The Impeachment Thread

I like the last bit "President Trump corrected Sondland on this, shortly after."
If they would do that instead of reading it in the newspaper and assuming it would have been cleared up sooner....not one person has testified that Trump ordered aid withheld and told them about's always I assumed or I heard or read it
So Mayor affords greater federal political experience than Senator?

If you say so.
What political experience do you gain voting “present” for two years then running for president. At least Mayor Pete is going into this with some idea of what “the buck stops here” means.
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Maybe 4 years of Andrew Yang will undo some of the harm Trump has done to the Republican Party.

The way some people think amazes me . You clearly understand Yang is a quack like Beto , and Swallswell and yet you are willing to give him 4 years to some how “ undo the harm Trump caused to the republicans “ ? Trump hate and loathing has turned some of you into zombies with mush brains .
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The way some people think amazes me . You clearly understand Yang is a quack like Beto , and Swallswell and yet you are willing to give him 4 years to some how “ undo the harm Trump caused to the republicans “ ? Trump hate and loathing has turned some of you into zombies with mush brains .
For sure.
But you will vote for the guy who was using his own charity foundation as a slush fund for his business interests and election campaign, right?

We know congress had a slush/ Hush fund set up from taxpayer money to pay off people that accused them of misconduct, but vote for them . DC is loaded with vipers , con men and snake oil salesmen .
The way some people think amazes me . You clearly understand Yang is a quack like Beto , and Swallswell and yet you are willing to give him 4 years to some how “ undo the harm Trump caused to the republicans “ ? Trump hate and loathing has turned some of you into zombies with mush brains .
Says the guy arguing that a prior self-serving statement discredits a subsequent statement against interest.

Thats got about as much basis in reality as Yang getting nominated and getting UBI through the senate.

Meanwhile the damage wrought on the Republican Party by Trump is evident from exit polls in every suburban district throughout VA and PA from Tuesday night. Yet you guys keep tripping over yourselves to try to find something to say to defend him.
The way some people think amazes me . You clearly understand Yang is a quack like Beto , and Swallswell and yet you are willing to give him 4 years to some how “ undo the harm Trump caused to the republicans “ ? Trump hate and loathing has turned some of you into zombies with mush brains .
Don't we give plenty of good reasons for hating Trump? He is a fundamentally dishonest person, prone to corruption.
The fear mongering is working on you I see. Look, I wouldn't lose too much sleep about Warren getting the nod from the left. Why don't we freak out about Warren if she does, I'll be right there with you.
I agree it won’t be Warren but I don’t see Biden either. Unlike Zep, I don’t see Pete this time, although he will likely be a formidable candidate again in the future. Who do you see? I seriously can’t picture anyone that has participated in the debates to this point.
That’s your job to make up something like he was on his way to church to donate the money he found on the sidewalk to a good Christian charity to keep him out of prison . By the way ... if he lied to the cops when they investigated him and his buddies , he doesn’t have any credibility .
Quick question: Do you think Trump has credibility?
The way some people think amazes me . You clearly understand Yang is a quack like Beto , and Swallswell and yet you are willing to give him 4 years to some how “ undo the harm Trump caused to the republicans “ ? Trump hate and loathing has turned some of you into zombies with mush brains .
I think I saw the ultimate on Twitter today...some Libs calling Bolton a hero if he testified against Trump..the man is literally the biggest warmonger on the planet
Says the guy arguing that a prior self-serving statement discredits a subsequent statement against interest.

Thats got about as much basis in reality as Yang getting nominated and getting UBI through the senate.

Meanwhile the damage wrought on the Republican Party by Trump is evident from exit polls in every suburban district throughout VA and PA from Tuesday night. Yet you guys keep tripping over yourselves to try to find something to say to defend him.

What I said was the witness loses he’s credibility when he changes his testimony . This isn’t something that’s debatable , it’s just common knowledge . You can’t say “ trust me I’m telling you the truth , then come back and say ok I lied but trust me this time because .. I’m telling you the truth “
We know congress had a slush/ Hush fund set up from taxpayer money to pay off people that accused them of misconduct, but vote for them . DC is loaded with vipers , con men and snake oil salesmen .
Even if this is assumed to be true, that doesn't mean we need a con man in the White House.
Quick question: Do you think Trump has credibility?

Some here and there depends on subject matter . You should have asked do you think Trump will lie to save himself or others .. yes absolutely. I also think they all will . You have Adam Schiff presiding over what’s supposed to be a committee seeking truth and justice . Please , that dog won’t hunt .
The way some people think amazes me . You clearly understand Yang is a quack like Beto , and Swallswell and yet you are willing to give him 4 years to some how “ undo the harm Trump caused to the republicans “ ? Trump hate and loathing has turned some of you into zombies with mush brains .
Swalwell already dropped out.
Bloomberg just threw his hat in the ring. It's late in the game. Hard to tell how he will resonate. He certainly has the money to compete.
Don't we give plenty of good reasons for hating Trump? He is a fundamentally dishonest person, prone to corruption.
Or to put it in terms they understand:

Democrats in Virginia now have the ability to pass laws sanctioning all manner of abortion because Dysfunctional Donald ran so many suburban voters out of the Republican Party.

They’ll probably institute some outrageous ammunition tax to pay for the consulting firm that tells them how to gerrymander the **** out of that state so they can hold it for another decade.

Lot of confederate monuments about to get melted down and turned into designer cabinet hardware that you can buy for $20 at anthropologie.

Thanks, Donald.
More Sickos on the Left.

Whistleblower’s lawyer Mark Zaid’s YouTube channel liked young Disney girl videos
November 7, 2019
By JD Rucker

Maybe I’m totally ignorant of social media customs and I’m perfectly ok being so but I don’t get why this is a big deal and don’t like how people are making assumptions this guy is some pervert just because he liked some videos that include young girls. He may know some of them, some could be kids of his friends, he may just like their story, there are multiple reasons he could have liked the videos that include no perverted intentions or thoughts. I’m assuming this is akin to liking posts on here. If he were doing this as a pervert then I actually think he wouldn’t like them as that is a public message of his approval. He would likely stay secret about watching them if he had bad intentions. Maybe I’m in the minority but we are in no position to judge this man or throw around horrible accusations based on him liking a video like this.
Some here and there depends on subject matter . You should have asked do you think Trump will lie to save himself or others .. yes absolutely. I also think they all will . You have Adam Schiff presiding over what’s supposed to be a committee seeking truth and justice . Please , that dog won’t hunt .
It takes a special kind of scumbag to hold a fundraiser for veterans and then use the money for campaign purposes
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I think I saw the ultimate on Twitter today...some Libs calling Bolton a hero if he testified against Trump..the man is literally the biggest warmonger on the planet

It the win at all cost mentality , nothing is safe or logical anymore and everything is fair game . This will come at a price , we just have to wait and see what that price is .

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