The Impeachment Thread

Why don't you show me evidence of bribery and we'll talk. By the way, I don't consider socialist/communist traitor's claims as evidence.

I thought we were talking about the interpretation of a document--i.e., what does the Constitution mean?

Read this and let me know whether the Constitution makes bribery an impeachable offense.

"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Whether there is sufficient evidence of bribery is a completely separate question from whether the Constitution makes bribery an impeachable offense. Likewise, whether someone is guilty of murder is completely separate from whether a law makes murder a felony. Not that hard of a distinction.
I thought we were talking about the interpretation of a document--i.e., what does the Constitution mean?

Read this and let me know whether the Constitution makes bribery an impeachable offense.

"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Whether there is sufficient evidence of bribery is a completely separate question from whether the Constitution makes bribery an impeachable offense. Likewise, whether someone is guilty of murder is completely separate from whether a law makes murder a felony. Not that hard of a distinction.

I agree, we should put Joe Biden, Obama, and the Clintons in jail and try them for bribery, extortion, and treason. Let's do this thing!
This spells it out clearly but my guess is you will not see it that way since you cannot recognize truth as I stated earlier.
Adam Schiff Makes Up His Own Version of the Trump Transcript I White House Brief

We are talking about the testimony in the depositions. I take this non sequitor as proof that you have nothing.
Make up your mind, is it leaking or is it a hoax?
Eric Ciaramella is a leaker who was fired from his NSC position at the WH...the whole thing is just like the Russian Collusion hoax..they thought the transcript would be wasn't now they are on to the next theory
Eric Ciaramella is a leaker who was fired from his NSC position at the WH...the whole thing is just like the Russian Collusion hoax..they thought the transcript would be wasn't now they are on to the next theory
Uh, no. The Republicans just try to set the talking points and bitch when the democrats don’t use them.
This is not actually true.

Diplomats and other officials who interface with foreign governments have to build rapport to be able to do their jobs.

Investigating Joe Biden puts both Ukraine and U.S. foreign policy in a bad spot. It risks offending a caucus of congressional voters who are required to keep that money flowing, putting continued monetary support for Ukraine in jeopardy. The Ukrainians obviously understood this or they wouldn’t have been scrambling and asking our diplomats and NSC staff for advice.

Vindman’s role at NSC was obviously one that involved maintaining rapport with Ukrainian officials. That’s clear from his testimony. When asked a question about what to do in a situation that risked interrupting aid, if Vindman told them to do something that was potentially bad for Ukraine, he would lose rapport and be unable to do parts of his job.

The problem isn’t Vindman, the problem is Trump trying to negotiate for his own benefit, without consulting anybody other than Rudy and Sondland to find out what other ramifications or outcomes his attempt to solicit election interference might have and get everybody on the same page.

That was very much true , you can under no circumstance tell a forgiven government as a subordinate to ignore your boss , the president of the U.S. you can build all the relationships you want but they don’t have the authority to do anything but agree or disagree in their opinion, they still have to either do as he says or quit .
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That's a non-starter. Even the most conservative of judges recognize limitations on the 2nd amendment. There's no "unless" clause there, but no one argues guns should be available to violent felons, kids, mentally unstable people, etc.

Oh yes they do ... there’s no such thing as a violent felon after he has served his time and paid his dues to society , ( same with voting ) kids can posses a rifle or shot gun , I would fight every day for your right to own a firearm and there’s times where I believe you are mentally unstable .
That was very much true , you can under no circumstance tell a forgiven government as a subordinate to ignore your boss , the president of the U.S. you can build all the relationships you want but they don’t have the authority to do anything but agree or disagree in their opinion, they still have to either do as he says or quit .
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You want a link that tells you that a subordinate ( anyone not the president ) is over his pay grade when telling a foreign country to ignore what the president of the United States says ? You do understand why the office is called commander and chief ? Head of state ? Head of government ?
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You want a link that tells you that a subordinate ( anyone not the president ) is over his pay grade when telling a foreign country to ignore what the president of the United States says ? You do understand why the office is called commander and chief ? Head of state ? Head of government ?
So no link?
Seriously, why do Republicans suck so bad at comedy?

Other than Dennis Miller, who's a decent conservative comedian?

You wouldn’t like my brand of comedy . I have no doubt it would offend your progressiveness . I find it ironic that you promote Dennis Miller , a conservative comedian that thinks the PC culture , and the over use of race card has broken our society . He also believes Pelosi sleeps upside down and is “ Batsh!t” crazy . Lol
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