The Impeachment Thread

Two things both parties need to remember ... especially the dims at this point. "What goes around, comes around." "Paybacks are hell." Karma isn't a nice lady either.
Every R voter, every R candidate who runs for any office better remember these last 3 years. Never forget or forgive the behavior of the radical wacky evil left.
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I didn't say it. I just made a tongue in cheek comment about how stupid I think the Dems are being. And I'm sure he wasn't being literal, but you can ask him if you have a sick up your rectum about it.

Sorry that I can understand the nuance of the English language
He shut down the Kelly Anne conversation entirely. I was not surprised but mildly disappointed. That is such a fascinating relationship, the fact that she embodies so much of what he criticizes about the administration.
Right. I can understand him not wanting to discuss their pillow talk or whatever. But one does scratch one's head when he tells White House staff they should resign but refuses to say anything about his wife.

Interesting tidbit that he talked to Trump before the inauguration about Preet's job.

Also, his discussion of the Clinton impeachment versus now. And a reminder that the Constitution sets no rules for House impeachment procedure at all.
When there are only two choices, the lesser of two evils is usually the better choice.
Was Trump the lesser of 17 evils in the 2016 republican primaries?
There you go back to the primary.

How about, "was Hillary the lesser evil in the general election", because that was the choice given us by the parties that decide the winner?
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What people like Luther refuse to acknowledge is that they are willing to accept bad candidates simply because they don't believe they are as bad as Trump. They're fooling themselves. A bad candidate is still a bad candidate. Being less of an ass than Trump does not equal qualified to be President. But instead of acknowledging that, we get statements about degrees and continuums. Screams of MORE qualified. The idea of more qualified is just an illusion to hide they still aren't qualified.

That gets to another of my problems. What makes a candidate "qualified"? I sure as hell hope it's not previous political office, but that certainly seems to be where the bar falls. I'd feel better these days if we just took a phone book, a blind fold, and a sharpie for a pointer.
No. But I would support her 100% over Trump.
That’s fair.

Not sure what your actual policy beliefs are but I figured you’d like Biden or Buttigieg based on your desire to see Trumpism thrashed with a broom and thrown under the outhouse. Those two seem to be running against Trumpism straight up more than the other candidates.
That gets to another of my problems. What makes a candidate "qualified"? I sure as hell hope it's not previous political office, but that certainly seems to be where the bar falls. I'd feel better these days if we just took a phone book, a blind fold, and a sharpie for a pointer.
The most qualified person to ever run, lost.
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Come on Weezer, this gets so tiresome.
Who is the perfect candidate?
When is the last time a perfect candidate ran for president?
If there is not a perfect candidate, then you are obviously talking degrees and continuums.
Less bad has always been better than more bad.

You're right, there is no perfect candidate. It's up to each individual voter to decide who they want to elect. But we can demand the parties run better candidates and not the schmucks they've been running.

Also, everyone has varying degrees and different continuums. You seem to hold everyone to YOUR opinion. That's not how it works. Like it or not, the people elected Trump. Yet you continue to bellyache, claiming the election wasn't legitimate. It's like you refuse to accept reality.

I don't blame you for despising Trump. I'm not a fan either. But I also don't support upending the government to undo a legitimate election, and it was a legitimate election. No amount of bitching changes that fact. If you want him gone, then don't vote for him in 2020. But ultimately the people will decide. It shouldn't be the parties or Congress or anyone other than the people, unless you can absolutely prove he has committed a crime worthy of removal from office. And thus far, he hasn't even been impeached, let alone faced trial in the Senate.
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She is nowhere near as dishonest as Trump.
I prefer the more truthful, or at least the less untruthful.
She lied about her ethnicity for years and benefitted from it. How dishonest she is relies on opinion. IMO, she's pretty dishonest. But of course, she matches your politics, so you're going to defend her.
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There’s so much there that disproves all these nutter deep state conspiracy theories.

Oh, and that nugget he had from The Apprentice, where Trump would make a bizarre firing and the producers were forced to go back and edit so the episodes made sense.

That's now standard procedure in the White House.

Getting so much better all the time!

Shouldn't be a surprise. Look at how many of us not on your side in VN support impeachment. Your clowns aren't moving fast enough. But the house dims have a big problem ... do you cheat and show all the world you are cheating, or do you fall flat on your face ... again.
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That gets to another of my problems. What makes a candidate "qualified"? I sure as hell hope it's not previous political office, but that certainly seems to be where the bar falls. I'd feel better these days if we just took a phone book, a blind fold, and a sharpie for a pointer.
JMO, but a qualified candidate is someone willing to put country before party. Not many of those out there, and I haven't seen one running in this election.
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Oh, and that nugget he had from The Apprentice, where Trump would make a bizarre firing and the producers were forced to go back and edit so the episodes made sense.

That's now standard procedure in the White House.

😂 That’s his whole ****ing presidency. Fox News must have hired that whole production team to edit tape to make Trump seem just like any other president.
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