I think it would be a waste of time to watch only her testimony. An arrogant, probably-lying, self-righteous, law enforcement ******* is nothing new. If that’s all it took to make criminal prosecutions fall apart, the criminal court system wouldn’t get anything done.
The defense (trump side) had the burden of basically proving a unicorn and, from what I saw, the twitter cheerleaders were going wild over the hooves, the mane, the tail, and the pretty white coat.
I don’t really care who wins this case. It’s turned into a fist fight between Putin and Erdogan or a football game between Alabama and Florida. If they give the judge enough to wipe the smudge off the lens and there’s a horn underneath, oh well. If not, oh well. But law favors “not” and the odds favor Julie Karen et. al. blaming the judge when/if that is what happens.