The Impeachment Thread

I wish I had your faith. We get a big recession like the last one, people will want drastic change. We will hear the evils of capitalism, with the ignorant not realizing it is a natural economic process. Basically cut off their nose to spite their face.

It is never easy that's for sure.
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Sorry, but Trump has already loaded the lower courts for the next 30 years. Once he gets re-elected and controls the house and senate he'll load the supreme court with 2 more conservatives and it's game over liberals.

And a bill that says for 20 years the budget must be balanced. LMAO
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Courts shouldn't be places of partisanship anyway. To judge something fairly requires neutrality. I could be wrong, but it always seemed that left leaning judges started the trend toward anti neutrality ... a practice they may soon wish they hadn't started.

Exactly. Example the Rowe v Wade decision
Utah votes republican, but they are as socialust as it gets.

Two states you absolutely don’t want to buy tobacco in , Utah and New York . If you indulge in any form of tobacco, you better stock up before going through either one .
I’m not getting the Romney hate. The guy voted for what he felt was the best way to move forward. He wanted to hear more and voted that way. He asked some good questions on the floor that weren’t well answered by the Dems in my opinion and would have swayed me but with him he still wanted to hear more. There’s nothing wrong with that.
That’s a nice sentiment but I’m betting he voted that way because he thought that was his best chance to be re-elected. That’s the way all of them think.
Does anyone else feel like you should need more than just a majority vote in the house to progress impeachment to the Senate? In my mind if the vote is going straight down party lines in the house more than likely this is more politically charged than criminally charged. If the president truly committed a high crime or misdemeanor I believe several no matter what their party is is going to vote against the president. Just my 2 cents.

This whole thing has been a politically motivated hit piece with fairy tale charges that was never going to make it through the Senate because they saw through what it really was.
Does anyone else feel like you should need more than just a majority vote in the house to progress impeachment to the Senate? In my mind if the vote is going straight down party lines in the house more than likely this is more politically charged than criminally charged. If the president truly committed a high crime or misdemeanor I believe several no matter what their party is is going to vote against the president. Just my 2 cents.

This whole thing has been a politically motivated hit piece with fairy tale charges that was never going to make it through the Senate because they saw through what it really was.
Yeah the House should have a super majority rule for impeachment
Those were the bodies everyone else was tripping over. Some of the panic to escape the chaos may have been panic attacks caused by extreme suicidal thoughts.
It looked like Adam Shiitt's head was going to explode during his finishing remarks in the Senate:D
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There's a very simple process that if followed would have kept the house from being stupid. It's one that has been used for years to keep legislation somewhat sane. That is simply requiring passage of anything to be something like 2/3 or 3/5 majorities. When you don't do that, you wind up with bipolar legislatures - one day it's this but the next day not so much. One house passes something they call brilliant and the next one votes to undo it when you do a simple majority. If you look at anything even approximating a 50/50 party split and a simple majority vote, the process is insane - a bipolar flip flop and deficits you can't manage. If you use the vote to force parties to work together, at least some garbage falls by the wayside. The one remaining huge problem is allowing bills to contain all kinds of crap. Then it is like a husband and wife, who can't make ends meet on what they have, saying "OK, you can buy your boat, if I can get my new car" and calling it compromise.
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Does anyone else feel like you should need more than just a majority vote in the house to progress impeachment to the Senate? In my mind if the vote is going straight down party lines in the house more than likely this is more politically charged than criminally charged. If the president truly committed a high crime or misdemeanor I believe several no matter what their party is is going to vote against the president. Just my 2 cents.

This whole thing has been a politically motivated hit piece with fairy tale charges that was never going to make it through the Senate because they saw through what it really was.

I didn't see your post when I posted mine just above. Yes, I agree wholeheartedly with you. Simple majorities in congressional votes are simply stupid ... something that was expedient once and lived to be a Frankenstein.
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MSNBC said the Republicans side with Satan while the Democrats side with Jesus:mad::rolleyes:

MSNBC's Theology Corner: Trump Enablers Belong to Satan, the Democrats with Jesus

This is cute. Does Joe believe the Republigoons would actually censure Dear Leader's amazingly, stupendously perfect phone call?


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