The Impeachment Thread

So you are saying no conservative should be on TV? LMAO what a tool

Funny; I said angry, and you immediately assumed conservative. Interesting subconscious slip.

I can't stand of them. My family life improved significantly within weeks of shutting off cable. The only time I see any of those bloated bloviators from any of the money making media networks is if I'm stuck somewhere I can't change the channel.
Funny; I said angry, and you immediately assumed conservative. Interesting subconscious slip.

I can't stand of them. My family life improved significantly within weeks of shutting off cable. The only time I see any of those bloated bloviators from any of the money making media networks is if I'm stuck somewhere I can't change the channel.

I'll take that as a yes. Ok the fuhrer says hello
Ratings and relevance aren't the same thing. Angry talking heads from any network are more harmful than helpful.

Yes, see your favorite cable news programs like MSNBC or CNN for your angry talking heads for that sir....
I don't believe Fox News has any angry talking heads displayed on their programs like those two I listed.
Good try though and thanks for playing your game of trying to dis Fox..
Eff'em......we don't need their small minded opinionated BS telling us what they think....look at Whoopie & Behar.
You can't turn on the three general networks anymore & enjoy those programs but you hear their crying & gnashing of the teeth of everything muh, Trump. I haven't watched any of those channels of regular TV in years now.
Only libs watch it. The rest of the country is at work !!!
The election will certainly be an indicator of the current state of societal evolution. As was the intentional election of vocal segregationists in the South in the late 60's and early 70's. That was a loud and clear statement that was heard and addressed.

Dems are paranoid the numbers for minorities are where they are. They will take a knee nightly in hopes that AA continue to vote Dem at a near 95% rate. Because if they don't this could be a historical beat down come November
I'll take that as a yes. Ok the fuhrer says hello

I don't know what you're getting at. I said any of them. That includes CNN, MSNBC, Fox, etc. They're all just there to get you pissed off and riled up and come back next time when we give you the next thing to be pissed off and riled up about. Even when things are going their way, there's another boogeyman around the corner you've got to watch out for and we're the only people who can tell you how to survive it.

The psychology of political entertainment is simple, effective, and ultimately very dangerous.
People who grow up with a momma that can’t cook a steak.🤣

Most grow out of it once they start having properly cooked steak but the habit seems hard to break for some.

If a restaurant asks you if you'd like sauce for your steak, politely excuse yourself and leave. They're obviously trying to cover up a bad chef or a bad cut of meat.
I don't know what you're getting at. I said any of them. That includes CNN, MSNBC, Fox, etc. They're all just there to get you pissed off and riled up and come back next time when we give you the next thing to be pissed off and riled up about. Even when things are going their way, there's another boogeyman around the corner you've got to watch out for and we're the only people who can tell you how to survive it.

The psychology of political entertainment is simple, effective, and ultimately very dangerous.

But most dangerous when it's 97% slanted in one direction. How would the public know about the impeachment sham taking place in the bunker of the house if not for the media and now social media? As I have said if you don't like it there's always Switzerland
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I don't know what you're getting at. I said any of them. That includes CNN, MSNBC, Fox, etc. They're all just there to get you pissed off and riled up and come back next time when we give you the next thing to be pissed off and riled up about. Even when things are going their way, there's another boogeyman around the corner you've got to watch out for and we're the only people who can tell you how to survive it.

The psychology of political entertainment is simple, effective, and ultimately very dangerous.

I'm glad we have you here to inform us of what we can't think out on our own bubba. Just stop it. We're not that stupid here, okay. If they want to piss me off then that's ok with me....I don't need you to tell me to turn the channel.
You hate to see it.

I do not hate to see it. It's clear that Mittens is not conservative. So he can change party today if he likes. It's clear that he has a problem being a loser for president and is working against President Trump. Move his Senate desk to the other side of the room. But he won't because his state is SOLIDLY RED!
But most dangerous when it's 97% slanted in one direction. How would the public know about the impeachment sham taking place in the bunker of the house if not for the media and now social media? As I have said if you don't like it there's always Switzerland

Reuters, BBC World Service, Christian Science Monitor. Just the facts.
Your a fool and your interpretation of Trumps defense is moronic, Obama spied on Carter Page and Trump yet you think he can do no wrong.The DOJ has admitted Page was spied on illegally with falsely obtained Fisa warrants. Do you live in a CNN cocoon?

It should also be noted that Carter Page was a known CIA asset. Something that was conveniently ommitted.
They are still entertaining, but I really don't watch much of it.
You do understand that they are more political as a direct result of Trump I hope.
It's one of the results of the intentional broadening of the divide and us versus them environment Trump creates, and one of the ways needed to counter some of the falsehoods Trump continually perpetuates.
The trend of becoming more political started before Trump. They've yet to realize most people don't give a **** about their political views. Late night is for laughs and getting relaxed before sleep. Not about getting worked up over what has basically become a political rally. But of course, you can't resist that urge to make it about Trump. Your obsession with the man is unhealthy, and it saddens me how you let it so completely cloud your vision. You need to realize everything does not trace back to Trump.
Weeze, do you lube that fence before you get on or just take it dry, splinters and all?
Whose hand is up your ass, Mr. Puppet? And I don't really care if they use lube. What you do in private is none of my business.
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