The Impeachment Thread

Just proves a person can rise above past transgressions and still do what is right.
I'm still holding out hope that Rush has an epiphany and cleanses his past.

No matter what you say it doesn't change the fact that Rush Limbaugh is one of the most generous people you would ever meet. And to you bafoons who claim he is racist have you ever heard of the name Bo Snerdley?
Wow , if he was trying to put blacks back into chains , and he’s now starting to move in the correct direction , where did he start on that continuum? He must have grown up with a picture of Robert Byrd in his billfold . I’m calling BS on all of it , and sticking with him being a lying , pandering , politician that set up a fluff piece for himself on FOX , then gave a great follow through ( quivering bottom lip and all ) in front of the cameras / Senate . I’m also going with the lefts amazing ability to use the double standard when it fits their needs without so much as a whiff of embarrassment .

You should really see this as the confirmation it is.

The less one agrees with the Democrats political positions, the more racist he is.

Romney has agreed with the Democrat’s politics and has been moved to a more favorable position on the continuum.
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Wow , if he was trying to put blacks back into chains , and he’s now starting to move in the correct direction , where did he start on that continuum? He must have grown up with a picture of Robert Byrd in his billfold . I’m calling BS on all of it , and sticking with him being a lying , pandering , politician that set up a fluff piece for himself on FOX , then gave a great follow through ( quivering bottom lip and all ) in front of the cameras / Senate . I’m also going with the lefts amazing ability to use the double standard when it fits their needs without so much as a whiff of embarrassment .
It hardly seems to be in his political self-interest.
I'm so very proud of Mitt Romney! He's the only one with the balls to do the right thing instead of selling out.

I'd argue he is the ONLY republican left on the Senate, everyone else is in the Trump party not the republican party.
He sold out because he hates Trump and then hid behind his religion for the reason he made his decision. So brave
Did you watch his speech explaining why he voted the way he did?

I'll hold up Romney's authenticity on this against Trump on ANY TOPIC.

Of course you would.

The same bunch of Democrats calling Romney untrustworthy during his Presidential bid are now praising him and and call him a hero for being so sincere. I just saw a CNN interview that had Richard Blumenthal of all people telling us how moved he was and how we the American people can trust the truth and sincerity of Mitt Romney, yes, the same Richard Blumenthal that lied about his war records and military service in front of the whole world out there front and center for the Dems and CNN telling us who to trust. It's not even comical anymore it's plain sad and disturbing that there are people that actually grab a spoon and eat up bowl after bowl of this bullsh*t. The left is full of nothing but hypocrisy and stupidity and are an embarrassment to this country.
But correct.
Calling someone a "pu$$y" is usually the same connotation as calling them weak or cowardly. What Romney did was completely against his own party and done with no political cover at all. He knows it will cost him his seat in 2024 and he did it anyway. He says that he made this choice based on his own religious convictions. That isn't weakness. It's called showing courage of conviction. It's what more politicians on both sides of the aisle should have.
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Of course you would.

The same bunch of Democrats calling Romney untrustworthy during his Presidential bid are now praising him and and call him a hero for being so sincere. I just saw a CNN interview that had Richard Blumenthal of all people telling us how moved he was and how we the American people can trust the truth and sincerity of Mitt Romney, yes, the same Richard Blumenthal that lied about his war records and military service in front of the whole world out there front and center for the Dems and CNN telling us who to trust. It's not even comical anymore it's plain sad and disturbing that there are people that actually grab a spoon and eat up bowl after bowl of this bullsh*t. The left is full of nothing but hypocrisy and stupidity and are an embarrassment to this country.

Dick Blumenthal. Lol
Calling someone a "pu$$y" is usually the same connotation as calling them weak or cowardly. What Romney did was completely against his own party and done with no political cover at all. He knows it will cost him his seat in 2024 and he did it anyway. He says that he made this choice based on his own religious convictions. That isn't weakness. It's called showing courage of conviction. It's what more politicians on both sides of the aisle should have.

Following your logic I would contend Senator Collins did the exact same thing. Everyone was saying that she could help herself politically by voting to convict.
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Calling someone a "pu$$y" is usually the same connotation as calling them weak or cowardly. What Romney did was completely against his own party and done with no political cover at all. He knows it will cost him his seat in 2024 and he did it anyway. He says that he made this choice based on his own religious convictions. That isn't weakness. It's called showing courage of conviction. It's what more politicians on both sides of the aisle should have.

Like Manchin voting for Kavanaugh right?
No matter what you say it doesn't change the fact that Rush Limbaugh is one of the most generous people you would ever meet. And to you bafoons who claim he is racist have you ever heard of the name Bo Snerdley?
He is a divisive blowhard who profited from playing to people's worst traits and instincts. He made the world a much worse place with his existence. If he gave a portion of his ill gotten gains to good causes, that's better than giving none. But a drug lord who gives to charity is still a drug lord. Rush was just selling a different type of harmful and addictive drug.
Following your logic I would contend Senator Collins did the exact same thing. Everyone was saying that she could help herself politically by voting to convict.
Everyone wasn't saying that. It would probably have helped her chances of being re-elected (slightly) by voting to convict, but as far as still being involved in Senate committees and her political future within the Republican party? It never hurts to vote with the rest of the party.

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