The Impeachment Thread

In 1992 the prevailing sentiment was that Aids was a certain death sentence. Magic Johnson retired from basketball. There were some players with legitimate concerns about their safety.
The point is, Rush Limbaugh didn't think that AIDS research should be funded, because it was a terminal illness and in his mind, it wouldn't save any lives because AIDS is a virus and you can't cure a virus... so that meant nothing should ever be done. He totally missed that within 5 years it would be possible to counter the symptoms of AIDS to the point where a person could live with it to the point of their normal life expectancy. People like Rush Limbaugh are against science and discovery to a detrimental extent.
Blue font intended. Everything on the right is racist according to the Dems. Even in 2012 Ponchas Pilate Romney was racist according to the left
Yea, he took it on the chin, Romney did, but his downfall was there wasn’t enough voters for him to win. He was lucky to just escape the wrath of the demos, because it wasn’t like that 8 years ago, like it is now with Trump.
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The point is, Rush Limbaugh didn't think that AIDS research should be funded, because it was a terminal illness and in his mind, it wouldn't save any lives because AIDS is a virus and you can't cure a virus... so that meant nothing should ever be done. He totally missed that within 5 years it would be possible to counter the symptoms of AIDS to the point where a person could live with it to the point of their normal life expectancy. People like Rush Limbaugh are against science and discovery to a detrimental extent.

Then it’s a good think he’s just a talk show host. A former VP used “science and discovery” to say many coastal cities would have been under water for years by now and profited off it. Didn’t they just have to change signs in Yellowstone because the glaciers haven’t melted like they predicted?
Wait, I'm confused. Are Republigoons now maintaining they need documents on Biden, but no docs are necessary on Trump?

I realize you aren’t used to seeing it but this is the proper order. First you gather information, THEN you indict if and when you actually find something. You’re welcome.

Edit: dammit 🤬@volinbham
The point is, Rush Limbaugh didn't think that AIDS research should be funded, because it was a terminal illness and in his mind, it wouldn't save any lives because AIDS is a virus and you can't cure a virus... so that meant nothing should ever be done. He totally missed that within 5 years it would be possible to counter the symptoms of AIDS to the point where a person could live with it to the point of their normal life expectancy. People like Rush Limbaugh are against science and discovery to a detrimental extent.

Against science? Coming from a liberal that’s hilarious. You guys are saying there’s like 20 different genders, men can have periods, and the world will end in 12 years. How about that science 😂
Guess the whole world was unscientific because everyone thought it was Magic's death sentence, at the time.
I'm sure you was like rub some dirt on it, you'll be fine. The prevailing thought from the Christian Right was it was a disease from god to smite all the homosexuals and drug addicts.
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Anyone else just scroll past EL without reading the post?
I read nearly all of yours and disagree with a bunch but still read them. I can't read her drivel. Don't need ignore, just know that her posts are the equivalent of loother multiplied by LG. Read them only if you have plenty of IQ points to loose.

Edit: I bypass the ignorance contained in loother's, mickie's, and LG's too. I deal with enough stupidity in the real world to have to deal with on here.
So he leaked it to a reporter who had mocked him out of self interest?

The whole thing stinks of self interest and contempt for Trump . Do we ignore his history and just cheer him on now as the lone voice of reason ? Come on .
Against science? Coming from a liberal that’s hilarious. You guys are saying there’s like 20 different genders, men can have periods, and the world will end in 12 years. How about that science 😂
An avid smoker who once argued with a former Surgeon General that tobacco products don't cause cancer, but now has lung cancer himself, isn't hilarious... but it sure is ironic as hell. That is Rush Limbaugh's fate.

Having said that, best of luck to him.
I read nearly all of yours and disagree with a bunch but still read them. I can't read her drivel. Don't need ignore, just know that her posts are the equivalent of loother multiplied by LG. Read them only if you have plenty of IQ points to loose.

Edit: I bypass the ignorance contained in loother's, mickie's, and LG's too. I deal with enough stupidity in the real world to have to deal with on here.
😂 You disagree with a bunch of my posts? FIGHT ME 82! lol
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