The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

Let's explained what REALLY happened.

In Shiawassee County, Michigan, the votes were counted. Trump won that county by roughly 20%. The canvasers, election commissioner, and clerk for that county were 100% Republican and Trump supporters.

The Republican clerk erroneously typed in an extra 0 for Biden giving him 153K votes instead of 15.3K. The error was caught locally, by people gambling on the election, and by Lansing in a couple of minutes and those extra 130K votes were taken off immediately.

Yore brainwarshed.
Let's explained what REALLY happened.

In Shiawassee County, Michigan, the votes were counted. Trump won that county by roughly 20%. The canvasers, election commissioner, and clerk for that county were 100% Republican and Trump supporters.

The Republican clerk erroneously typed in an extra 0 for Biden giving him 153K votes instead of 15.3K. The error was caught locally, by people gambling on the election, and by Lansing in a couple of minutes and those extra 130K votes were taken off immediately.
The fact you and others are still talking about it after 61 cases and 4 years after it occured is dumb and hard headed. 2020 happened, it's over. As you stated, the mistake was caught and fix immediately.

I am beginning to believe there is more EDS on this board than there is TDS.

It's time to move forward not backward. For some, it's like trying to drive a car forward by using a rear view mirror. You have been baited and bought into it hook line and sinker. Bless your heart!

Take it like a man instead of whining like a child. At this point it is over but what will fix it, you got a time machine to take us all back to fix it. Get over it.
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The fact you and others are still talking about it after 61 cases and 4 years after it occured is dumb and hard headed. 2020 happened, it's over. As you stated, the mistake was caught and fix immediately.

I am beginning to believe there is more EDS on this board than there is TDS.

It's time to move forward not backward. For some, it's like trying to drive a car forward by using a rear view mirror. You have been baited and bought into it hook line and sinker. Bless your heart!

Take it like a man instead of whining like a child. At this point it is over but what will fix it, you got a time machine to take us all back to fix it. Get over it.
I think you misread or misunderstood his post.
It didn't just happen in one place it happened in multiple states at the same weird 3-4am period.

EDS. But...But...But 2020 election is over. Not much you can do about
Prayer maybe suggested below.
God grant me the Serenity
to Accept the things I cannot change
the Courage to change the things I can
the Wisdom to know the Difference.
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I think you misread or misunderstood his post.
More than likely I did. I do think it is a bit childish having a conversation about the Election vote tally of 2020 beaten to death by posters on both sides. I see what Mojo stated. Neither side of aisle is going to resolve anything from 2020 election. It is just stirring crap. There is no defense to it except to look at the scoreboard and it was 2020. Time to move on was Inauguration day. Right now Biden won and that is the only fact one should take from the election 2020.
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EDS. But...But...But 2020 election is over. Not much you can do about
Prayer maybe suggested below.
God grant me the Serenity
to Accept the things I cannot change
the Courage to change the things I can
the Wisdom to know the Difference.
I don't think there is a statute of limitations on treason. It will never be over until there is justice for what was done. if that never happens, then it simply will never be over. Accepting evil is not what the prayer was meant for.
You’re not making up a fantasy about how it’s not a big deal because anybody in this position would do the same?

I wonder why?
If you don't work on your reading comprehension, you always will.

Seriously though, I don't understand why you have such an issue with the fact that I have so little regard for the character of anyone that would want to be president.
If you don't work on your reading comprehension, you always will.

Seriously though, I don't understand why you have such an issue with the fact that I have so little regard for the character of anyone that would want to be president.
Guy who makes up political fantasies uses a strawman to prompt a lecture about the views of “reasonable people” and then gets salty about “reading comprehension.”

Self awareness level: 0.
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Guy who makes up political fantasies uses a strawman to prompt a lecture about the views of “reasonable people” and then gets salty about “reading comprehension.”

Self awareness level: 0.
I'm guessing one of us needs a lesson on blue font. You do you, have a good day.
Shocking as it may seem, I don’t think that Trump is making an accurate statement of the policy.

Redoing the indictment seems permissible as long as they consulted the Public Integrity Office and as long as it wasn’t for the purpose of influencing the election.

The purpose is probably to better comply with the new Supreme Court immunity ruling and takes out a lot of clearly official conduct.

They delayed a potentially more politically damaging expedited argument over the official acts stuff to do this, instead.
Saved the court and defense counsel a lot of in-court time and effort in the process.
Probably saved Trump a lot of money to not have to pay his lawyers to argue about the conduct that was removed from the indictment.
The real question is :if he wasn't running for president , and kept his mouth closed, would he have even been indicted? Mar a Lago 18 million?? ( empty lots next door valued at 4 - 5 times more)
Stormy daniels. Congress has a slush fund to pay such cases for congress and does not reported the identity of the accused. It was always political, from the fbi lovers plan to stop Trump to the made up debunked lies they keep repeating to this day. From rules for radicals by Saul Alinsky: Repeat a lie loud enough and long enough people will start believing it. Read the Alinsky rules and compare to democratic tactics.Control the media and the flow of information. Ever heard of Cloward -Pivens strategy? Overload the system and demand services to crash the system. The build back better slogan reflects this, implying present system must be torn down. Bottom up middle out has replaced the American dream of anything is possible with hard work and perserverance. Lastly and most concerning: The end justifies the means.
The real question is :if he wasn't running for president , and kept his mouth closed, would he have even been indicted? Mar a Lago 18 million?? ( empty lots next door valued at 4 - 5 times more)
Stormy daniels. Congress has a slush fund to pay such cases for congress and does not reported the identity of the accused. It was always political, from the fbi lovers plan to stop Trump to the made up debunked lies they keep repeating to this day. From rules for radicals by Saul Alinsky: Repeat a lie loud enough and long enough people will start believing it. Read the Alinsky rules and compare to democratic tactics.Control the media and the flow of information. Ever heard of Cloward -Pivens strategy? Overload the system and demand services to crash the system. The build back better slogan reflects this, implying present system must be torn down. Bottom up middle out has replaced the American dream of anything is possible with hard work and perserverance. Lastly and most concerning: The end justifies the means.

