The military purge stepping up

I've known a few duds but also some highly qualified HR managers. It's actually the direct supervisor who generally makes the decision who to hire, especially in technical jobs. The HR manager's role is to facilitate the process
Yep, you're right about that. My supervisor got a call from HR one day about a job he posted for an electrical engineer with 10-20 years experience. HR hired a guy that had worked 15 jobs in 20 years and was dumb as a box o rocks without telling my boss because he passed the "diversity" test. In short, he was a job shopper and went to a new job every year or so. Six months later, they walked him out the door for being a crappy employee. He knew how to wordsmith his resume with buzzwords that would get interest from companies. I watched HR make mistake after mistake when it came to hiring people. It doesn't take a degree to judge people's character or whether they are telling the truth.
Yep, you're right about that. My supervisor got a call from HR one day about a job he posted for an electrical engineer with 10-20 years experience. HR hired a guy that had worked 15 jobs in 20 years and was dumb as a box o rocks without telling my boss because he passed the "diversity" test. In short, he was a job shopper and went to a new job every year or so. Six months later, they walked him out the door for being a crappy employee. He knew how to wordsmith his resume with buzzwords that would get interest from companies. I watched HR make mistake after mistake when it came to hiring people. It doesn't take a degree to judge people's character or whether they are telling the truth.
I'm just relaying my experiences with HR over 30 years. I'm not saying they're right or wrong. It varies depending on the company. I wasn't HR, but I conducted dozens of interviews for positions in my department(s). HR facilitated the process and most of the time hired my recommendation.
People can "embellish" their resume as the resident "veterans need to acclimate" poster said. That embellishment, like putting the right keywords on their resume, can sometimes get them past that first process and possibly into an interview. People can completely BS their way thru an interview. You do realize people are also taught how to impress the person conducting the interview in order to better their chances of getting the job.

Plus there are times that the position is being filled because a bad hiring decision had been made with the previous person in that position.

I'm really questioning whether you actually served more than a four year hitch...
Yep, you're right about that. My supervisor got a call from HR one day about a job he posted for an electrical engineer with 10-20 years experience. HR hired a guy that had worked 15 jobs in 20 years and was dumb as a box o rocks without telling my boss because he passed the "diversity" test. In short, he was a job shopper and went to a new job every year or so. Six months later, they walked him out the door for being a crappy employee. He knew how to wordsmith his resume with buzzwords that would get interest from companies. I watched HR make mistake after mistake when it came to hiring people. It doesn't take a degree to judge people's character or whether they are telling the truth.

I will certainly give my business credit for being merit based on most of the things we hire for. Now, they did want a few female wildlands engine captains and by golly, we found some including one of the first ones ever qualified in the Forest Service.

But the main difference was, they all were qualified for the position...
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I'm still waiting on @WBO to actually join the 21st century with his military pay rates...

Looked at them before I posted. Always do my research. It's not enough for the job performed. Example, my niece is an active duty O-5 and the moment she retires (putting in her papers to retire this summer if she's not on the O-6 promotion list), the medical services companies from hospitals to insurance companies are going to be all over her with job offers at 2 to 3 times her current pay.
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Looked at them before I posted. Always do my research. It's not enough for the job performed. Example, my niece is an active duty O-5 and the moment she retires (putting in her papers to retire this summer if she's not on the O-6 promotion list), the medical services companies from hospitals to insurance companies are going to be all over her with job offers at 2 to 3 times her current pay.

She's making $120K base salary before taxes...

Are you telling me they are going to offer her over a quarter of a million dollars base salary?

I'm calling BS here.
Dude you just need to stop.
I'll continue posting as I please. If you don't like it you can choose to ignore me. Not my fault some of you continue to make fools of yourselves and can't take it when called out on it.
Spoken like someone who's certainly never served...
LMAO. Right. And like I said I'm beginning to question if you ever served at all. So we can go back and forth on that all day if you like.

Also spent plenty of time in Japan myself. Can tell you all about it too if I wanted to. Loved almost every second of it. Might move back there or to Thailand one day.

Anyways. You need to get back to work and review those resumes. Spending time on Volnation isn't a valuable use of company time.
I always love having my veteran status challenged. I mean, it's not me that's been pushing the Skillbridge program in my company...

Or trying to get into more Hiring for Heroes events...

(Won't do recruit military which is close to being a scam)

Or trying to break into the local TAPS classes for additional pools of employees...

Or the 11 veterans and 2 military spouses I've hired in the last four months...

I'm such a bad person when it comes to hiring veterans and spouses...
I always love having my veteran status challenged. I mean, it's not me that's been pushing the Skillbridge program in my company...

Or trying to get into more Hiring for Heroes events...

(Won't do recruit military which is close to being a scam)

Or trying to break into the local TAPS classes for additional pools of employees...

Or the 11 veterans and 2 military spouses I've hired in the last four months...

I'm such a bad person when it comes to hiring veterans and spouses...

Anti-Veteran! You disgust me…
I always love having my veteran status challenged. I mean, it's not me that's been pushing the Skillbridge program in my company...

Or trying to get into more Hiring for Heroes events...

(Won't do recruit military which is close to being a scam)

Or trying to break into the local TAPS classes for additional pools of employees...

Or the 11 veterans and 2 military spouses I've hired in the last four months...

I'm such a bad person when it comes to hiring veterans and spouses...
And you are the first person to have questioned my veteran status. By the way, you did it to me first. So as far as I'm concerned I can do it right back. So how about not getting butthurt when someone uses your own tactics back at you.

And like I said. Being on Volnation isn't a good use of company time.

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