The Impeachment Thread

House Democrats not likely to fight there it is...the end of it. They will vote to impeach in what they have and the Senate will call Volker and a couple of to acquit and call it a day....then we can get back to normal and making fun of the Dems terrible 2020 field
Quit undercutting yourself to try and appear rational. You say one thing, ("believe" and "not convinced" are not the same thing), and then say another (OK, I hope and believe).
Remind you of someone?

Now back to the unanswered:
I said believe only to move the conversation along.
The level of targeted disinformation generated both internally and externally delegitimizes the election.
What are the chances that court records typed manually by a court stenographer are 100% accurate? Is that ever an issue? It seems presidents have learned the hard way about tape recordings. How would you feel about sitting in your office with a recorder running 24/7? I have a feeling that if you felt absolutely every word you uttered would be subject to scrutiny, you like the rest of us under those conditions would never get anything done in this hyper PC and hyper politically partisan world. How about new terms like executive and electronic gridlock and constipation?

Here's an interesting quote from a book I'm reading:
Yeah, to some extent the quality of the transcript depends on the quality of the court reporter, but typically the variance depends on how hard the person is willing to work to try to decipher mumbles or garbled testimony rather than just chalk it up as [inaudible] or [cross talk].

I’ve never had a problem, with a professional/licensed stenographer, where the transcript didn’t reflect the substance of what was said. Unless there was a very serious problem with the recording.

Everything I say in court is recorded. I don’t have a problem with it. I don’t cheat the rules so no worries. I personally wouldn’t have a problem with having my client conferences or witness interviews recorded. The people on the other side of the table tend to feel differently. Usually because they’re liars and criminals.

So your outrage is aimed selectively at some campaigns who received illegal donations rather than at the "referees" who are supposed to be on top of all this crap? Maybe we need to get to something sane like if you can't vote in an election, you can't make a contribution - no PACS, no groups, no corps, no unions, etc - just limited amounts less than $100 per contributor per candidate (including the candidate) made by certified registered voters. The other benefit would be to perhaps end the mindless glitzy advertising campaigns and get down to facts. No ads by "the friends of ..." etc
Yeah... not exactly a double negative, but not clear and concise writing either.

Here's the sentence:

"I would not be the least surprised if Trump doesn’t win 48 states in 2020"

I read that as equivalent to "I would not be the least surprised if Trump fails to win 48 states in 2020."

"Doesn't win" = "fails to win", no?
The most amazing part of that is that it would appear that dims have made it a moral obligation to go out and round up the most un-electable band of misfits imaginable. You'd think they would have learned something from watching the GOP do the same thing for multiple cycles. It makes you start wondering after watching the Dims and GOP doing foot amputation with ARs if things are so bad that this is all the country has to offer.
What people like Luther refuse to acknowledge is that they are willing to accept bad candidates simply because they don't believe they are as bad as Trump. They're fooling themselves. A bad candidate is still a bad candidate. Being less of an ass than Trump does not equal qualified to be President. But instead of acknowledging that, we get statements about degrees and continuums. Screams of MORE qualified. The idea of more qualified is just an illusion to hide they still aren't qualified.
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Good big-picture discussion. I like how he tied in Mueller's volume II to Trump's narcissism, i.e., he couldn't accept the Russia investigation because it undermines his great victory.
A lot of what Trump does makes sense in that context. It was a much more well thought-out theory than I gave him credit for when I saw the headlines and tweets. I thought he was just antagonizing.

He shut down the Kelly Anne conversation entirely. I was not surprised but mildly disappointed. That is such a fascinating relationship, the fact that she embodies so much of what he criticizes about the administration.

There’s so much there that disproves all these nutter deep state conspiracy theories.
Here's the sentence:

"I would not be the least surprised if Trump doesn’t win 48 states in 2020"

I read that as equivalent to "I would not be the least surprised if Trump fails to win 48 states in 2020."

"Doesn't win" = "fails to win", no?
Remove both negatives because they cancel each other out, and it says that he would be (the least) surprised if Trump wins 48 states.
Absolutely. Lie, cheat, steal who cares. Play the same game. I hope the next socialist president we have gets treated like trash by the Rs, try to impeach every other month. Lie and gets conservative news outlets to lie non stop with them.

Two things both parties need to remember ... especially the dims at this point. "What goes around, comes around." "Paybacks are hell." Karma isn't a nice lady either.
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What people like Luther refuse to acknowledge is that they are willing to accept bad candidates simply because they don't believe they are as bad as Trump. They're fooling themselves. A bad candidate is still a bad candidate. Being less of an ass than Trump does not equal qualified to be President. But instead of acknowledging that, we get statements about degrees and continuums. Screams of MORE qualified. The idea of more qualified is just an illusion to hide they still aren't qualified.
Come on Weezer, this gets so tiresome.
Who is the perfect candidate?
When is the last time a perfect candidate ran for president?
If there is not a perfect candidate, then you are obviously talking degrees and continuums.
Less bad has always been better than more bad.
Come on Weezer, this gets so tiresome.
Who is the perfect candidate?
When is the last time a perfect candidate ran for president?
If there is not a perfect candidate, then you are obviously talking degrees and continuums.
Less bad has always been better than more bad.
So the lesser of two evils. . .
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So we know you aren't supporting Warren then.

Politics is made up of habitual liars, so you should probably be looking in a mirror.
She is nowhere near as dishonest as Trump.
I prefer the more truthful, or at least the less untruthful.
Really, winning 48 states is the least surprising election result he/you can fathom?
I didn't say it. I just made a tongue in cheek comment about how stupid I think the Dems are being. And I'm sure he wasn't being literal, but you can ask him if you have a stick up your rectum about it.
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Two things both parties need to remember ... especially the dims at this point. "What goes around, comes around." "Paybacks are hell." Karma isn't a nice lady either.
Harkening back to the 90's and the treatment of Clinton?

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