The Impeachment Thread

If it’s true they should be able to wrap this up quickly by subpoenaing others on the call and see if he’s correct.

Problem is when you get a guy like Sonderland who is a Trump acolyte and willing to perjure himself in that role. Then you get GOPers, who really do know better, touting the lie.
There’s some funny people up in this thread . Who here seriously thinks this is going to turn out any other way but with a no vote in the senate ? Dog and pony show again . Just like the whole Russia gate show . Trump isn’t going to care if the house impeached him , this whole show is going to bore the voters and nobody is changing their vote over it .

Its no so much the Senate so much as it is the human tortoise Mitch McConnell, but you're right - he'll squash it. No way he'd even risk a vote.
C'mon....... we all know Schiff will lie under oath & be a jackass as's everyday w/this pig.
The way the GOP should play it is expose Schiff as a man hellbent on impeachment...which he has been since the beginning and tell the world about the lies..the parody....falling for a prank call over nude photos..promising that Trump colluded with the Russians...why he hired WH NSA agents who had been accused of leaking....the public will get to see him for what he is the reincarnation of Cotton Mather at the Salem witch trials
Schiff apparently pranked by Russian radio hosts who promised 'naked Trump' photos
It's a more clear-cut case of violating public trust than it would be if he randomly dialed up Merkel and said, "Hey, can you say something bad about Pelosi?"

1) He hadn't been tasked by Congress with supporting Germany, and

2) She can much more easily say, "Get lost."

That’s why you tap her ( Merkels) personal phone so she can’t say no , Amiright 👀
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I am sick to death of you anti American loons, I will continue to call you all what you are

Trump and his mindless supporters are the anti-American ones. Trump is all about Trump. That's all he has ever been about. His supporters just take perverse delight in him antagonizing the intelligent class in the country.
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no worries. I imagine venting on a forum offers a release for you. I just hope you only act like this online and not in real life, it’s very toxic. Have a blessed night.
We have listened to “toxic” from your side at an unprecedented level for about 3 years now and I’m sick to death of it
Trump and his mindless supporters are the anti-American ones. Trump is all about Trump. That's all he has ever been about. His supporters just take perverse delight in him antagonizing the intelligent class in the country.
Lol sure. This country is way better off than it was under your hero and that makes you socialists sick. No more record unemployment and no more record amounts of Americans on food stamps. Suck it up and find a candidate who’s not a complete nut job to run in 2020
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no worries. I imagine venting on a forum offers a release for you. I just hope you only act like this online and not in real life, it’s very toxic. Have a blessed night.

Do yourself a favor and mute him, he is far and away the least knowledgeable person on this forum. He's never stated anything remotely adult table worthy.
Trump and his mindless supporters are the anti-American ones. Trump is all about Trump. That's all he has ever been about. His supporters just take perverse delight in him antagonizing the intelligent class in the country.
yep. There were so many American Flags at the demoncratic debates I almost went blind

Trump supporters un-American? Yeah. Ok.
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Do yourself a favor and mute him, he is far and away the least knowledgeable person on this forum. He's never stated anything remotely adult table worthy.

They are right , you have gotten testy here lately . You ok ? That metal plate in your noggin bothering you again ? 😊
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The way the GOP should play it is expose Schiff as a man hellbent on impeachment...which he has been since the beginning and tell the world about the lies..the parody....falling for a prank call over nude photos..promising that Trump colluded with the Russians...why he hired WH NSA agents who had been accused of leaking....the public will get to see him for what he is the reincarnation of Cotton Mather at the Salem witch trials
Schiff apparently pranked by Russian radio hosts who promised 'naked Trump' photos

The thing w/this is Schiff acts like it's no big deal being pissed on &'s been done to him so many times, since he was in Junior High school @ 13, he's used to being laughed at on a daily basis.
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