The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

absurb = corrupt = unconstitutional = dishonest
Instead of calling it “absurd” I feel the better term is “unprecedented”. When a novel legal approach is trotted out in an apparent way to make an end run around established legal precedent; you can usually assume that the perpetrator is up to no good. It is stretching the law to or even beyond the breaking point and that is a perversion to the rule of law IMHO
I think they just need to leave this alone. Only one parties participants would be prosecuted and we know which one that would be.
Good. Get them out. Why is it needed? Is it fair to take out one party? No, so I say get them all out.

Then we can install McHog! That’s McDad and Hog together as co-rulers. They won’t like this of course.

Judge Judy slams Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg for prosecuting Trump in 'nonsense' hush money case​

Judge Judy called the hush money case against Trump 'nonsense'.

Yes, and the reality that makes that so hilarious is that he is King RINO of all time.
The sad part is the name calling of "RINO" is what stirred the pot in DC. A lot of respectable Congress members disgraced by Trump's words. Also, caused a lot of division in the Republican ranks all based on Trump's words. Ran off several that were not RINOs just Republicans. Now we have MAGA and Republicans. Pathetic and blind.
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By today's "standards" of the democrat party, JFK is a hard core right winger.
What is the point of that statement. JFK sixty years ago, 60+. You probably weren't even alive back then. So a bold statement. Hard Core Right Wingers. You can say a lot about him, but you may need to read a book. Adultery, more than likely with a Communist spy is part 2 of that. Don't even try to compare him to Trump because not worth it. Military Veteran vs a Court Veteran.
What is the point of that statement. JFK sixty years ago, 60+. You probably weren't even alive back then. So a bold statement. Hard Core Right Wingers. You can say a lot about him, but you may need to read a book. Adultery, more than likely with a Communist spy is part 2 of that. Don't even try to compare him to Trump because not worth it. Military Veteran vs a Court Veteran.
Kennedy was more ideologically aligned with the liberalism of the founders. BTW, most of the founders were of true liberal ideology. Most of the WWII vets were conservative in nature but aligned best with Truman and Kennedy as Democrats. Having Eisenhower as a Republican for two terms was generally accepted by those Democrats. @SpaceCoastVol has to be a pretty smart fellow, which is why I can't believe some of his extremely uninformed takes on the issues
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Kennedy was more ideologically aligned with the liberalism of the founders. BTW, most of the founders were of true liberal ideology. Most of the WWII vets were conservative in nature but aligned best with Truman and Kennedy as Democrats. Having Eisenhower as a Republican for two terms was generally accepted by those Democrats. @SpaceCoastVol has to be a pretty smart fellow, which is why I can't believe some of his extremely uninformed takes on the issues
Just seemed a little absurd bringing a President of 60 years old into the conversation and calling him a liberal by today's standards. What's more, I had to check what thread I was in during the process. MAGA shock jock statement that sounds good but contents are totally off the board.
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Dang..some of yall have serious comprehension problems and in your zest to disprove him actually are saying he is correct.
So I guess that makes you a Kennedy lover/supporter? He was not that great of a President but geez some got to did deep into the well to prove a point that is not worth proving.
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So I guess that makes you a Kennedy lover/supporter? He was not that great of a President but geez some got to did deep into the well to prove a point that is not worth proving.
I see you are still struggling with his relative statement, even to the point that you say he is calling JFK a “liberal by todays standard”, which wasnt what he was saying at all. In fact, the opposite. And you even agreed that he was a classic liberal, and not a modern day progressive, which was SCVs point. You are really struggling.
I see you are still struggling with his relative statement, even to the point that you say he is calling JFK a “liberal by todays standard”, which wasnt what he was saying at all. In fact, the opposite. And you even agreed that he was a classic liberal, and not a modern day progressive, which was SCVs point. You are really struggling.
What I am saying it is not relevant nor does it have anything to do with this thread. Who frigging cares what JFK did in the 60s --- dead people don't politic. Just another deflective wild goose chase that accomplishes nothing except using up board space. Are you his big brother trying to justify it?
You are the one that does not get it, buying into a Presidential theory/opinion of a President that has been dead for 60+ years is just dumb. Who cares? Don't really care if you think I get what he is saying or not, it is not worth discussing and is just deflecting. Some of you need to grow up and spend your time on current issues and drama. I ain't struggling with anything except the maturity level of some posting on this board.
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I see you are still struggling with his relative statement, even to the point that you say he is calling JFK a “liberal by todays standard”, which wasnt what he was saying at all. In fact, the opposite. And you even agreed that he was a classic liberal, and not a modern day progressive, which was SCVs point. You are really struggling.
Still, he would have never been labeled as "far right". Your spin is ignorant as to premise of the statement from SCV
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What I am saying it is not relevant nor does it have anything to do with this thread. Who frigging cares what JFK did in the 60s --- dead people don't politic. Just another deflective wild goose chase that accomplishes nothing except using up board space. Are you his big brother trying to justify it?
You are the one that does not get it, buying into a Presidential theory/opinion of a President that has been dead for 60+ years is just dumb. Who cares? Don't really care if you think I get what he is saying or not, it is not worth discussing and is just deflecting. Some of you need to grow up and spend your time on current issues and drama.
it was just a random point of reference to how far left the Dems have drifted, so it is very relevent to todays issues.

For somone who says he doesnt care, you have posted several times about you need to grow up as well.
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Still, he would have never been labeled as "far right". Your spin is ignorant as to premise of the statement from SCV
It was rhetorical, but truthful. even you admitted he was a classic liberal and worlds apart from the modern progressive. That is all he was implying, yet yall go off on some weird tangent that reinforced his premise..lmao.
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It was rhetorical, but truthful. even you admitted he was a classic liberal and worlds apart from the modern progressive. That is all he was implying, yet yall go off on some weird tangent that reinforced his premise..lmao.
He, like many less than informed wing nuts, made a definitive statement on the matter. SCV has learned that from wing nut dialogue. Lots of people like him have said the same stupid ass thing for a couple three decades
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