment.

Trump Impeachment Trial: Alan Dershowitz’s Dangerous Defense | National Review

According to Dershowitz, “abuse of power” is not an impeachable act. Seriously. Any abuse of power that doesn’t include a separate violation of criminal law is immune from impeachment, he contends. Indeed, any act — whether you call it abuse of power or corruption — is, for Dershowitz, fully within the president’s constitutional ambit.

So a president who gets fall-down drunk every day and fails to fulfill the barest minimum of his duties cannot be impeached because getting drunk isn’t a crime. Do you want to validate that nonsense?
So, you completely gloss over the fact that the Dems impeached the president and then admitted to the nation that they did so without having enough evidence to have done so? That seems the low point--that the Dems were using impeachment as a way to overturn an election instead of just letting the voters decide.

Forcing their hand and making them admit it while the cameras were rolling--that was a brilliant political strategy. I wouldn't say it was a new low.

Dems have an excellent comeback strategy to keep their fans in the game ... and unfortunately it will work with their dedicated bunch of wackos. They will press how unfairly the partisan republicans in the senate refused to be fair and allow witnesses and to hear the whole sad story. Dims are all about who threw the counter punch that put them on their butts rather than who started the fight. Anyway they'll play that card (and give the race card some rest), and it will work because luther is just one of many luthers; bless their hearts.
Alan Dershowitz for the Defense: L’État, C’est Trump
On Wednesday, he took that further—much further. “If a President does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment,” he argued. Dershowitz was offering Trump—and all future Presidents—a free pass. His argument seemed unbelievable: as long as the President thinks his reëlection will benefit the country, he can do anything in pursuit of it without fear of impeachment.

Trump Impeachment Trial: Alan Dershowitz’s Dangerous Defense | National Review

According to Dershowitz, “abuse of power” is not an impeachable act. Seriously. Any abuse of power that doesn’t include a separate violation of criminal law is immune from impeachment, he contends. Indeed, any act — whether you call it abuse of power or corruption — is, for Dershowitz, fully within the president’s constitutional ambit.

So a president who gets fall-down drunk every day and fails to fulfill the barest minimum of his duties cannot be impeached because getting drunk isn’t a crime. Do you want to validate that nonsense?

No laws were broken and aid was given. It’s time to move on to the next hoax..
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In hindsight it probably wasn't a good idea to impeach Clinton either. I'll grant you that. But at least Republicans had a clear case to make and it didn't take 70 hours of floor time to explain it.

Dems should have censured him. That would have been much more efficient, likely bipartisan and it would have lasted. The last word here will be acquittal.
Censure is still on the table.
Is that why OJ is in prison?
In case you really don't know.
He was charged with another crime.
The fact that the majority felt he was guilty of the original crime made their efforts to convict him of the next crime that much more pronounced.
Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

A motion should be made -- and pass -- to reconsider and obtain and review these emails. And then President Cheater should be led out of the White House in shackles.

Really? The president blocked aid to Ukraine and you believe there wouldn't be one single e-mail about it? What do you think the e-mails are going to reveal?

I bet you're thinking they are going to be like this:

Dear DOD,

I feel like I was treated unfairly in the last election and I believe I have proof that this came from Ukraine. They need to be investigated immediately and we will not send them any aid until they DO! Also to even the playing field I would like them to investigate Barisma which is tied to Biden. With this investigation I will beat him like a dog in the upcoming election.

Help me help you help us,

-Donald Trump

I bet you guys really think something like this is sitting in those e-mails.
My post was aimed more at the loony left-wing crybabies on here seeing their hero has been finally booted.
Yavonovitch was no ambassador......she was there as a spy working to find something on Trump.
When she was exposed as a fraud & as a Democrat spy doing this the Democrats had to step in and try to save their spy from all of this corruption that the Democrats had been doing for least since the Obama years.

Yovanovitch is an example of the corruption that is DC. People entrenched within the state department and all the three letter agencies stay year after year after year. People at the top who reflect administration policy come and go like cheap sheets in a hotel, but the infested mattresses can live on forever. DC trolls have their own policy and protect it ferociously and nefariously - and it just doesn't change. They are the dung beetles just rolling it along. Again, DC is one of those places you have to burn to the ground to save ... and if you don't get NoVA and MD, you've failed.
You certainly cling to that assumption.
Being a man of continuums, I do not have the ability to not see the faults on both sides.
Saw a VN admission of truth and agreed with you. 😝😝😝😝. For shame Luther, a double negative...... There ok I was a grammar Nazi.
Here's another VN admission.... Being a grammar Nazi is totally unfulfilling.
I don't know, seems to say what I intended it to say.
So now you’re comparing a murder trial to an impeachment hearing? There was a ton of forensic evidence in that case. The prosecution just happened to be as inept as your house managers were. 😂
I'm comparing OJ's verdict of not guilty to Trump's. I thought that was obvious.

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