The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

Did you hear him say drill baby drill, cut business killing regulations, support Israel, closing the border, tax cuts, no more foreign wars , NATO europe must pay their agreed upon share, mass deportation of illegal alien gang members to start, only citizens should get to vote . (n.y.c. tried to allow illlegals who had been in city 30 days to vote locally :it failed .Az requires citizenship proof for local elections , but also has a federal only voter list of people that have not provided the state with proof of citizenship i.e just checked a box on a federal form) , no aid to coutries that refuse to take their illegals back. Sanction Iran and anyone doing business with them so they have no money for terrorists. And the one i like best , success is the best revenge. So... what has kamala said "my values have not changed"... so defund police , do away with ICE, illegals get govt health care , price controls , electric car mandate, eliminate fossil fuels ... just review here 2020 campaign . And china Walz: "One mans socialism is just another mans goodneighborliness".
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Did you hear him say drill baby drill, cut business killing regulations, support Israel, closing the border, tax cuts, no more foreign wars , NATO europe must pay their agreed upon share, mass deportation of illegal alien gang members to start, only citizens should get to vote . (n.y.c. tried to allow illlegals who had been in city 30 days to vote locally :it failed .Az requires citizenship proof for local elections , but also has a federal only voter list of people that have not provided the state with proof of citizenship i.e just checked a box on a federal form) , no aid to coutries that refuse to take their illegals back. Sanction Iran and anyone doing business with them so they have no money for terrorists. And the one i like best , success is the best revenge. So... what has kamala said "my values have not changed"... so defund police , do away with ICE, illegals get govt health care , price controls , electric car mandate, eliminate fossil fuels ... just review here 2020 campaign . And china Walz: "One mans socialism is just another mans goodneighborliness".
He had 4 years to do this. How many did he achieve?
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Did you hear him say drill baby drill, cut business killing regulations, support Israel, closing the border, tax cuts, no more foreign wars , NATO europe must pay their agreed upon share, mass deportation of illegal alien gang members to start, only citizens should get to vote . (n.y.c. tried to allow illlegals who had been in city 30 days to vote locally :it failed .Az requires citizenship proof for local elections , but also has a federal only voter list of people that have not provided the state with proof of citizenship i.e just checked a box on a federal form) , no aid to coutries that refuse to take their illegals back. Sanction Iran and anyone doing business with them so they have no money for terrorists. And the one i like best , success is the best revenge. So... what has kamala said "my values have not changed"... so defund police , do away with ICE, illegals get govt health care , price controls , electric car mandate, eliminate fossil fuels ... just review here 2020 campaign . And china Walz: "One mans socialism is just another mans goodneighborliness".
Yeah, I heard all that. Never heard one word about how he would do it or any details of those of those policy positions that are anything but unnuanced
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Did you hear him say drill baby drill, cut business killing regulations, support Israel, closing the border, tax cuts, no more foreign wars , NATO europe must pay their agreed upon share, mass deportation of illegal alien gang members to start, only citizens should get to vote . (n.y.c. tried to allow illlegals who had been in city 30 days to vote locally :it failed .Az requires citizenship proof for local elections , but also has a federal only voter list of people that have not provided the state with proof of citizenship i.e just checked a box on a federal form) , no aid to coutries that refuse to take their illegals back. Sanction Iran and anyone doing business with them so they have no money for terrorists. And the one i like best , success is the best revenge. So... what has kamala said "my values have not changed"... so defund police , do away with ICE, illegals get govt health care , price controls , electric car mandate, eliminate fossil fuels ... just review here 2020 campaign . And china Walz: "One mans socialism is just another mans goodneighborliness".
I appreciate your effort here. Seriously. You certainly can articulate why you're voting for him
Did you hear him say drill baby drill, cut business killing regulations, support Israel, closing the border, tax cuts, no more foreign wars , NATO europe must pay their agreed upon share, mass deportation of illegal alien gang members to start, only citizens should get to vote . (n.y.c. tried to allow illlegals who had been in city 30 days to vote locally :it failed .Az requires citizenship proof for local elections , but also has a federal only voter list of people that have not provided the state with proof of citizenship i.e just checked a box on a federal form) , no aid to coutries that refuse to take their illegals back. Sanction Iran and anyone doing business with them so they have no money for terrorists. And the one i like best , success is the best revenge. So... what has kamala said "my values have not changed"... so defund police , do away with ICE, illegals get govt health care , price controls , electric car mandate, eliminate fossil fuels ... just review here 2020 campaign . And china Walz: "One mans socialism is just another mans goodneighborliness".
When you look at these positions and those of the other candidate it is clear who is the threat. Just like the media/DNC pushed pee tapes, Russian secret agent, Charlottesville they will shield and transform her policies to being "normal" to where the sheep get feed another full course meal to enjoy.
The border was
He had 4 years to do this. How many did he achieve?
The border was much more secure. Wages for all groups was rising as jobs competed for American workers. No new wars . Tax cuts . NATO paid their share. Moved Israeli embassy to Jerusalem. Opposed covid voting changes by courts. And i gotta go now so that is all right now.
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The border was

