The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

So you've had political discussions with people from Africa who still live there?

So you believe we need to continue funding Ukraine? Can you share the strategy that's been communicated?

Tax director for company with activity in over a dozen countries on 4 continents. Not Africa though.

The majority but not unanimous opinion is he is a crook. Some believe it is political but he's a crook....

Some believe it's all political
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One of my core beliefs is small government and financial prudence. Both parties have failed me there the last 20 yrs....
Fair enough and I agree..but I'm asking because that always the first thing people say about Trump, but when you take out COVID spending most struggle to answer..
Tax director for company with activity in over a dozen countries on 4 continents. Not Africa though.

The majority but not unanimous opinion is he is a crook. Some believe it is political but he's a crook....


Discussing politics is not a good idea where I work. It's a large multi-national company. It is easy to get caught in the middle of arguments that can go south but there are some that make assumptions and throw hints.

I'd argue depending on where the person is from might determine the motivation. For instance, I'd almost expect the average person from Canada or Europe to say he is a crook without providing the same media talking points that have been disproven. It's when the country is not NATO or a direct partner that you might get a more objective opinion. I'd also add that some East African countries are impacted due to trade issues because of the conflict in Europe.

These countries are generally poor and their main exports come from the land.

Discussing politics is not a good idea where I work eventhough it's an international company across the world. It is easy to get caught in the middle of arguments that can go south but there are some that make assumptions and throw hints.

I'd argue depending on where the person is from might determine the motivation. For instance, I'd almost expect the average person from Canada or Europe to say he is a crook without providing the media talking points. It's when the country is not NATO or a direct partner that you might get a more objective opinion. I'd also add that some East African countries are impacted due to trade issues because of the conflict in Europe.

I largely avoid those topics (especially in the US); however, a large part of job is global tax strategy and that is heavily dependent on elections. For example, tax posture in Mexico changes with a socialist in charge. My posture in the US might change based on 24 elections (Full R executive/legislative control, Full D, or split control)
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Correct, while I agree that is higher then I'd's not horrible...and is right on par with others. You still have yet to name something he spent on that he shouldn't IRA from Joe

TCJA was very poorly constructed (some good and some bad). All of the COVID bills were bloat.

The rest were increasing bloated Obama-era spending budgets by 3-4% each year with no true cuts.

That good?
Correct, while I agree that is higher then I'd's not horrible...and is right on par with others. You still have yet to name something he spent on that he shouldn't IRA from Joe

Personally I view 20 years of 1 trillion plus deficit spending as horrible....

Largely strong economies have masked impact but this spending is unsustainable
I wonder how much unrealized costs Biden is foisting on the American public with his open borders. Of course the next president will be blamed for that unless it is Puddinpants because he will accelerate it.
I wonder how much unrealized costs Biden is foisting on the American public with his open borders. Of course the next president will be blamed for that unless it is Puddinpants because he will accelerate it.

A drop in the bucket compared to Obama's, Trump's, and his excess deficit spending...

Discussing politics is not a good idea where I work. It's a large multi-national company. It is easy to get caught in the middle of arguments that can go south but there are some that make assumptions and throw hints.

I'd argue depending on where the person is from might determine the motivation. For instance, I'd almost expect the average person from Canada or Europe to say he is a crook without providing the same media talking points that have been disproven. It's when the country is not NATO or a direct partner that you might get a more objective opinion. I'd also add that some East African countries are impacted due to trade issues because of the conflict in Europe.

These countries are generally poor and their main exports come from the land.
Canadians and Europeans say it because it's a fact 🤭

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