"some of whom explicitly advocate for increasing the minimum wage because it reduces employment opportunities, halting future waves of illegal immigration and encouraging those already here to return to their countries of origin."
Best line in the article!
Uhhh, I didn't realize we were talking about abolishing licensing.
LOL at seeing an RN when you were just arguing for strict licensing. I know someone who has to pay $100 to see a doctor every time her shingles flare up, just so he can write her a scrip. She doesn't wanna hear about an over-prescribed nation and she scoffs at your opinion that cheap options do exist.
Well, we definitely don't want to cut off our nose to spite our face. Minimum wage increase to $15 would be cutting off our nose.
Also, losing out on cheap labor would have negative effects on the economy as well.
How does anyone expect the lower classes to EVER get ahead if there is always a pool of illegal labor suppressing their wage growth?
Lower classes don't get ahead by staying low-skilled, with or without the presence of illegals. They get ahead by improving on their skill set and making themselves more attractive to employers.