The Impeachment Thread

I wonder if Jimmy Carter will die and mess up the Dems' shampeachment coverage.
When he does die, he will have outlived 99% or more of the people that were born when he was. Why is it that presidents seem to live well beyond their statistical equals? When is the last time a President died at 80 ish +/- like the rest of us do? Something is keeping them alive longer, what is it?
When he does die, he will have outlived 99% or more of the people that were born when he was. Why is it that presidents seem to live well beyond their statistical equals? When is the last time a President died at 80 ish +/- like the rest of us do? Something is keeping them alive longer, what is it?
Only the good die young?
When he does die, he will have outlived 99% or more of the people that were born when he was. Why is it that presidents seem to live well beyond their statistical equals? When is the last time a President died at 80 ish +/- like the rest of us do? Something is keeping them alive longer, what is it?

With our luck....Obama will be 110 years old b4 kicking the bucket...
I decided I was going w/the air force I could be above the Vietnam war looking down on it..
Thank you for your service.. watched a documentary on Midway last night..there was a guy named Dusty I think that took out 3 Japanese ships in one day..thank goodness for the codebreakers...those Zeroes were pretty advanced for the time and our guys were flying planes with faulty torpedoes and releases apparently
Thank you for your service.. watched a documentary on Midway last night..there was a guy named Dusty I think that took out 3 Japanese ships in one day..thank goodness for the codebreakers...those Zeroes were pretty advanced for the time and our guys were flying planes with faulty torpedoes and releases apparently
New movie Midway is pretty good and historically accurate. Saw it for Veteran's Day. Starts from Pearl Harbor and works it way up to the Battle of Midway. Those were some very brave young men.
Thank you for your service.. watched a documentary on Midway last night..there was a guy named Dusty I think that took out 3 Japanese ships in one day..thank goodness for the codebreakers...those Zeroes were pretty advanced for the time and our guys were flying planes with faulty torpedoes and releases apparently

Sorry to imply I did any service....I didn't go to Vietnam or to any service branch.....I stayed in college at the time of that nasty politicians war. Damn that LBJ dude......kept that carpet bombing going strong.
If I was to be drafted or if I ended up in doing any military service I was going w/the Air Force.
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Too bad John Wayne is not the lead actor for it.
There really was no lead. Not a lot of backdrop drama, but focused on the military leaders of both sides and some of the specific heroes who fought, some died, some lived, all the stories are compelling.

I had a chance to study this part of history as part of my formal education and I have got to say, they got the story pretty much the way historians have recorded it.
My father who was in the Army and went to Vietnam in 67 for his third war and was there for some of the worst of it and told my brother to enlist in the Air Force if he wanted to live.

The History Channel had the Vietnam War in HD on the other night.......I hated thinking I had to go there & fight.
Back in '71 I was w/a drinking buddy back from there....or says he was there. Said he became an atheist bc of it.
New movie Midway is pretty good and historically accurate. Saw it for Veteran's Day. Starts from Pearl Harbor and works it way up to the Battle of Midway. Those were some very brave young men.
Are you here telling me that Hollywood made a movie that wasn't political and racist and condemed middle America? If that is true I might watch it.
Are you here telling me that Hollywood made a movie that wasn't political and racist and condemed middle America? If that is true I might watch it.

Have you ever seen the movie the 'Deer Hunter" w/Robert DeNiro ? That's some sh!t right there....that suicide Russian roulette scene....where they're in that hutch on the river...
Are you here telling me that Hollywood made a movie that wasn't political and racist and condemed middle America? If that is true I might watch it.
That's what I'm telling you, the Japanese side is represented well also. Yamamoto, Nagumo, the differences between the Japanese Army and Navy regarding who has sway as well as the battle plans and strategy are all covered well; done in a compelling fashion.
My oldest brother got out of Vietnam and the military for having flat feet. To this day I really don't know what flat feet are and why they would preclude someone from serving but I glad he didn't have to go. My Father and other brother weren't so lucky.
It means the arch of his feet would prevent him from long marches. Lots of people were excluded from service for that reason.
I was all set to join the Marines out of high school but they found out I was allergic to bee stings and rejected me to my mom's joy btw lol
Similar thing happened to me but was the Army. Was set up for Ranger school as well.

Day of my oath, the dr kicked me for heart murmur and irregular heart beat.
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I was all set to join the Marines out of high school but they found out I was allergic to bee stings and rejected me to my mom's joy btw lol

I was planning on joining the Marines myself, easiest recruit in the world. All I wanted was to jump out of airplanes and get the hell out of town before mom found out I dropped out of college. Didn't care what job or where I was sent. Marine recruiter said they didn't guarantee any schools and he couldn't get me out for 3 months so I walked over to the Army recruiter and he said sign here we can get you out in 3 weeks.
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New movie Midway is pretty good and historically accurate. Saw it for Veteran's Day. Starts from Pearl Harbor and works it way up to the Battle of Midway. Those were some very brave young men.

Definitely huge balls. Mostly accurate.

The Hiryu bombing run wasn't though. Unlike the film's huge hail of lead, they barely mustered any anti aircraft fire on the three (3!) planes that attacked it. Pilot Best really did hit two flat tops in one day. Amazing.
To this, I say thank god for the deep state - thwarting Trump from his worst urges.

The irony is that, by Trumps definition and the definition by the Author in the article, the Deep State does exist but they are pointing the finger at the wrong person. By their definition, Rudy Giuliani is the Deep State.
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The irony is that, by Trumps definition and the definition by the Author in the article, the Deep State does exist but they are pointing the finger at the wrong person. By their definition, Rudy Giuliani is the Deep State.

Per the article:

"Deep State (noun): The permanent, professional bureaucracy of the U.S. government, specifically those who believe their judgment and continual service makes them better suited to run the country than elected officials or political appointees."

And... of course... these people ARE BETTER SUITED to run the country than the revolving door of dumbass, lying politicians.


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