The Impeachment Thread

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role - CNNPolitics

A motion should be made -- and pass -- to reconsider and obtain and review these emails. And then President Cheater should be led out of the White House in shackles.

Good luck. Maybe you'll be able find them ... unlike the last administration and its habit of losing criminal emails - and entire devices because you could never erase the stench by deleting just a few documents.

But just a dumb question anyway. Does congress simply hand out money (like foreign aid) just because? Assuming they aren't simply wasting our money, then doesn't congress expect some kind of behavioral change in return for foreign aid they stick in legislation packages? Isn't that bribery? Or does that matter only if it's R vs D politics at stake? Oh, yeah, isn't it also highly likely that those funds are intended to influence another country's political process and possibly even elections ... "Do da name Venezuela ring any bells?" Do you think the administration or a committee of hundreds has a better handle and quicker response on changing situations in places like Venezuela? Well one question morphed.
I get why Romney doesn't like Trump. But I don't see why he refuses to work with him rather than against him.

1) Trump supported Romney in 2012
2) Trump accomplished something Romney couldn't: become President
3) Romney can help the Republican cause by working with Trump to enact conservative legislation.
4) Romney's behavior during the 2012 campaign gave us Trump

I really liked Romney as a candidate in 2012. In the end he greatly disappointed me by playing "prevent defense" and running out the clock in the final week of that campaign

Let me explain #4 above. After McCain and Romney Republicans had had it with wimps. They weren't going to make that mistake again. For all his warts they knew one thing about Trump: He would fight. They wanted a fighter and that's what we got. McCain and Romney refused to use certain issues vs Obama...two examples: Rev Wright and Benghazi. We weren't going to make that mistake again. We were going to go down swinging.

Thus, Romney has no one to blame but himself why Trump is in the White House
I get why Romney doesn't like Trump. But I don't see why he refuses to work with him rather than against him.

1) Trump supported Romney in 2012
2) Trump accomplished something Romney couldn't: become President
3) Romney can help the Republican cause by working with Trump to enact conservative legislation.
4) Romney's behavior during the 2012 campaign gave us Trump

I really liked Romney as a candidate in 2012. In the end he greatly disappointed me by playing "prevent defense" and running out the clock in the final week of that campaign

Let me explain #4 above. After McCain and Romney Republicans had had it with wimps. They weren't going to make that mistake again. For all his warts they knew one thing about Trump: He would fight. They wanted a fighter and that's what we got. McCain and Romney refused to use certain issues vs Obama...two examples: Rev Wright and Benghazi. We weren't going to make that mistake again. We were going to go down swinging.

Thus, Romney has no one to blame but himself why Trump is in the White House

Yep. Thanks for the walk down memory lane. I voted for both those losers McCain & Romney and was very disappointed in both on how they tried to go up against Obama in their debates. Romney just sat there like a knot on a log & let Obama walk up & down on him & told him that the 80s called & wanted their foreign policy with Russia back. Romney sat there w/this dumb-azz look on his face as if to say in a wimper .... ok. What a p*ssy.
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Yep. Thanks for the walk down memory lane. I voted for both those losers McCain & Romney and was very disappointed in both on how they tried to go up against Obama in their debates. Romney just sat there like a knot on a log & let Obama walk up & down on him & told him that the 80s called & wanted their foreign policy with Russia back. Romney sat there w/a dunb-azz look on his face as if to say in a wimper ....... ok.
Amazing how they both decided to become Billy Bad Asses towards Trump after he publicly shamed them both. Neither one had a set of nuts to do what was right for the country, it was all about their ego.
Amazing how they both decided to become Billy Bad Asses towards Trump after he publicly shamed them both. Neither one had a set of nuts to do what was right for the country, it was all about their ego.

Man, I didn't want McCain in the first damn place.....I didn't like him at all....but they chose him....I was stuck.
I was supporting Mike Huckabee at the time. Then all of a sudden.....McCain was the one they wanted. My God.
Verdict from a criminal trial as opposed to an impeachment hearing, I can seewhat you were doing, it’s just a ****** analogy
It actually highlights many of the points I would wish to make about the trump "trial" and verdict.
It does in fact, i missed the second not the first time. My apologies for the confusion. But being a grammar Nazi is still unfulfilling.
No problem.
My grammar is usually questionable, and my spelling is always atrocious. Just ask '72, he is the fuhrer.
I've learned little in the PF, but I now know the difference between rather and whether.
Sure it is but why go there? It'll also be highly partisan and it does nothing to help the American people. Haven't we spent enough time on bashing Trump?
The school of thought seems to be a number of repub. senators would vote for censure; specifically the ones who have already publicly said Trump is obviously guilty, but..........
Man, I didn't want McCain in the first damn place.....I didn't like him at all....but they chose him....I was stuck.
I was supporting Mike Huckabee at the time. Then all of a sudden.....McCain was the one they wanted. My God.

I liked Huckabee. Then he went off the deep end. He was once a thoughtful, carefully spoken individual and now it appears that he's in a permanently angry mood. I don't see Christ in him anymore.
I liked Huckabee. Then he went off the deep end. He was once a thoughtful, carefully spoken individual and now it appears that he's in a permanently angry mood. I don't see Christ in him anymore.

Ok.....that's your opinion. I guess you're the last human on earth to be most like Christ? Goody for you I suppose.
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Man, I didn't want McCain in the first damn place.....I didn't like him at all....but they chose him....I was stuck.
I was supporting Mike Huckabee at the time. Then all of a sudden.....McCain was the one they wanted. My God.

The first time I ever heard of Huckabee was when I walked into my parent's home years ago and they were watching on TV a guy I had never seen. He was fielding a question - seems like why did most GOP candidates not attend a debate or something sponsored perhaps by a black group. I don't remember the response - just that he handled it so well and the message was amazing in its context. My question was who is that guy? I was sold on his tact, diplomacy, and candor; and he didn't evade the question. It seems like he gave the answer in a debate, and it absolutely blew all the other responses away - none of the rest that I heard had any degree of honesty about them.
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The school of thought seems to be a number of repub. senators would vote for censure; specifically the ones who have already publicly said Trump is obviously guilty, but..........
I think that would have been true prior to impeachment but now it's time to move on. You don't get a second bite of the apple
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Man, I didn't want McCain in the first damn place.....I didn't like him at all....but they chose him....I was stuck.
I was supporting Mike Huckabee at the time. Then all of a sudden.....McCain was the one they wanted. My God.
I never wanted McCain either. He had a lot of issues

1) Didn't want to bring troops home from the Middle East ever
2) No drilling for oil in ANWR
3) Refused to talk about Obama's church
4) Was against enhanced interrogation like water boarding even if it'd save American lives
5) Chose Sarah Palin as running mate

I give McCain a pass on a lot of those things due to what he went through in Viet Nam. He's an American hero for that but I still didn't want him as my President
I think that would have been true prior to impeachment but now it's time to move on. You don't get a second bite of the apple
It doesn't really matter much to me. Of course I would rather see it than not, but it makes little short term difference. I would just like seeing him deservedly branded with censure for historical perspective and as a small warning to future presidents.
It doesn't really matter much to me. Of course I would rather see it than not, but it makes little short term difference. I would just like seeing him deservedly branded with censure for historical perspective and as a small warning to future presidents.

Luther, would you agree with me that it'd be best to put all investigations aside and just go back to legislating for awhile?
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Luther, would you agree with me that it'd be best to put all investigations aside and just go back to legislating for awhile?

Legislating would require McConnell to actually allow bills from the House to move through the Senate.His office is where bills go to die.

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