The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

grow up --- try reading a book educatning ask to many questions to have knowledge typicial board fodder
So instead of refuting your throw insults..typical. and i don't need to read a book to see your bias leftist BS. Your closer to the extreme left the center...if you can't admit that then you need some self awarness
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So instead of refuting your throw insults..typical. and i don't need to read a book to see your bias leftist BS. Your closer to the extreme left the center...if you can't admit that then you need some self awarness
i dont like dealing with word twisters that play childish games.
you are meaningless why does have to answer or justify anything to you. Are you board king? you are hear for the drama
i dont like dealing with word twisters that play childish games.
Actually I have twisted nothing..I quoted your entire paragraph downing Trump...compared to your few word sentence saying Biden is can't even in good faith insult both candidates equally or even close. It funny your so bent outta shape being called out for your bias that your resort to childish insults. And you answer to no one but your God...but at least be honest with yourself..hell you'd get more respect if you just came out and said Trump hurt my feeling by with mean tweets.
grow up --- try reading a book educatning ask to many questions to have knowledge typicial board fodder

You are the one that needs to read a book and educate yourself. You don’t even know how our founding fathers set up the federal government.
Why do you MAGA keep pretending that Trump is not a deeply corrupt, immoral sociopath and gangster? Seriously?

And why do YOU keeping typing up basically the same message and post it in this thread 20+ times every day?
Blah blah blah gangster. Blah blah blah hillbillies. Blah blah blah corrupt. Blah blah blah rubes.
Either get some new material or get a life.
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Actually I have twisted nothing..I quoted your entire paragraph downing Trump...compared to your few word sentence saying Biden is can't even in good faith insult both candidates equally or even close. It funny your so bent outta shape being called out for your bias that your resort to childish insults. And you answer to no one but your God...but at least be honest with yourself..hell you'd get more respect if you just came out and said Trump hurt my feeling by with mean tweets.
Trump needs to be called what he is a pathological lair, a convicted felon, a self serving SOB, a con artist, a grifter, a poor leader, shows a lack of jugdement, no character, an instigator, disrespectful, creates BS, a cheat and much more. He did nothing and his platform is basically nothing except i am a victim. Biden is old and not mentally fit for the job. Problem with you is you create you post based on your opinion and by attempting to label them based on your knowledge or lack thereof. Kids game that you are playing. Biden has a Rap Sheet but not like Trumps. You need to get your head out of Trump’s back side because it has totally washed your Brain. Do not pull the old TDS statement out of your box of counters because it doesnt apply here because of the facts. Trump says stuff for the effect. Your are dumb enough to believe that if i dont give equal time to Biden that i must not be a Centrist. Shallow thinking, your panties must be in a wad or you may be just a bleach Blond. Whatever your are you are not well read enough...
Trump needs to be called what he is a pathological lair, a convicted felon, a self serving SOB, a con artist, a grifter, a poor leader, shows a lack of jugdement, no character, an instigator, disrespectful, creates BS, a cheat and much more. He did nothing and his platform is basically nothing except i am a victim. Biden is old and not mentally fit for the job. Problem with you is you create you post based on your opinion and by attempting to label them based on your knowledge or lack thereof. Kids game that you are playing. Biden has a Rap Sheet but not like Trumps. You need to get your head out of Trump’s back side because it has totally washed your Brain. Do not pull the old TDS statement out of your box of counters because it doesnt apply here because of the facts. Trump says stuff for the effect. Your are dumb enough to believe that if i dont give equal time to Biden that i must not be a Centrist. Shallow thinking, your panties must be in a wad or you may be just a bleach Blond. Whatever your are you are not well read enough...
So again you ignore and don't comment on all things Biden has done and attacked DJT. I don't think it's TDS...I truly think that some tweet of Dons hurt your feelings and your to emotionally invested in hate to realize that. Biden has done far worse then Dons cheating on his wife and his businesses. Biden ruined a man's life by lieing about drunk driving. Married his baby sitter, showered with his daughter inappropriately, indicted a political opponent, is on film quid pro quo Ukraine oh and let not forget the numerous racist comments he has made. Not to mention other inappropriate behavior around children, and raising a crackhead son and stolen documents and etc. But Trump is a ****** person to be married to because is cheats, he cuts corners in business. He has no filter for his mouth and is thin skinned...see while mine is biased I obviously have issue with both candidates .I just have enough common sense to realize that while neither are great Trump is mich better on every level including health...and keep thawing out insults, you just expose yourself each and Everytime.
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So again you ignore and don't comment on all things Biden has done and attacked DJT. I don't think it's TDS...I truly think that some tweet of Dons hurt your feelings and your to emotionally invested in hate to realize that. Biden has done far worse then Dons cheating on his wife and his businesses. Biden ruined a man's life by lieing about drunk driving. Married his baby sitter, showered with his daughter inappropriately, indicted a political opponent, is on film quid pro quo Ukraine oh and let not forget the numerous racist comments he has made. Not to mention other inappropriate behavior around children, and raising a crackhead son and stolen documents and etc. But Trump is a ****** person to be married to because is cheats, he cuts corners in business. He has no filter for his mouth and is thin skinned...see while mine is biased I obviously have issue with both candidates .I just have enough common sense to realize that while neither are great Trump is mich better on every level including health...and keep thawing out insults, you just expose yourself each and Everytime.
Most of "Don's" tweets are because his feelings are hurt
Kinda obvious to everyone that had a miniscule amount of sense that a dictator of an unfriendly nation is trying to create discord...'s not Putin who is bringing all these fake, scam, corrupt trials against's the corrupt leftist Dems. It was not Russia that put out the fake docier, it was the Dems, it was not Russia that lied about Hunter Biden's laptop it was the Dems....
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So again you ignore and don't comment on all things Biden has done and attacked DJT. I don't think it's TDS...I truly think that some tweet of Dons hurt your feelings and your to emotionally invested in hate to realize that. Biden has done far worse then Dons cheating on his wife and his businesses. Biden ruined a man's life by lieing about drunk driving. Married his baby sitter, showered with his daughter inappropriately, indicted a political opponent, is on film quid pro quo Ukraine oh and let not forget the numerous racist comments he has made. Not to mention other inappropriate behavior around children, and raising a crackhead son and stolen documents and etc. But Trump is a ****** person to be married to because is cheats, he cuts corners in business. He has no filter for his mouth and is thin skinned...see while mine is biased I obviously have issue with both candidates .I just have enough common sense to realize that while neither are great Trump is mich better on every level including health...and keep thawing out insults, you just expose yourself each and Everytime.
what is there to expose on a message board. Its your opinion not everyone has a ma crush on djt...yes you missed some of my posts regarding Biden. You like games dont you. Dispute what i said about Biden but you must admit that DJT is a convicted criminal which is a fact. It has nothing to do with my political ideology except in your opinion.
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@BreatheUT has no self awareness, and while not a dumb guy by any means, guided by wingnut ideology and low info

