I’ve googled the chit out of it and I can’t find any procedures a president must follow to declassify information. I know we have an expert (I think he was a double naught spy or something) on the subject lurking around here that claims the president must get approval from a committee or something but refuses to post anything backing it up.
@hog88 I did a quick search, found this for Public knowledge. It may not answer your questions directly but know that there are procedures no matter who declassifies. Plus there are regulations and procedures that will not be disclosed to the public because they do not have a need to know.
A declassified document may lay dormant for 25 years. Another Key word is Public Interest?
We have no idea what Trump had in his possession or the Contents. The NJ tape and the media indicated that he had an OPLAN with potential Nuclear Capabilities' of foreign govts. The public may never know and appears that the govt has a clue but I would be willing to bet that they don't know for sure. At present, the only public interest for knowing is the election, but the compromise of classified information outweighs the election. So we will get out of this what we are fed by the govt and the court system.
Here is a government release, notice the date. It has no "fine print" and there is "fine Print" but not printed. This is generic and there are more details to it than this but you can draw a picture.
Key words: "25 years, Public Interest, Compromise, Risks to National Security" + the fine print the American People are not privy to.
For example, the American People have no need to know an OPLAN, but a terrorist or opposing force would pay huge $$$$$ for it. So until we know which we may never know the documents Trump possessed, it is hard to pass judgement.
I sure hope those that failed the chain of custody for those documents were relieved of their duties.
Bottom Line: Some appear to think that Trump could declassify a document, take it home with him because of the PRA and without a process of declassification. He cannot.
Take it for what it is worth. If the government had done the proper procedures then this would never have happened to begin with. Second, notice the date of document August 2023, these procedures have been around for several years this was a generic release of information to validate the confusion. Notice Public Interest.