The Impeachment Thread

Shouldn't be a surprise. Look at how many of us not on your side in VN support impeachment. Your clowns aren't moving fast enough. But the house dims have a big problem ... do you cheat and show all the world you are cheating, or do you fall flat on your face ... again.
How exactly are they “cheating?”

I’m sure the Bodega owner getting shook down by the mob said there was nothing going on too. They just had a healthy business relationship. Nothing abnormal.

I totally believe Trump just wanted to look into corruption in the Ukraine. I mean he is always so concerned about corruption. His nickname should be Corruption Crusher Don. 😂😂😂

Watching Republicans squirm on TV has been hilarious as they dance around the subject and avoid saying “Trump did nothing wrong”.
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Shouldn't be a surprise. Look at how many of us not on your side in VN support impeachment. Your clowns aren't moving fast enough. But the house dims have a big problem ... do you cheat and show all the world you are cheating, or do you fall flat on your face ... again.
But the support is for very different reasons.

The ones who started this want it to get rid of Trump. The others want it because they know, at this point, it will fail.

The ones who want Trump removed are delaying any significant action under the guise of "evidence collection" in the form of hearings, when really it is an effort to sway public opinion.

Because that is where the real impeachment trial is held, in the court of public opinion.
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You're right, there is no perfect candidate. It's up to each individual voter to decide who they want to elect. But we can demand the parties run better candidates and not the schmucks they've been running.

Also, everyone has varying degrees and different continuums. You seem to hold everyone to YOUR opinion. That's not how it works. Like it or not, the people elected Trump. Yet you continue to bellyache, claiming the election wasn't legitimate. It's like you refuse to accept reality.

I don't blame you for despising Trump. I'm not a fan either. But I also don't support upending the government to undo a legitimate election, and it was a legitimate election. No amount of bitching changes that fact. If you want him gone, then don't vote for him in 2020. But ultimately the people will decide. It shouldn't be the parties or Congress or anyone other than the people, unless you can absolutely prove he has committed a crime worthy of removal from office. And thus far, he hasn't even been impeached, let alone faced trial in the Senate.

I'd go further and say if we want better politicians, we need a better electorate. Real meaningful input into who the candidates might be (not who the parties select) would be nice, but that gets back to a better electorate as the first necessary ingredient.
Every R voter, every R candidate who runs for any office better remember these last 3 years. Never forget or forgive the behavior of the radical wacky evil left.
And this is what I fear happens. We should be above this, but neither party is. Our government shouldn't be about two parties at war with each other, each side seeking to one up the other. But that is what it has become. And that is what I've been railing against. Our system is corrupt.
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She lied about her ethnicity for years and benefitted from it. How dishonest she is relies on opinion. IMO, she's pretty dishonest. But of course, she matches your politics, so you're going to defend her.
Don't forget smearing a school principle, and school itself, by lying about being fired due to pregnancy, for no other reason than political gain. But you have to get it straight, when Luther talks about morality, this is what he's talking about. Anything that helps the socialist revolution is moral. Anything that hinders it is immoral.

Marxist Ethics and Proletariat Morality
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There you go back to the primary.

How about, "was Hillary the lesser evil in the general election", because that was the choice given us by the parties that decide the winner?
You had a choice from 17 in the republican primary. Why would you want to gloss over that? (rhetorical - I know why)
I'm well aware that many redhatters wrongly believe Trump was the lesser of two evils with Clinton.
I'm curious how many redhatters believe Trump was the lesser of 17 evils in the republican primary.
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How exactly are they “cheating?”

It looks like they are very much trying to set the procedure to their favor ... of the "give him a fair trial and hang him " type. Secondly I can't imagine any way for a defendant to have a fair trial without facing his accuser.

This is a he said/she said type thing when you get right down to it ... interpretation of words, and whether in someone's opinions the words were recorded accurately. I'll guarantee you that several people in this thread have come out of a meeting and found they didn't conclude the same thing that someone else in the meeting did. We all observe events differently, and we often believe we saw something differently than another observer.
You had a choice from 17 in the republican primary. Why would you want to gloss over that? (rhetorical - I know why)
I'm well aware that many redhatters wrongly believe Trump was the lesser of two evils with Clinton.
I'm curious how many redhatters believe Trump was the lesser of 17 evils in the republican primary.
Again, the Dems could have chosen someone other than Hillary as well. I actually believe if they had, there's a very good chance a Dem would be in the WH. But they didn't. Yes, the Republicans chose Trump, but the Dems chose Hillary. Both sides are at fault, yet you keep deflecting from that.
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That’s fair.

Not sure what your actual policy beliefs are but I figured you’d like Biden or Buttigieg based on your desire to see Trumpism thrashed with a broom and thrown under the outhouse. Those two seem to be running against Trumpism straight up more than the other candidates.
I'm pretty liberal.
My preference would be for the most liberal candidate who will beat Trump (if he runs). Not sure who that person is at this point. Buttigieg would be great - I'm shying away from the 70+ field.
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You had a choice from 17 in the republican primary. Why would you want to gloss over that? (rhetorical - I know why)
I'm well aware that many redhatters wrongly believe Trump was the lesser of two evils with Clinton.
I'm curious how many redhatters believe Trump was the lesser of 17 evils in the republican primary.
I'm not a redhatter, so it is inappropriate for me to answer for them.

I'm curious why you haven't replied to this:
I said believe only to move the conversation along.
The level of targeted disinformation generated both internally and externally delegitimizes the election.

Re: Believe. So you lied?
Re: Illegitimacy: Such as and in what way?
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Again, the Dems could have chosen someone other than Hillary as well. I actually believe if they had, there's a very good chance a Dem would be in the WH. But they didn't. Yes, the Republicans chose Trump, but the Dems chose Hillary. Both sides are at fault, yet you keep deflecting from that.

I blame the Trump-Hillary dumpster fire on boomers just a little more than my generation's lack of turnout.

As far as Trump's nomination, though, that falls on boomers. What a stupid hill to die on.
It looks like they are very much trying to set the procedure to their favor ... of the "give him a fair trial and hang him " type. Secondly I can't imagine any way for a defendant to have a fair trial without facing his accuser.

This is a he said/she said type thing when you get right down to it ... interpretation of words, and whether in someone's opinions the words were recorded accurately. I'll guarantee you that several people in this thread have come out of a meeting and found they didn't conclude the same thing that someone else in the meeting did. We all observe events differently, and we often believe we saw something differently than another observer.

Put the recording out for us all to hear, easy peasy. Let the public decide if the whistleblowers interpretations were accurate - or was there a reason the recording was put on the super secret server post haste?

I mean, if'n I'm Donny and the phone call was "PERFECT" - I'm declassifying it and releasing it to shut shumer and pelosi down.

Weird he's not doing that.
I blame the Trump-Hillary dumpster fire on boomers just a little more than my generation's lack of turnout.

As far as Trump's nomination, though, that falls on boomers. What a stupid hill to die on.
Who cares who you blame? Why not blame his election on them too while your at it, Hillary?
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Rudy has lunch with 2 guys being watched by the FBI. Then the FBI arrests them try to flee the country on a one-way flight overseas.

Curious, indeed.
I'm guessing one of these guys is related to the Huckabee tribe.

Anyone wanna guess which one?

One thing I'm positive about is that those that are offended and shocked by the transcript of the WH and Ukraine call haven't read many biographies of past Presidents...notice I didn't say autobiography 😁
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One thing I'm positive about is that those that are offended and shocked by the transcript of the WH and Ukraine call haven't read many biographies of past Presidents...notice I didn't say autobiography 😁

No ones shocked by the transcript because no ones read the transcript.

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