There isn't a question. No Trump would not have been indicted if he wasn't running.
Let's explained what REALLY happened.

In Shiawassee County, Michigan, the votes were counted. Trump won that county by roughly 20%. The canvasers, election commissioner, and clerk for that county were 100% Republican and Trump supporters.

The Republican clerk erroneously typed in an extra 0 for Biden giving him 153K votes instead of 15.3K. The error was caught locally, by people gambling on the election, and by Lansing in a couple of minutes and those extra 130K votes were taken off immediately.
How about this one from Cherokee Co. Kansas 2022 midterms ? Reported by KOAM 24/7 news Joplin Mo. "County Clerk Rebecca Brassart discovered the thumb drive containing voting data improperly switched votes.".... Officials say the drives worked properly during testing, however, the malfunction was detected after the voting process.
How about this one from Cherokee Co. Kansas 2022 midterms ? Reported by KOAM 24/7 news Joplin Mo. "County Clerk Rebecca Brassart discovered the thumb drive containing voting data improperly switched votes.".... Officials say the drives worked properly during testing, however, the malfunction was detected after the voting process.

Not sure what Cherokee County catching it as part of their post audit has to do with the 138K Michigan lie being repeates over and over without actually spending 15 seconds to look at what happened there....

Between this county in Michigan and heavily red Cherokee County KS, it appears MAGA Republicans cant run an election....
The real question is :if he wasn't running for president , and kept his mouth closed, would he have even been indicted? Mar a Lago 18 million?? ( empty lots next door valued at 4 - 5 times more)
Stormy daniels. Congress has a slush fund to pay such cases for congress and does not reported the identity of the accused. It was always political, from the fbi lovers plan to stop Trump to the made up debunked lies they keep repeating to this day. From rules for radicals by Saul Alinsky: Repeat a lie loud enough and long enough people will start believing it. Read the Alinsky rules and compare to democratic tactics.Control the media and the flow of information. Ever heard of Cloward -Pivens strategy? Overload the system and demand services to crash the system. The build back better slogan reflects this, implying present system must be torn down. Bottom up middle out has replaced the American dream of anything is possible with hard work and perserverance. Lastly and most concerning: The end justifies the means.

Trump wasnt convicted because of the MAL valuation. He was convicted because he took actual financial results, made up income that did not exist, took off expenses that actually existed and gave those false income statements to a bank.

That is bank fraud in 50/50 states....
Trump wasnt convicted because of the MAL valuation. He was convicted because he took actual financial results, made up income that did not exist, took off expenses that actually existed and gave those false income statements to a bank.

That is bank fraud in 50/50 states....
An Associated Press analysis of nearly 70 years of civil cases under the law showed that such a penalty has only been imposed a dozen previous times, and Trump’s case stands apart in a significant way: It’s the only big business found that was threatened with a shutdown without a showing of obvious victims and major losses
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An Associated Press analysis of nearly 70 years of civil cases under the law showed that such a penalty has only been imposed a dozen previous times, and Trump’s case stands apart in a significant way: It’s the only big business found that was threatened with a shutdown without a showing of obvious victims and major losses

The penalty was ridiculous in its size and defied basic economic reality. Im with you there.....

But Trump wasnt an innocent here.
Not sure what Cherokee County catching it as part of their post audit has to do with the 138K Michigan lie being repeates over and over without actually spending 15 seconds to look at what happened there....

Between this county in Michigan and heavily red Cherokee County KS, it appears MAGA Republicans cant run an election....
Did you notice the part about the thumb drive testing fine before the election and then switching the votes when they were counted?
The judge really said mar a lago was worth 18 million.??

Trump didnt provide an expert that could provide valaution. Instead of an appraiser, they tried to get a REALTOR.

When calculating the amount of penalty, judge didnt factor in MAL. He knew the 18M was ridiculously low...
It didn't just happen in one place it happened in multiple states at the same weird 3-4am period.

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Trump didnt provide an expert that could provide valaution. Instead of an appraiser, they tried to get a REALTOR.

When calculating the amount of penalty, judge didnt factor in MAL. He knew the 18M was ridiculously low...
This verdict caused an exodus of cash (1trillion $) and businesses from N.Y. Were they all guilty and afraid of prosecution? Is it political? It was a campaign promise to "get trump" . Most of the democrats were friends and chummy with Trump before he ran as a republican. Now he is a danger to democracy.
This verdict caused an exodus of cash (1trillion $) and businesses from N.Y. Were they all guilty and afraid of prosecution? Is it political? It was a campaign promise to "get trump" . Most of the democrats were friends and chummy with Trump before he ran as a republican. Now he is a danger to democracy.
I remember Chuck Schumer told Trump it was unwise to mess with the 3 letter agencies. That they had many ways to make you pay……Chuck wasn’t lying.

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