The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

Having a shell/holding company does not mean they are covering up illegal activitirs and there are legitimate, legal reasons for having them. I don't think you want to go down that rabbit hole since the Trump Organization has dozens of shells/holding companies in their organizational structure....

Wait are you saying the Biden's had legitimate business activities for these shell companies where it's been proven they are hiding documents, but Trump has lots of illegitimate shell companies? Can you share the evidence of Trump shell companies?
There is not 1 developer that takes actual results, creates a fake income statement, lies about square footage, and lies about rental income and THEN gives that info to a bank.

This went well beyond inflating assets, which is what many developers do...
And he completely fooled the biggest banks in the land.

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they all give estimates about property. As Trump said, his accounts/lawyers in the paper work had a cover sheet giving their estimates but it was always up to the bank to go by their own estimates which the bank did, the bank made the loan based on its own numbers, Trump paid it back, the bank said it would do business with Trump again...everyone happy except leftists trying to create a crime where none existed. Real estates developers have sided with Trump on this. Leftists Trump haters on this forum accuse Trump of committing crimes all his life yet can never produce the first one.

Meanwhile, here is what real crimes look like:

What kind of business are Biden's grandchildren in to be receiving millions of dollars from foreign countries some of which are enemies of the US? Why all the shell companies? Do all the NY real estate developers have dozen of shell companies they launder money thru?

Nothing to see here.... move along.
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Even before Covid Trump didn’t reduce spending.
This is part of our problem. Presidents shouldn’t increase or decrease spending. That is the constitutional role of Congress. Congress has given up too much of its necessary role that is the power of the purse. They should have the backbone to say no when they need to. Of course part of the problem is that THEY WANT the increased spending too.
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It’s all hypothetical so it doesn’t have to, but those are enumerated rights. I’m saying unenumerated: abortion, contraception, voting, how you raise your kids, privacy, interracial marriage, punitive damages caps and some other things.

The right to self defense also isn’t enumerated.
I see what you’re saying now. I misread right to self defense as right to bear arms.

What was the response to the theory? That was in the next episode of the podcast.
Wait are you saying the Biden's had legitimate business activities for these shell companies where it's been proven they are hiding documents, but Trump has lots of illegitimate shell companies? Can you share the evidence of Trump shell companies?

I am not saying that at all. Having a shell or holding company does not mean laundering.

Trump has over 500 entities in Trump Org and many of them are holding/shell. It is set up that way for tax, legal, risk reasons.

The monitor overseeing T.O. has already dissolved over 100 of these companies with no operations. The monitor didn't dissolve them because of laundering but because they weren't needed.

Just need more proof than shell company to say something illegal is going on...
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Out of statute for the fake income stmt. If Trump ever deserved to be convicted of a felony, it was right here and not the Stormy Daniels stuff.

The over-inflation stuff had too many disclaimers, etc to be criminal. Both the state and city looked but chose not to go there. They chose going down civil path instead.
I am not saying that at all. Having a shell or holding company does not mean laundering.

Trump has over 500 entities in Trump Org and many of them are holding/shell. It is set up that way for tax, legal, risk reasons.

The monitor overseeing T.O. has already dissolved over 100 of these companies with no operations. The monitor didn't dissolve them because of laundering but because they weren't needed.

Just need more proof than shell company to say something illegal is going on...

I understand how shell corps work just as I understand the value in affiliate organizations. You eluded to no wrongdoing of the Biden's overseas shells eventhough no legitimate business purpose has been established.
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Why do you think the Mexicans moving here are socialists?
They are not. As someone previously pointed out. The Mexicans who are not socialists will come here. The more socialist a country becomes the more decent people will leave it. Kind of like people leaving blue states to move to red states.
I understand how shell corps work just as I understand the value in affiliate organizations. You eluded to no wrongdoing of the Biden's overseas shells eventhough no legitimate business purpose has been established.

I don't know enough about Biden's structure to form an opinion. If they are guilty of something, prosecute them to the fullest...
They are not. As someone previously pointed out. The Mexicans who are not socialists will come here. The more socialist a country becomes the more decent people will leave it. Kind of like people leaving blue states to move to red states.

Ha, ha: Red states are the poorest in America--fact. Scandinavian countries are social-democratic and are quite successful and prosperous.

Feel free to opt out of Medicare when you're 65---or advise your parents to do so now, and see how they react to your recommendation.
Ha, ha: Red states are the poorest in America--fact. Scandinavian countries are social-democratic and are quite successful and prosperous.

Feel free to opt out of Medicare when you're 65---or advise your parents to do so now, and see how they react to your recommendation.

It sounds like a great place for you to move to.

Why would a tax paying American who has spent their work life paying into Medicare opt out? 🤡
Ha, ha: Red states are the poorest in America--fact. Scandinavian countries are social-democratic and are quite successful and prosperous.

Feel free to opt out of Medicare when you're 65---or advise your parents to do so now, and see how they react to your recommendation.
you do know that the majority opt out of medicare, don’t you?
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Ha, ha: Red states are the poorest in America--fact. Scandinavian countries are social-democratic and are quite successful and prosperous.

Feel free to opt out of Medicare when you're 65---or advise your parents to do so now, and see how they react to your recommendation.
I will opt of Medicare when the government pays me back what I put in plus interest. People are moving from blue states to red states. That is a fact. Why? Blue states are dumps or are becoming dumps. And Scandinavian countries have been moving away from socialism for quite some time. Why? Socialism does not work. Never has. Never will.
I will opt of Medicare when the government pays me back what I put in plus interest. People are moving from blue states to red states. That is a fact. Why? Blue states are dumps or are becoming dumps. And Scandinavian countries have been moving away from socialism for quite some time. Why? Socialism does not work. Never has. Never will.
The majority choose medicare replacement plans such as Humana, UHC, or Aetna.
I will opt of Medicare when the government pays me back what I put in plus interest. People are moving from blue states to red states. That is a fact. Why? Blue states are dumps or are becoming dumps. And Scandinavian countries have been moving away from socialism for quite some time. Why? Socialism does not work. Never has. Never will.

Medicare is very popular--as it should be. EVERY advanced nation in the world has nationalized health care, by the way---but we no better than everybody else? Uh, no. We're better than every other nation at price-gouging citizens, that's for sure.

Blue states are dumps? I've been in Mississippi, Earl---nothing there. A backwater. I've been in Louisiana---a real dump unless you like chemical and oil refineries. Tourists flock to Arkansas because it's such a dynamic, exciting place. Oh, wait, sorry--no, they don't. I don't think too many people are rushing to move into Oklahoma--another backward state. Blue states support poor red states that have been run (into the ground) by good 'ole boy Republicans for many years.
Medicare is very popular--as it should be. EVERY advanced nation in the world has nationalized health care, by the way---but we no better than everybody else? Uh, no. We're better than every other nation at price-gouging citizens, that's for sure.

Blue states are dumps? I've been in Mississippi, Earl---nothing there. A backwater. I've been in Louisiana---a real dump unless you like chemical and oil refineries. Tourists flock to Arkansas because it's such a dynamic, exciting place. Oh, wait, sorry--no, they don't. I don't think too many people are rushing to move into Oklahoma--another backward state. Blue states support poor red states that have been run (into the ground) by good 'ole boy Republicans for many years.
People are leaving blue states in droves. And they are not moving to other blue states. That is a fact. Sorry the truth bothers you. And yes blue states are dumps. I wished they wouldn’t move here. It is just a matter of time before they turn red states into dumps as well.

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