The Impeachment Thread

You guys bashing Romney for doing what he thought was right are good little Trumpsters. He will be delighted at how you tow the line and are blindly loyal to his highness.
I’m not going to bash him as I’m certainly in no position to judge someone’s relationship with God and Romney said he gave it much thought and prayer. My issue is I don’t see how he can say more witnesses are needed yet vote to convict unless he started from an assumption that Trump was guilty. I know the Dems did the same thing but that’s no surprise. Romney isn’t really either but with him being a registered Republican I was hoping that he would assume Trump’s innocence until proven otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt and that doesn’t appear to be the case.
PSA (Directed at those who spend what appears to be their entire day posting solely in threads that pertain to President Trump):

If you get out and spend some time in our country, turn off CNN, talk to blue-collar workers and business owners, or check our financial indices, you might discover that the USA is doing quite well and people are generally happy. There's no civil war about to erupt. There is actually all sorts of love, kindness, civility, and beauty to appreciate.

I mean it in the nicest possible manner, but it's over. Let it go. Seek positivity.
PSA (Directed at those who spend what appears to be their entire day posting solely in threads that pertain to President Trump):

If you get out and spend some time in our country, turn off CNN, talk to blue-collar workers and business owners, or check our financial indices, you might discover that the USA is doing quite well and people are generally happy. There's no civil war about to erupt. There is actually all sorts of love, kindness, civility, and beauty to appreciate.

I mean it in the nicest possible manner, but it's over. Let it go. Seek positivity.
Personally, I appreciate the veiled insults in your post more than love, kindness, civility, and beauty. A+, well done.
I know what you’ve been doing. Slice indicated it also. You’re just trolling. You don’t believe this was bipartisan any more than I do. You’re just stirring.

It was really sweet of you to feign your usual hyper-aggressive ignorance and keep telling me how wrong “my position” was, right up until your very last post, just to prolong my enjoyment.

It was really sweet of you to feign your usual hyper-aggressive ignorance and keep telling me how wrong “my position” was, right up until your very last post, just to prolong my enjoyment.

Why is the Grinch's heart upside down in your gif?

It's disturbing.
you may have no doubt but there is evidence to the contrary - sworn testimony from multiple witnesses

You must not be listening, the evidence claimed by Democrats is stronger and undoubtably 100% truth, because well ... they're Democrats and it's their evidence and their witnesses which leaves it overwhelmingly and undoubtably certain. You can't really have any reservations about that can you ? You can't possibly believe that it's your personal option to really consider any other testimony than their sides do you ? I mean it's not like they would ever lie, go along with a false claim, pay for made up garbage dossiers, or be in cahoots to push lies to the FISA courts to be able to illegally spy on a rival party is it ? You don't think a man like Adam Schiff would ever even consider peddling anything other than 100% truth and fact do you ? I mean how could any free thinker think this was anything other than a slam dunk for the Democrats ? How could you possibly consider any other evidence ? Is that even legal ?
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It was really sweet of you to feign your usual hyper-aggressive ignorance and keep telling me how wrong “my position” was, right up until your very last post, just to prolong my enjoyment.

Lol. Sure thing in order for you to push this as bipartisan you’re either trolling or way dumber than I’ve given you credit for. Up to you whichever you chose 🤷‍♂️
you may have no doubt but there is evidence to the contrary - sworn testimony from multiple witnesses
If you are talking about Kurt Volker...

Per The Independent on Wednesday November 20, 2019 by Conrad Duncan

Trump impeachment witness admits Ukraine knew military aid was withheld during push for Biden investigation

An impeachment witness called by Republicans has suggested he now understands Donald Trump was using military aid to pressure Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden's son.

Kurt Volker, the former US special envoy to Ukraine, also admitted that the country would have known military aid was being withheld as the Trump administration pushed for an investigation into the Bidens.

Mr. Volker said new information from the impeachment inquiry had forced him to reconsider his interpretation of Mr. Trump's Ukraine policy.

"I have learned many things that I did not know at the time of the events in question," he said on Tuesday.

"I did not know of any linkage between the hold on security assistance and Ukraine pursuing investigations. No one had ever said that to me - and I never conveyed such a linkage to the Ukrainians," he continued.

He also acknowledged the link between investigating Burisma and targeting the Bidens, adding: "In retrospect, I should have seen that connection differently, and had I done so, I would have raised my own objections."
If you are talking about Kurt Volker...

Per The Independent on Wednesday November 20, 2019 by Conrad Duncan

Trump impeachment witness admits Ukraine knew military aid was withheld during push for Biden investigation

An impeachment witness called by Republicans has suggested he now understands Donald Trump was using military aid to pressure Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden's son.

Kurt Volker, the former US special envoy to Ukraine, also admitted that the country would have known military aid was being withheld as the Trump administration pushed for an investigation into the Bidens.

Mr. Volker said new information from the impeachment inquiry had forced him to reconsider his interpretation of Mr. Trump's Ukraine policy.

"I have learned many things that I did not know at the time of the events in question," he said on Tuesday.

"I did not know of any linkage between the hold on security assistance and Ukraine pursuing investigations. No one had ever said that to me - and I never conveyed such a linkage to the Ukrainians," he continued.

He also acknowledged the link between investigating the Burisma and targeting the Bidens, adding: "In retrospect, I should have seen that connection differently, and had I done so, I would have raised my own objections."

None of that says "when" they knew; much less say it was in July. Multiple witnesses testified Ukraine did not know until a Politico article came out (believe it was Politico).
None of that says "when" they knew; much less say it was in July. Multiple witnesses testified Ukraine did not know until a Politico article came out (believe it was Politico).
Can you read that article? What Volker testified to was based on incomplete information. He has information now that he did not have then and he admits it. You can't attest to what someone else doesn't know. You can only attest to what you have told them.
Can you read that article? What Volker testified to was based on incomplete information. He has information now that he did not have then and he admits it. You can't attest to what someone else doesn't know. You can only attest to what you have told them.

So when do we change the threat title to .. The Re-Impeachment of Trump ?
Can you read that article? What Volker testified to was based on incomplete information. He has information now that he did not have then and he admits it. You can't attest to what someone else doesn't know. You can only attest to what you have told them.

Does the article include him saying the Ukrainians knew in July?

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