The Impeachment Thread

It seems like the right is proactively trying to get out in front of this story now. There could be something to this rumor involving the Ukraine. We shall see.
I agree this is a problem. A huge one. I don’t know how comfortable I feel with our intelligence agencies listening in on any presidents phone calls. Their job isn’t to keep the president in check. That’s the other branches of governments job.
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In the second you didn't highlight "hiring". Hiring would infer something of benefit is changing hands. I would concede on some and argue on others. I've read several interpretations tonight since I was a bit off base, and I got a couple different reads. But, I would concede there is a very fine line there.

What good American wouldn’t trade $350m to discover Biden family crimes? Fair trade is fair trade to out a crook. Seems like all patriots would want to know no matter the cost.

Oh wait we’re talking Democrats...never mind!
He is desperate for reelection.

No. He is not the desperate one. The fact that any one would argue that Trump is desperate to defeat any of the knobs that will be running against him is totally blind to the current reality of American politics and why Trump is president now, and will be in 2020 again.
No. He is not the desperate one. The fact that any one would argue that Trump is desperate to defeat any of the knobs that will be running against him is totally blind to the current reality of American politics and why Trump is president now, and will be in 2020 again.

Yep the Bolsheviks are ramping up the rhetoric for sure. The desperation is palpable.
In the second you didn't highlight "hiring". Hiring would infer something of benefit is changing hands. I would concede on some and argue on others. I've read several interpretations tonight since I was a bit off base, and I got a couple different reads. But, I would concede there is a very fine line there.
Agreed. It’s a grey area.
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Not a problem unless their is a quid-pro-quo.
Yes. I'm going to remain skeptical that this is as explosive as it appears to be (no story is ever as juicy as when it first breaks - that is just how covering politics is these days), but I will return to my caveat... "If" the whistleblower is saying that Trump promised a shift in U.S. policy and aid to Ukraine in exchange for their targeting of Biden's son? That would be a high crime and impossible for Republicans to brush aside. That is bribery.
Yes. I'm going to remain skeptical that this is as explosive as it appears to be (no story is ever as juicy as when it first breaks - that is just how covering politics is these days), but I will return to my caveat... "If" the whistleblower is saying that Trump promised a shift in U.S. policy and aid to Ukraine in exchange for their targeting of Biden's son? That would be a high crime and impossible for Republicans to brush aside. That is bribery.
Based on current democratic practices, we may very well see another orchestrated hoax trying to frame Trump. They have yet to learn if they just walk away and leave him to his on vices he would probably do himself in. It’s the Samsung Democratic Party. The next big thing is here.

At this point nothing would shock me.
Based on current democratic practices, we may very well see another orchestrated hoax trying to frame Trump. They have yet to learn if they just walk away and leave him to his on vices he would probably do himself in. It’s the Samsung Democratic Party. The next big thing is here.

At this point nothing would shock me.
If you would have just said that Democrats have overreached on Trump scandals up until now, and they may do it again? I would agree with you. However, I think this is a legitimate question that should be answered: Did Donald Trump promise the President of Ukraine aid in exchange for pursuing allegations against Hunter Biden? The American people should be allowed to hear the answer to that question from the whistle blower.
No. He is not the desperate one. The fact that any one would argue that Trump is desperate to defeat any of the knobs that will be running against him is totally blind to the current reality of American politics and why Trump is president now, and will be in 2020 again.
Current Fox News Presidential General Election Poll:

Joe Biden 52% Donald Trump 38%
Bernie Sanders 48% Donald Trump 40%
Elizabeth Warren 46% Donald Trump 40%
Kamala Harris 42% Donald Trump 40%

This is the current reality of American politics. Trump has never expanded his base of support from the 2016 election when he only received 46.2% of the popular vote. In order to be reelected, he will need a low voter turnout and he will also need the independent/moderate/undecided vote to break his way 2 to 1. It could happen... but that is not the most likely outcome as of right now.
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If you would have just said that Democrats have overreached on Trump scandals up until now, and they may do it again? I would agree with you. However, I think this is a legitimate question that should be answered: Did Donald Trump promise the President of Ukraine aid in exchange for pursuing allegations against Hunter Biden? The American people should be allowed to hear the answer to that question from the whistle blower.
My only question is how was the information obtained? Has that been addressed?
Smoke screen to divert attention or is being used to lay a foundation to past potentially illegal actions conducted prior to the release of the IG report. Leaks like these always happen prior to the release of a potentially bad report.
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After reading this morning's headlines, I'm going with the following premise (pure conjecture):

Trump wanted dirt on his biggest reelection threat, Joe Biden, and Ukraine was already investigating his son Hunter Biden. Biden Sr. was, himself, involved with some shady political quid pro quo while VP to force the prosecutor in the case to be fired: Fire him or US withholds $. Aware of this political vulnerability, Trump goes for the jugular - sends Giuliani to Ukraine to up the ante. The message - exactly the opposite of Biden Sr.: Prosecute Hunter Biden or lose your US $. Subsequently, during a phone call with the newly-elected Ukrainian President Zelensky (ironically, a comedian), Trump promises to give Ukraine $X for prosecuting Biden Jr. Then, 2.5 weeks later, whistleblower files a complaint.

None of this will end nicely. Dirty sh*t on both sides of the aisle.

Then again, pure conjecture at this point.
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In the second you didn't highlight "hiring". Hiring would infer something of benefit is changing hands. I would concede on some and argue on others. I've read several interpretations tonight since I was a bit off base, and I got a couple different reads. But, I would concede there is a very fine line there.

There is no fine line. You were just wrong.


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