The Investigation of the Biden Criminal Cabal

Hillary must have given his administration some tips, or wrote an email discussing witness elimination.

Nice try. This guy's level of buffoonery is off the scale. Hillary sucks, but your reference to her is nothing more than a weak attempt to defect.

FYI what "administration?" Comer is just a Congressman and evidently not a very bright one.

One last thing, I don't even watch MSNBC and I'm a liberal. Why is Comer watching it and why does he care what they say?
Nice try. This guy's level of buffoonery is off the scale. Hillary sucks, but your reference to her is nothing more than a weak attempt to defect.

FYI what "administration?" Comer is just a Congressman and evidently not a very bright one.

One last thing, I don't even watch MSNBC and I'm a liberal. Why is Comer watching it and why does he care what they say?

Hillary only sucks now because she's no longer of any use to the left. I doubt that's the tune you were singing in '16.
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Hillary only sucks now because she's no longer of any use to the left. I doubt that's the tune you were singing in '16.

Don't attribute your "fair weather" character to others. You have no idea what I did and felt back then.
You want to nitpick? Looks damning to me

You think it’s nitpicking to point out that Biden wasn’t president at the time when “Biden’s DOJ” was supposedly interfering with the investigation being run by a Trump appointed US Attorney and a Trump appointed Attorney General who answered to President Donald Trump?
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So all Biden has to do is pretend Trump was still president during the Afghanistan withdrawal and he gets that monkey off his back?
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“Wolf objected during a meeting on Dec. 3, 2020, to questioning a key Biden family associate, Rob Walker, about the president.”

Biden DOJ was running interference in 2020? Do they have a time machine?

You don't really think Trump actually controlled any federal agency packed with dems from top to bottom I hope. No bureaucracy is really controlled from the top, especially when the top is a temporarily politically appointed visitor to the position. Remember that comment about how many ways intelligence agencies have ways to screw you? It actually applies to any somewhat monolithic bureaucracy. Malicious compliance is a very very real thing and it is a weapon in bureaucracies; the establishment know things the visitor at the top never dreamed of. There is a reason besides topography why DC is called the swamp - it's the creepy crawly things that move in the bureaucratic muck and devour anything threatening their nice cushy jobs.
You don't really think Trump actually controlled any federal agency packed with dems from top to bottom I hope. No bureaucracy is really controlled from the top, especially when the top is a temporarily politically appointed visitor to the position. Remember that comment about how many ways intelligence agencies have ways to screw you? It actually applies to any somewhat monolithic bureaucracy. Malicious compliance is a very very real thing and it is a weapon in bureaucracies; the establishment know things the visitor at the top never dreamed of. There is a reason besides topography why DC is called the swamp - it's the creepy crawly things that move in the bureaucratic muck and devour anything threatening their nice cushy jobs.

Whatever you guys need to believe to make yourselves feel like the victim. Everybody is out to get you. Anything that doesn’t go the way you think it should is a sign of evil people out to ruin your way of life.
I'm sitting here with my father...
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WaPo, NYT, Politico, CNN, MSNBC’s Main Front Pages Fail to Feature IRS Whistleblower Claims Against Biden’s DOJ

Establishment media networks on Friday avoided posting stories on their homepages about the Thursday IRS whistleblower allegations of political interference by the Justice Department (DOJ) on behalf of the Biden family.

One day after bombshell allegations against the Biden family alleging corruption within President Joe Biden’s DOJ, the establishment media appeared silent on homepages.

WaPo, NYT, Politico, CNN, MSNBC’s Main Front Pages Fail to Feature IRS Whistleblower Claims Against Biden’s DOJ
Nobody cares about Hunter Biden except a few hardcore MAGA. He's a private citizen.

Jared Kusher was a dilettante who used his White House position to enrich himself--spent months ingratiating himself with the
Saudis. Got $2 billion for his investment firm after leaving the White House. Spent his first months in the White House--where he didn't belong
in the first place---begging Mideast poobahs to bail him him out of his 666 Fifth Ave. debt payment. That's real corruption, Maga aces. Hunter's activities are not in the same ballpark.
Nobody cares about Hunter Biden except a few hardcore MAGA. He's a private citizen.

Jared Kusher was a dilettante who used his White House position to enrich himself--spent months ingratiating himself with the
Saudis. Got $2 billion for his investment firm after leaving the White House. Spent his first months in the White House--where he didn't belong
in the first place---begging Mideast poobahs to bail him him out of his 666 Fifth Ave. debt payment. That's real corruption, Maga aces. Hunter's activities are not in the same ballpark.


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