The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

This make your day? LOL ... Triggered are you? It'll be okay, Nancy.
Why would I be triggered? Not worried about anything, not panic, not OMG moment. I just watch some of you girls chase your tails Regarding information on Trump and Biden. A lot of passive aggressive behavior when nobody really knows the truth, myself included. Staying in the middle and not much we can do about anything we hear. It will be okay. I think they are both unfit for office, there will be a winner and loser in the race, Bottom line: America is the loser in this mess of dirty politics. Hang onto that limb it may break, it may not.
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Why would I be triggered? Not worried about anything, not panic, not OMG moment. I just watch some of you girls chase your tails Regarding information on Trump and Biden. A lot of passive aggressive behavior when nobody really knows the truth, myself included. Staying in the middle and not much we can do about anything we hear. It will be okay. I think they are both unfit for office, there will be a winner and loser in the race, Bottom line: America is the loser in this mess of dirty politics. Hang onto that limb it may break, it may not.
You sounded like you are (were) triggered in that post is bc I asked the question.
You came in here w/guns a blazing calling people fools & such if they believe this & all.
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We already knew the outcome of this trial was predetermined weeks/months before the trial ever took place...

Don't know yet if story is true but I would think someone in the NY Supreme Court or someone somewhere would have vetted this information before it went this far....

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Hopefully you have looked it up and I am comfortable with it. Extremes are on each end of the Political spectrum. Tell me what you consider to be a Centrist because if you have to ask I assume you do not know. This govt needs to be totally governed from the middle not the extremes. I don't have time to educate you and all you will do is contradict. Figure it out. Service to this country first no place for individualistic politics.
Have we had a tough exchange in the past? If so, I hope you will overlook that and share. I asked because I am genuinely curious. I am I'll equipped to figure your opinions out without insight.

Centrism, to me, seems to be a little different depending on the centrist. Example would be one centrist is fiscally conservative but socially moderate where another centrist may be socially conservative but fiscally moderate.

I don't have a party or candidate who shares my views on governance.

Consider my request. It is genuine.
So does that mean, by moving somewhere else, is going to stop you posting in PF?
You'll never get away from "this mess" as you put it.
I will never stop. Time difference could be a problem with posting but I have done it before. We will keep both places and active and spend more time there than here because of taxes. Have you ever been?
Have we had a tough exchange in the past? If so, I hope you will overlook that and share. I asked because I am genuinely curious. I am I'll equipped to figure your opinions out without insight.

Centrism, to me, seems to be a little different depending on the centrist. Example would be one centrist is fiscally conservative but socially moderate where another centrist may be socially conservative but fiscally moderate.

I don't have a party or candidate who shares my views on governance.

Consider my request. It is genuine.

Dude, he can’t answer questions. He’s some kind of double naught spy or something, remember that he knows the procedures a President must follow to declassify information but can’t tell us because that’s a secret.
Dude, he can’t answer questions. He’s some kind of double naught spy or something, remember that he knows the procedures a President must follow to declassify information but can’t tell us because that’s a secret.
How can I form an understanding of how he thinks if he doesn't answer questions?
How can I form an understanding of how he thinks if he doesn't answer questions?

You just have to give him the benefit of the doubt. A man in such a close proximity to national top double secret information like the procedure a president has to follow to declassify information can’t be expected to answer questions.
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As long as we keep our drug policy Mexican cartels will have the money to prop up the economy.
I have no idea what percentage of Mexico's economy is attributed to drug money and if the percentage is significant enough to prop it up.

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