The border was much more secure. Wages for all groups was rising as jobs competed for American workers. No new wars . Tax cuts . NATO paid their share. Moved Israeli embassy to Jerusalem. Opposed covid voting changes by courts. And i gotta go now so that is all right now.
Have you been to the southern border multiple times in the last 25 years?
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Term limits, Electoral College, Age limits, Days of Sessions needs to increase are real simple ones. 174 days = $174k + kickbacks. For example, more than 60% of the government jobs are 24/7 and are underpaid. Congress has not earned their $$$$ since 2000. Again this is a real simple fix. 174 days may have been the answer a while back but not the answer today. Too many games and to much technology with too much fake news and too many opinions.
The Constitution has not changed but how both sides interpret has. We are running this country in a grey area and causing more chaos and confusing media. Throwing crap against the wall right before a recess. Trump was right it is a swamp and Harris is not smart enough to recognize it.

Ben Carson said it best regarding in summary that we expect Congress to fix the problems they created.
The government has way to many employees and they are overpaid, not underpaid. How about we get rid of about half and keep the payroll the same for about 10 years? And I can guess your political affiliation by the fact that you want to get rid of the Electoral College. You want us to bow to the big population leftist states' whims and wishes.
The government has way to many employees and they are overpaid, not underpaid. How about we get rid of about half and keep the payroll the same for about 10 years? And I can guess your political affiliation by the fact that you want to get rid of the Electoral College. You want us to bow to the big population leftist states' whims and wishes.
Tell that to a soldier and if govt is still too big for you which it is start cutting appropriately.
Next, get Congress to work vs working less than 6 months and making $174,000. Pretty simple math.
I didn't say I wanted to get rid of the Electoral College, you assumed it and spoke foolishly. What is the matter with some of you putting words in other people's mouth. Learn to read.
An example for the Electoral College would be to count the congressional districts vote by vote vs a winner take all. The Senate could be counted as a 2 EC votes for the winner of the State total. Be part of the solution vs part of the problem.
Tell that to a soldier and if govt is still too big for you which it is start cutting appropriately.
Next, get Congress to work vs working less than 6 months and making $174,000. Pretty simple math.
I didn't say I wanted to get rid of the Electoral College, you assumed it and spoke foolishly. What is the matter with some of you putting words in other people's mouth. Learn to read.
An example for the Electoral College would be to count the congressional districts vote by vote vs a winner take all. The Senate could be counted as a 2 EC votes for the winner of the State total. Be part of the solution vs part of the problem.
Why do we have tbe electoral college? The military is not part of the big govt problem . It is all the bureaucrats in the agencies that seem to think they are serving an agenda rather than the American people.
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Wrong. Trump's twitter meltdown that day specifically mentioned arrests. Four years later and he's posting Q'Anon nonsense and Misogynistic memes about BJ's because he's an infant. Watching Trump's descent into madness in real time is glorious.
And all of the juvenile liberal jokes about Vance and couches show true maturity and level headedness, correct? 🙄
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Why do we have tbe electoral college?
Because it is in the constitution. And from a practical standpoint; it would require 2/3 of the states agreeing to an amendment to do away with it (the very states that would be giving up a large amount of their power by doing so). So it isn’t going anywhere.
And from a philosophical standpoint; it would be a betrayal and rejection of the great compromise required to form our nation. The “price of admission” as it were, two critical concessions had to be made to get the constitution ratified. In the constitutional convey; the small states were afraid that if elections were decided on the basis of straight popular votes; they would lose out constantly to the larger and more powerful states (which is still the reason smaller states still support the EC; to not let the entire country be ran by CA and NY). So in order to agree to the constitution and the US Republic; they demanded 1) a bicameral legislature with the upper chamber (senate) with each state having equal representation and 2) the election of President by the electoral college in which population centers would be partly offset.
Without these two conditions; the United States would have never came into being and to disavow these things now would Be literally breaking the agreement that formed our nation. Think of it as the political equivalent of someone breaking their wedding vows.
And please note the name of our republic ; The United STATES of America. We are not a nation consisting primarily of a national government where the states are mere administrative districts. We are a nation in which sovereign states voluntarily came together in a pact to create a federal government strong enough to avoid the pitfalls of the articles of confederation and give adequate national security and unified foreign policy and uniform currency and commerce; but without dissolving the states INTO that said government.
And so it remains until this day. Doing away with either the Senate with equal state representation or with the electoral college breaks the foundation of our nation.
Why do we have tbe electoral college? The military is not part of the big govt problem . It is all the bureaucrats in the agencies that seem to think they are serving an agenda rather than the American people.
It is hedge against the small less populous states being run over by the large states. They feared that simple popular vote elections leads to mob rule and control by the largest states. We are a constitutional republic of united states . All power not expressly given to the feds in the constitution , is retained by the states
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How about these facts:

