The Impeachment Thread

Luther, would you agree with me that it'd be best to put all investigations aside and just go back to legislating for awhile?
Kind of like a political "The Purge"?
We could certainly all take a step back and catch our breath for a moment, but the door has to remain open - I'm sure there is more evidence of additional wrongdoings in the pipeline.
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Eff'em......we don't need their small minded opinionated BS telling us what they think....look at Whoopie & Behar.
You can't turn on the three general networks anymore without hearing their crying & gnashing of their teeth of everything muh, Trump.
I'm glad Meathead is really upset because that idiot deserves to suffer;)
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Gaslighting was more effective and his followers were more pliable than anyone imagined.

When he said he could shoot someone in Times Square and his followers would continue to worship him, I and most others, thought he was a slightly humorous but insane lunatic. Few, and certainly not me, dreamed that the percent of people that would actually fall into that category would be as high as it is. I still find it shocking. It certainly caused many to reassess.

It's because you have been taught to toe the party line at all costs and never to think for yourself. Why let good people did problems when you can have the government do it for you.
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Naive. We heard about a semen stained blue dress all through 1998. We heard about the Whitewater land deal, which most people on here could not explain. We heard about something called 'travelgate'. We would have heard about something like this too.

We were also told Vince Foster committed suicide
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I watch some of the fox shows every now and then. Tucker, Hannity, and Laura are all 100% better than any talking head on the other networks because they are rational, what they say makes sense, and they confirm most of what I already see with my own eyes. The derangement by the left and biased media has been nothing short of absurd for over a decade.

This is also why the Dems will lose in November.

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