The Impeachment Thread

Pretty much this..........exactly. Well said. It's like never changing your car's oil for 20 years, and not realizing or caring your car engine is getting worse every year.. No administration has changed the oil in many years.
Eventually, the car seizes up and you have to buy a new one.

I wonder...actually the closer word would be "pray"...that Trump's plan is to use the fractional reserve banking money-printing system to pay to rebuild our manufacturing infrastructure and make us globally competitive, and then let the fractional reserve system go belly up. Get control of all three branches and force an audit of the Fed, close it down, and start fresh.
Exactly. They don't do it for money.
As old as Trump is, and he is running circles around them is amazing. Yesterday, he played golf. Midnight he was tweeting about Bloomberg, the dnc, and how they have screwed Bernie again. Now I think there was a interview with Hannity as well. I wonder what else he is doing today, while the dems are running around with their heads cut off worrying about what they’re going to do next?😂
specifically, why do I care about the blowback he received? Maybe the job is too big

Blaming one side is a lie. Gop had all of Congress and the WH and didn't get anything meaningful done.

Blaming one side??? You gotta be kidding me. Did you miss when I said this...?

It's not at all fair to say that Trump is driving up deficits. Check your Constitution and figure out who controls the checkbook in America. Tax receipts are projected to increase nicely in FY 2019 and 2020.

Here's the truth on the deficit:

Dems and Republicans don't agree on much nowadays but one thing they both agree on is the current budget. The budget passed by wide bipartisan margins and it included huge deficits. Neither party wants to address this. Neither one

You can see from the example I gave what little power the President has when it comes to spending. When he is presented with a budget that has wide bipartisan support (as he just did) then he has little choice but to sign it. When he does try to cut spending, the Dems fight him tooth and nail and will go so far as to shut down the gov't.

Here's the bottom line:

Of everyone in Washington, the Senators, the House and the President, by far (and it's not even close) the only one who has shown the political courage to cut spending is Trump. Give him kudos for that.

Now as for the future, folks who are concerned about gov't spending, their best shot is to vote for Trump. He might, just might, take on spending as a lame duck President because he'll no longer care about the political repercussions of cutting spending. He's the only guy "kooky" enough to take this on. One thing's for sure, traditional politicians will not.
Here's the bottom line:

Of everyone in Washington, the Senators, the House and the President, by far (and it's not even close) the only one who has shown the political courage to cut spending is Trump. Give him kudos for that.
I am always in favor of spending cuts. Where is this net reduction in spending?
I am always in favor of spending cuts. Where is this net reduction in spending?

None existent. Talk to Nancy about that. You'll never get a budget through the House without her blessing. I've given you examples of how Republicans have tried to cut spending. Where has Nancy endorsed a spending cut?
None existent. Talk to Nancy about that. You'll never get a budget through the House without her blessing. I've given you examples of how Republicans have tried to cut spending. Where has Nancy endorsed a spending cut?
Where have I ever made the claim she did? Dems don't campaign on cutting spending like the right does. At least they're honest about that
Yet overall was a huge ncrease in spending. From your article it was the largest budget ever submitted. How is that a positive toward cutting the deficit?

Healthcare, SS and interest are 82% of the growth. For a $4.4T budget, only $1.4T is discretionary.
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I am always in favor of spending cuts. Where is this net reduction in spending?

Congress controls spending.

People in congress want to be reelected ... forever.

Congress makes up fantasy programs to to buy votes and ensure they stay in power.

Spending cuts disenfranchise people.

Disenfranchised people take it out on the people who "hurt" them.

How do you think this works out?
You know, I have a tendency to look at things a little differently ... at least sometimes. But one thing I've noticed is that people tend to buy stuff more easily when they have money. Now it may go against Huff's beliefs, but I also see the source of US wealth and income as being derived by US workers actually manufacturing the stuff we consume ... you know synergy and all that good stuff ... including the other word that my old aged brain is refusing to let surface. Anyway Trump seems to be the first president who seems to get that and has reversed the trend of making all our consumer goods elsewhere. I'm reading Islands of Destiny right now ... about the Solomons Campaign in WW2 ... with what we've given up in the past 50 years or so, I'm not sure we win that one today if we used the same starting point (guns, ships, airplanes, tanks, etc) and had to ramp up our entire economy and fight the Chinese rather than the Japanese.
I can tell you for a fact we can't.
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I am always in favor of spending cuts. Where is this net reduction in spending?
Let's hear where you want to start? Military? Why not get out of the middle east and europe like Trump wants? Nato, how about the other member pay their fair share, like Trump wants. You can complain all you want but Trump has been one of the few presidents in my lifetime that actually does something.
Congress controls spending.

People in congress want to be reelected ... forever.

Congress makes up fantasy programs to to buy votes and ensure they stay in power.

Spending cuts disenfranchise people.

Disenfranchised people take it out on the people who "hurt" them.

How do you think this works out?

In other words, we are screwed. I believe one of our FF talked about this.
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As old as Trump is, and he is running circles around them is amazing. Yesterday, he played golf. Midnight he was tweeting about Bloomberg, the dnc, and how they have screwed Bernie again. Now I think there was a interview with Hannity as well. I wonder what else he is doing today, while the dems are running around with their heads cut off worrying about what they’re going to do next?😂

Bingo........winner winner of a fresh chicken dinner...
Congress controls spending.

People in congress want to be reelected ... forever.

Congress makes up fantasy programs to to buy votes and ensure they stay in power.

Spending cuts disenfranchise people.

Disenfranchised people take it out on the people who "hurt" them.

How do you think this works out?
I said the same earlier. If that's true why do people keep voting for the same believing it will change? Nothing is changing
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Strict term limits = less spending = debt under control someday.

We have term limits yet the voters are too chicken to use them. I'm personally not in favor of govt passing laws telling me who can represent my interests. They limit enough already
We have term limits yet the voters are too chicken to use them. I'm personally not in favor of govt passing laws telling me who can represent my interests. They limit enough already
Nah..I mean more strict. No more career politicians. That MIGHT sure. It could turn into a "Im only here for a while Im going to BURN THIS PLACE DOWN" type attitude.
In other words, we are screwed. I believe one of our FF talked about this.

I guess as an engineer, I'm sort of a fatalist. You don't get to predict with statistics that gravity will lighten up and be nice to you. That if you do this, 32.2 becomes 15 and all will be good - it doesn't work that way when you deal with hard truths. That's the problem with too many segments of our society and economy ... there aren't hard truths, but there are lots of projections and fanciful analyses. Maybe we'd be better suited with people who deal with hard fact in decision making capacities; but, hey, those people are boring, and most of them don't have the egos that drive them to elected positions or top corporate positions - could be because we realize we can't leap tall buildings ... because there's gravity.

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