Kamala wants to raise corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%. In her bid for the 2020 nomination she said it should be 35%.
Trump wants to cut the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15%

Kamala wants to allow the Trump tax cuts to expire. Trump wants to extend them or make permanent. Here are the increases that will occur when this happens:

The top individual tax rate dropped from 39.6% to 37% under the terms of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (single filers making $578,126 and over), the 33% bracket fell to 32% ($182,101-$231,250), the 28% bracket to 24% ($95,376-$182,100), the 25% bracket to 22% ($44,726-$95,375) and the 15% bracket to 12% ($11,001-$44,725).

Other tax policies supported by her and the socialist/communist ticket from her 2020 campaign:
  • Raising the top marginal income tax rate on the top 1 percent to 39.6 percent
  • Implementing a 4 percent “income-based premium” on households making more than $100,000 annually to pay for her version of “Medicare for All”
  • Creating a $3,000 refundable tax credit ($6,000 for married couples filing jointly) (the LIFT Act) for low- and middle-income taxpayers
  • Raising capital gains tax rates to ordinary income tax rates, though it is unclear if Harris would do so only on a subset of taxpayers
  • Raising the corporate income tax rate of 21 percent up to 35 percent
  • Expanding the estate tax
  • Imposing a financial transaction tax (FTT) on stock trades at 0.2 percent, bond trades at 0.1 percent, and derivative transactions at 0.002 percent
  • Providing $2,000 per person per month for pandemic relief in mid-2020; totaling about $21 trillion, hers was one of the largest aid proposals, far surpassing what was eventually passed into law in December 2020
  • Creating a tax credit for rent payments made by renters who earn less than $100,000 and spend over 30 percent of their income on rent and utilities
All this is to support a $10T climate agenda and Medicare for all including immigrants crossing the border. Insurance providers would go away to allow DC to run the health care system.
Her policies are dangerous. I get sick to my stomach thinking about it.
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Why do we have tbe electoral college? The military is not part of the big govt problem . It is all the bureaucrats in the agencies that seem to think they are serving an agenda rather than the American people.

The rank and file of the military isnt the problem. Everyone else associated with military and defense may be the biggest issue in our govt....
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It is hedge against the small less populous states being run over by the large states. They feared that simple popular vote elections leads to mob rule and control by the largest states. We are a constitutional republic of united states . All power not expressly given to the feds in the constitution , is retained by the states
Why are you answering your own questions? Troll. And a bad one at that

EXCLUSIVEFani Willis's pregnant daughter Kinaya, 25, is ARRESTED in Georgia for driving with a suspended license amid Trump election interference case​

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EXCLUSIVEFani Willis's pregnant daughter Kinaya, 25, is ARRESTED in Georgia for driving with a suspended license amid Trump election interference case​

and this is newsworthy why? Exclusive?

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