The Impeachment Thread

Your grandfather would have 0 in common with today's democrat/socialist party

Does that really even matter? What about boomers that vote democrat? Are they another exception? At times I wonder how much separation there is between both parties. Cough.. Mitt Romney.. cough cough.
Does that really even matter? What about boomers that vote democrat? Are they another exception? At times I wonder how much separation there is between both parties. Cough.. Mitt Romney.. cough cough.

The reason my MIL voted Dem was "my daddy always voted democrat". Nothing more.
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Well if she has the dip cable saying the aid was frozen and why it was frozen then why the heck didn’t the Dems present it as evidence?

Oh wait, she only recalled reading does the proof exist or not?
There is plenty of evidence that the Ukrainian government was well aware in July that the military aid had been withheld and it was presented as evidence by the House.
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Does that really even matter? What about boomers that vote democrat? Are they another exception? At times I wonder how much separation there is between both parties. Cough.. Mitt Romney.. cough cough.
Of course it matters, JFK and even Bill Clinton wouldn't get the nomination in this current dem/socialist party. You are right about mittens, he's a RINO at best. I have told this before, my wife's grandfather is something like 93 and a WWII vet also he was a die hard democrat voted for JFK, Carter, Clinton, Gore so every democrat for better part of 70 plus years. 2016 he voted for Trump said if God allows him to live to November he will vote for Trump again. He calls the current group of dems/socialists "jackasses" and he doesn't recognize the party anymore.
The Ukrainian President is on record denying there was a QPQ. That's your biggest obstacle. What the deputy foreign minister has to say means very little when Zelensky, the man on the other end of the phone call, denies wrongdoing.

But, that said, Trump himself shouldn't have involved himself. If the administration felt an investigation was warranted, they should have gone about it in a completely different way. His actions were inappropriate IMO, but far from rising to the level of impeachment.
No, it's not an obstacle at all because of the substantial amount of evidence which points to the contrary. Lamar Alexander pointed to it himself. Zelensky has to say that while Trump is still in office. That is just common sense and we have had this conversation before.
Still cherry picking. One portion, in the conclusion of his statement, addresses your TDS pretty thoroughly:

Even if the House charges were true, they do not meet the Constitution’s ‘treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors’ standard for an impeachable offense. - Senator Lamar Alexander

In other words, the House Articles of Impeachment are political BS. You should probably stay away from using Alexander as a justification and support of your argument. As with the Mueller Investigation, both that and the Impeachment, which have bitterly disappointed you as they played out, have left you with nothing more than grasping at straws to find anything that you can grab on to, as if, in the end, they proved anything of substance at all.

The Mueller Report didn't provide anything of substance to aid in the House's rushed move towards Impeachment. The Articles of Impeachment, as brought forth by the House Managers, lacked even an impeachable offense, according to Alexander, and other Senators. How on earth can you still be trying to find anything here to hang your hat on? It's really kind of pathetic at this point, but it certainly is entertaining.
I only included and discussed the portion of the statement which was relevant to that poster's question.
There was evidence presented by the House that they were aware and how they were aware. And then you have the word of the Deputy Foreign Minister, Olena Zerkal.

and you have the word of Z saying they were not and you have the word of all those witnesses who "felt" there was a QPQ saying they were not.

hmmmm, who to believe
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and you have the word of Z saying they were not and you have the word of all those witnesses who "felt" there was a QPQ saying they were not.

hmmmm, who to believe
There is evidence that Ukraine was well aware of the hold as early as July. It's not a debatable point.

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