The Impeachment Thread

Seems like just more Solomon razzmatazz to me.
Nah, he has the actual goods. There's more to come. Solomon does not purposely put out bad information. It he were too, he would retract it. The Times and the Washington Post and the Liberal News Outlets as in CNN, MSNBC, etc are the ones putting out trash reporting. They've been busted enough in the past 3 years for anyone paying attention should know it. Of course the DIMs are like:
Nah, he has the actual goods. There's more to come. Solomon does not purposely put out bad information. It he were too, he would retract it. The Times and the Washington Post and the Liberal News Outlets as in CNN, MSNBC, etc are the ones putting out trash reporting. They've been busted enough in the past 3 years for anyone paying attention should know it. Of course the DIMs are like:
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Uh huh.. these 'goods' were bought and paid for by Firtash, I'll betcha.
Per my raising the issue previously of Trump being potentially prosecuted should harm befall the whistleblower...

Trump now formally warned.

If he doesn't STFU, and something eventually happens to the dude, I hope they lock Trump up and throw away the key.

Lawyer for Ukraine whistleblower sends White House cease and desist letter to stop Trump's attacks

"...In his letter, Bakaj cites Trump's recent comments to reporters that they'd "be doing the public a service" if they reported the name of the whistleblower as well as his comments in September that whoever provided the whistleblower with information about his call with the Ukrainian President is "close to a spy," adding that in the old days spies were dealt with differently.

"These are not words of an individual with a firm grasp of the significance of the office which he occupies, nor a fundamental understanding of the significance of each word he articulates by virtue of occupying that office," Bakaj wrote.

The letter to Cipollone also states that "should anyone be physically harmed, my co-counsel, Mark Zaid, and I will not hesitate to take any and all appropriate action against your client. Those who are complicit in this vindictive campaign against my client, whether through action or inaction, shall also be responsible, be that legally or morally."
House GOP looks to protect Trump by raising doubts about motives of his deputies

Latest GOP tactic: Throw Giuliani, Sondland and Mulvaney under the bus.

You think these guys would look at Michael Cohen in prison and get a clue.
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A supporter of U.S. President Donald Trump paid the president’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani $500,000 on behalf of a company co-founded by a Ukrainian-American businessman who helped Giuliani investigate Trump’s political rival Joe Biden, the supporter’s lawyer told Reuters on Thursday.

Reuters first reported the payment here last month but at the time Giuliani declined to disclose the exact source. He would only say that it was not foreign in origin and that it was payment for services he rendered to the company of the businessman, Lev Parnas.
The payment attracted attention because of Parnas’ role in helping Giuliani investigate former U.S. Vice President Biden, a contender for the Democratic presidential nomination in the 2020 election, and his son, Hunter Biden, who was a director of Ukrainian energy company Burisma.
Parnas was arrested last month on unrelated campaign finance charges.
Charles Gucciardo, a personal injury lawyer from Long Island, paid the money to Giuliani Partners LLC, a management and consulting firm, on behalf of Fraud Guarantee, Parnas’ company, according to Randy Zelin, a lawyer for Gucciardo. He said the money was a loan to the Boca Raton-based company, whose website says it aims to help clients “reduce and mitigate fraud.”

New York lawyer is source of $500,000 paid to Trump attorney Giuliani

It would take Hunter Biden 10 months to make that kind of money.
Here is the list of new gtlds I found that Charles Gucciardo owns:

I seriously doubt he ever pays that 2 mil. If you are a veteran, minority or woman I can not see how you can at this point continue to support him
Per my raising the issue previously of Trump being potentially prosecuted should harm befall the whistleblower...

Trump now formally warned.

If he doesn't STFU, and something eventually happens to the dude, I hope they lock Trump up and throw away the key.

Lawyer for Ukraine whistleblower sends White House cease and desist letter to stop Trump's attacks

Good luck with that.
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Yeah, right. Do you have any idea what Obama did to the US when he let Russia take over Crimea without so much as a threat of retaliation? Russia spanked his ass and we sat back and watched as our president cowered down in fear.
Crimea carried out a referendum in 2014 after clashes in the Ukranian capital which resulted in a violent coup d'état. The people of the peninsula voted to leave Ukraine and subsequently rejoined Russia.
There's a video linked in the article with lots of substance.

Usually when a word like "dishonest" is used to describe a "scheme" when the evidence is "I look forward to chatting", It might otherwise go unnoticed. But I think this one might just blow the lid off the whole pot!

Keep us posted on any further speculation..
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Usually when a word like "dishonest" is used to describe a "scheme" when the evidence is "I look forward to chatting", It might otherwise go unnoticed. But I think this one might just blow the lid off the whole pot!

Keep us posted on any further speculation..
She lied under oath. You did get that part right or is that OK with you since she is a DIM?
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