The Impeachment Thread

Well shoot 10 times in the last month I started to throw my MAGA hat in the trash before reading the actual testimony
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I know what updated meant and that’s why I laughed , he said one thing then changed it . Just like that .... there went his credibility.
Still, Gordon Sondland was a major Trump donor and fund raiser during the 2016 presidential campaign. That is how he got his ambassadorship to the European Union. That makes it hard to dismiss him as having an anti-Trump bias. Isn't the most likely scenario here, that Sondland was at first lying to cover for Trump, but then, after being cornered by the testimony of others, he amended his own testimony and came clean? Gordon Sondland was definitely not a "never Trumper".
Still, Gordon Sondland was a major Trump donor and fund raiser during the 2016 presidential campaign. That is how he got his ambassadorship to the European Union. That makes it hard to dismiss him as having an anti-Trump bias. Isn't the most likely scenario here, that Sondland was at first lying to cover for Trump, but then, after being cornered by the testimony of others, he amended his own testimony and came clean? Gordon Sondland was definitely not a "never Trumper".

Anytime a witness changes their testimony it makes their credibility suspect . That’s the first thing you learn watching Law and Order on tv .
Anytime a witness changes their testimony it makes their credibility suspect . That’s the first thing you learn watching Law and Order on tv .
Of course his credibility is suspect. He was obviously lying at some point. It's a question of motivation. Why did he lie? He is obviously not anti-Trump.
I know what updated meant and that’s why I laughed , he said one thing then changed it . Just like that .... there went his credibility.
So when my client denies that he and his friends committed a robbery, and then later confesses, I should tell a jury that he doesn’t have any credibility left because two contradictory statements proves he lied to the police?

I’ve... never tried that before. What have I been missing out on?
I wouldn’t be so sure about that just yet , let’s wait and see what happens after all of these sh!t shows are over , and a Dem . holds the Oval Office again .
Are we waiting to see if it puts the toothpaste back in the tube or if it discourages future whistleblowers?
So when my client denies that he and his friends committed a robbery, and then later confesses, I should tell a jury that he doesn’t have any credibility left because two contradictory statements proves he lied to the police?

I’ve... never tried that before. What have I been missing out on?

Your client testifying before congress in an investigation known worldwide ? Perspective .
Right, because the stakes aren’t high enough for a guy facing time in prison.

That’s your job to make up something like he was on his way to church to donate the money he found on the sidewalk to a good Christian charity to keep him out of prison . By the way ... if he lied to the cops when they investigated him and his buddies , he doesn’t have any credibility .

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