The Impeachment Thread

That's what I'm asking. What happened? There's a right way and a wrong way to go about "checking spending" if that's what he wants to do. Of course it flies in the face of his statement that he doesn't care about spending
That's what I'm asking. What happened? There's a right way and a wrong way to go about "checking spending" if that's what he wants to do. Of course it flies in the face of his statement that he doesn't care about spending
Government shut down. How did that work out?
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I'm not saying any of it was free because we worked for it, what I'm saying is it's free because we get money without working for it now. All I can can say is F everyone that thinks I don't deserve what I get.

I know what you meant, and I was just making sure that everybody remembers that there is the "free stuff" that we get and paid for ... and the "free stuff" others get and we rather than they pay for. And I'm right there with you; I deserve what I was forced to pay for.
As soon as they get the WH and the Senate, they will pack the court. Then things will get really ugly.

True but I think it's a good bet that may be further away than what they think. What candidate on that side scares anyone. I will even ask beyond this group the libs are trotting out who is on the horizon? This Dem party is now the socialist party and I don't see half the country agreeing with that.
I'm in favor even though it directly affects family members. You either believe in decreased spending or you don't. Trump doesn't
I have to disagree with you on Trump. That debt clock is going to reverse one day, are you going to like that then??
That's what I'm asking. What happened? There's a right way and a wrong way to go about "checking spending" if that's what he wants to do. Of course it flies in the face of his statement that he doesn't care about spending

So if applied equally you are saying Biden did the same thing?
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I'm in favor even though it directly affects family members. You either believe in decreased spending or you don't
So he should risk everything to die on that hill?

It wouldn't succeed anyway. So go on a hunger strike until you die and change nothing in the end. Brilliant.

The President alone can't change our government's profligate ways. It would take many more in Congress to get behind it. But you knew that.

So, who, in your libertarian world, is man/woman enough to succeed? Let's hear it.
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I have to disagree with you on Trump. That debt clock is going to reverse one day, are you going to like that then??
Trump himself stated he doesn't care about the budget. This is the same guy who claimed he could easily eliminate the entire debt in 8 years. I will applaud a lower deficit and vote for anyone who can even stop the growth of the debt. But it's not going to go backwards in my lifetime without radical changes
You don't control spending after it's approved. Trump had never wanted to control it in the first place. He even stated he doesn't care about a budget.

So was the aid to Ukraine required spending or discretionary spending? If reports are correct over wording that the aid was up to a certain amount to be disbursed and allocated through the DOD (remembering Trump is CIC), then that says it is discretionary spending because $0 is certainly an amount "up to $x million".
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So was the aid to Ukraine required spending or discretionary spending? If reports are correct over wording that the aid was up to a certain amount to be disbursed and allocated through the DOD (remembering Trump is CIC), then that says it is discretionary spending because $0 is certainly an amount "up to $x million".
It was never about spending because trump doesn't care about the money
Trump himself stated he doesn't care about the budget. This is the same guy who claimed he could easily eliminate the entire debt in 8 years. I will applaud a lower deficit and vote for anyone who can even stop the growth of the debt. But it's not going to go backwards in my lifetime without radical changes
You pick and choose what you believe from him. He also has said that he is going to do something about it.

Whatever. We'll just have to wait and see.

I still maintain that no one is going to do more than just lip service or gestures until it becomes a crisis that can no longer be pushed down the road. That's what government usually does. Management by crisis. Then everyone can hop aboard because now it's their azz too.
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True but I think it's a good bet that may be further away than what they think. What candidate on that side scares anyone. I will even ask beyond this group the libs are trotting out who is on the horizon? This Dem party is now the socialist party and I don't see half the country agreeing with that.

I wish I had your faith. We get a big recession like the last one, people will want drastic change. We will hear the evils of capitalism, with the ignorant not realizing it is a natural economic process. Basically cut off their nose to spite their face.
You pick and choose what you believe from him. He also has said that he is going to do something about it.

Whatever. We'll just have to wait and see.
Well if he intends to do something about it he's really making a lot of extra work for himself. So I guess the question is which of his statements is more believable

1) he's easily going to cut the entire debt before leaving office

2) he doesn't care about the budget
I'm in favor even though it directly affects family members. You either believe in decreased spending or you don't. Trump doesn't

I deal with specifics and let me show you an example that flies in the face of what you're saying and shows you the blowback he received just for trying to contain spending:

President Trump has renewed his attempt to impose a pay freeze for US civil servants in his 2020 budget proposals, and added new proposals to cut retirement benefits and reduce leave.

According to Government Executive, detailed documents released today show employee leave entitlement is also under attack by the president.

So how'd that go over with the left here in America?

If all the changes were to go through, the government would save $102.5bn over the next decade. However, with the House now under Democrat control, Trump will face stiff opposition; and federal worker’s unions have been lining up to condemn the plans.

“For anyone still looking for proof that this administration is hostile to its frontline federal workforce, look no further than the FY 2020 budget proposal,” said the National Treasury Employees’ Union (NTEU) President, Tony Reardon.

“It would deprive federal employees of the resources they need to do their jobs, slash their retirement benefits, reduce their take-home pay and generally make

their lives – and the lives of the taxpayers they serve – more difficult,” he added.

The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) called the proposed budget “a kick in the teeth” to workers.

Think this was an anomaly? Well, he tried the same thing a year earlier:

Trump’s plans for a pay freeze in the 2019 budget eventually fell after Republican and Democrat legislators found common ground on the topic. Federal employees were awarded a 1.9% pay rise in the deal brokered to end the longest ever partial government shutdown.

Simply put, the left would not let him cut spending. He tried and tried again.

Now, if he gets this much resistance just trying to cap a few gov't expenses, can you imagine the kind of blowback he'd receive if he tried to really fix our budget problems and get entitlement spending under control?

Here's the bottom line: it's the left here in America that is the impediment to spending cuts, pure and simple.

Trump proposes pay freeze and retirement cuts for federal workforce – Government & civil service news
The Dems are so nervous about that, they're bussing in dead foreigners to vote in this one.
Sorry, but Trump has already loaded the lower courts for the next 30 years. Once he gets re-elected and controls the house and senate he'll load the supreme court with 2 more conservatives and it's game over liberals.

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