We have already done this...
Your definition and the rest of the country's is different.
I've seen too many horror stories involving drug use and etc. to totally agree. I think pot is a joke and less of a concern than alcohol though.
Those horror stories are their choice, not yours. I don't think giving your kids Mountain Dew is a good idea since heart disease is the biggest killer in our nation; but I'm not trying to ban Mountain Dew either
No. But it would still be more cost effective than hiring cops to track them, paying court cost to try them, and then paying to take care of them in prisons.
One more Q...if I cause the accidental death of someone tweaked out of their mind (they run out into street or similar) original have to take their life in defense of my property or safety, would you agree to prosecutorial immunity?
Those horror stories are their choice, not yours. I don't think giving your kids Mountain Dew is a good idea since heart disease is the biggest killer in our nation; but I'm not trying to ban Mountain Dew either
What are some laws that are on the books that you feel do not cause any harm to others?