Updated this post to not be so hard on you.

I think you're just an offended octogenarian with no original thoughts of substance.

Is Bernard King really your name? Nope, don't think so. Do you know how soft it makes you look? Yeah just use another man's name.
Last edited:'s not Putin who is bringing all these fake, scam, corrupt trials against's the corrupt leftist Dems. It was not Russia that put out the fake docier, it was the Dems, it was not Russia that lied about Hunter Biden's laptop it was the Dems....

Putin just wants discord with the country that is funding Ukraine. Nothing more, nothing less..

He could care less about the legitimacy or illegitimacy of these charges
Putin just wants discord with the country that is funding Ukraine. Nothing more, nothing less..

The current administration is giving him ammo. These are the thoughts of others around the world as well. I've had conversations with people who don’t have a dog in the hunt.'s not Putin who is bringing all these fake, scam, corrupt trials against's the corrupt leftist Dems. It was not Russia that put out the fake docier, it was the Dems, it was not Russia that lied about Hunter Biden's laptop it was the Dems....

So you're saying that Trump didn't commit bank fraud? Should the government let crimes go because you're irrationally fond of the perp? You get your pink panties in a wad over black men kneeling for the national anthem but Trump's bank fraud should be ignored because it upsets you and the other hicks?

How about Jan.6? Was it all Fake? Did the FBI hire Hollywood actors? Was that Trump on the phone to the Georgia head of elections, trying
to bully him to commit felony vote fraud for him--or was it Joe Biden using a fake voice?

Did Trump take a major cache of classified documents and refuse to return them--despite being politely asked to do so for more than a year--or was that all fake too?

E. Jean Carroll filed lawsuits against Trump--the government had nothing to do with them. Guilty.

Thanks for trying....
what is there to expose on a message board. Its your opinion not everyone has a ma crush on djt...yes you missed some of my posts regarding Biden. You like games dont you. Dispute what i said about Biden but you must admit that DJT is a convicted criminal which is a fact. It has nothing to do with my political ideology except in your opinion.
Once the case is overturned then what??? Are you gonna be man enough to admit he isn't??? I doubt it
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Once the case is overturned then what??? Are you gonna be man enough to admit he isn't??? I doubt it

He will move on like a bad prognosticator like it never happened. His hope will reside in one of the other trumped up prosecutions. I've said it before, nobody is trying to convince him to vote for Trump but even @Sudden Impact should be against lawfare.
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The current administration is giving him ammo. These are the thoughts of others around the world as well. I've had conversations with people who don’t have a dog in the hunt.

Your conversations with people don't mean anyone than the same ones I've had who have the opposite opinion.

My point remains. Putin could care less about the legitimacy of the charges against Trump. He wants what is best for Russia/himself and that is us not funding Ukraine...

Electing Trump is the means to that end
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Your conversations with people don't mean anyone than the same ones I've had who have the opposite opinion.

My point remains. Putin could care less about the legitimacy of the charges against Trump. He wants what is best for Russia/himself and that is us not funding Ukraine...

Electing Trump is the means to that end

So you've had political discussions with people from Africa who still live there?

So you believe we need to continue funding Ukraine? Can you share the strategy that's been communicated?
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