The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

You guys are (purposefully, it would seem, or out of sheer ignorance) failing to draw the distinction between the accusation that Joe Biden was making deals with foreign entities versus the laptop itself being fabricated.

In the clip above, Biden is saying that the accusation that he did so is not true.

What you are talking about are Hunter's emails wherein Hunter tries to make himself some deals. No one is defending that.

But what you are doing is blurring the line, overlooking the distinct issues, and trying (falsely) to make it seem like Biden is claiming the laptop was fabricated when that is not what he is saying in those clips.
I knew you’d go there. If you could be honest for a moment, not possible I know, would you give Trump the same pass? Of course not!
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I'd ask you to defend this laughably dumb MAGA comment--but it would be a waste of time. You couldn't.
lol. Treason and pedophilia come to mind when you talk about China Joe. We could go with stealing classified documents too. Hard to beat that. I could go on.

Irreparable Harm is an interesting angle.

If the appeals are only concluded after the election (which in this scenario he loses), and it is reversed - it’s too late.

At that point he would have suffered irreversible, irreparable harm.

Have no idea if that’s a legit avenue. I’ll have to default to ‘No’.

Would be interested to hear qualified voices on it.
Trump found guilty
The Judge will figure it out.
If Trump is not elected then he will have the other indictments to deal with and this case will the equivalent to a Gnat on an Elephant's A$$.
You can't con the Judicial system. Some of you don't get it. Yes, you can delay but the judicial system and evaluation systems deal with facts not hypothesis or conspiracy theories.
I guess some need to take the sugar out of the Kool aide to see what justice really looks like vs hopium. Get these cases into the court system and man up.
Trump evidently will not because he is guilty and knows it?
Two problems -- Jail time before Election and Jail time after Election.
Suspend the sentence or rule on it afterward and Trump's team will demand the right to have the know the sentencing. Great drama and great con of the system.

As for the lawyer above, great free advertisement or application for Trump's AG or defense team.
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