The Impeachment Thread

I would say drag it out and expose them but I really want to start seeing hearings in the Senate on the FBI collusion hoax and other cover-ups ...Grassley about to start having ppl arrested

The modern day democrats aka socialists are the lowest life form on the planet, pathetic worthless trash every single one of them and that includes the losers here
Vindman testified that he was called upon to correct the transcript of the call. He submitted his corrections and THE ADMINISTRATION refused them!!!!

That is very, very bad news for whoever runs that process. That's prison time.

If it’s true they should be able to wrap this up quickly by subpoenaing others on the call and see if he’s correct.
Schiff wasn't on the call with Trump when he was going ham with all the quids and all the pro quos. Was he?

You bozos are so hung up on the process you don't see the train barreling down the track. Or is this how 4 D chess is played?
They are now just attempting to justify their continued support while saving as much face as possible.
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Schiff wasn't on the call with Trump when he was going ham with all the quids and all the pro quos. Was he?

You bozos are so hung up on the process you don't see the train barreling down the track. Or is this how 4 D chess is played?
Neither are most of the people that have testified but Schiff did send ppl to Ukraine before the process even started probably looking for those nude pics of Trump he wanted
There’s some funny people up in this thread . Who here seriously thinks this is going to turn out any other way but with a no vote in the senate ? Dog and pony show again . Just like the whole Russia gate show . Trump isn’t going to care if the house impeached him , this whole show is going to bore the voters and nobody is changing their vote over it .
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There’s some funny people up in this thread . Who here seriously thinks this is going to turn out any other way but with a no vote in the senate ? Dog and pony show again . Just like the whole Russia gate show . Trump isn’t going to care if the house impeached him , this whole show is going to bore the voters and nobody is changing their vote over it .
Imagine believing this.
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There’s some funny people up in this thread . Who here seriously thinks this is going to turn out any other way but with a no vote in the senate ? Dog and pony show again . Just like the whole Russia gate show . Trump isn’t going to care if the house impeached him , this whole show is going to bore the voters and nobody is changing their vote over it .
They are just trying to shift the narrative. The IG report is about to come out and they are desperately trying to get out in front of it
If it’s true they should be able to wrap this up quickly by subpoenaing others on the call and see if he’s correct.
They have to find someone not under Trump's control and willing to testify. Just assume that everyone dodging testifying would corroborate.
Yeah I suppose that’s an enhancing factor, but the abuse of power is still that he acted in his own personal interest.

It's a more clear-cut case of violating public trust than it would be if he randomly dialed up Merkel and said, "Hey, can you say something bad about Pelosi?"

1) He hadn't been tasked by Congress with supporting Germany, and

2) She can much more easily say, "Get lost."
@golfballs "Bbbbuuuuttt they called it a transcript."
"As the transcript is in the public record, we are all aware of what was said”

Those are his own words, on the record. So he either lied and contradicted himself and made himself an unreliable “witness”. Or pencil-neck Adam schiff who leaked this to the NYT is lying. Good self own.
Imagine believing this.

I specifically said the house because that’s as far as it gets when you don’t own the senate . You don’t think Trump knows this . He protests it to make sure everyone knows what it is a show for votes . Watch and see if he doesn’t use it on the trail and promote the senate for stopping such a travesty lol
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It's a more clear-cut case of violating public trust than it would be if he randomly dialed up Merkel and said, "Hey, can you say something bad about Pelosi?"

1) He hadn't been tasked by Congress with supporting Germany, and

2) She can much more easily say, "Get lost."
I’d consider both to be impeachable, but I understand your point.

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