The mountain is high


Look at the calendar. We've got 3 more months to be optimistic and dream. The closer we get to that first kickoff, the more you'll see our expectations tempered by what we know is the reality of our situation. Nobody would ever buy a lottery ticket if you felt like you do right before you check it against the winning number. But you buy it so you can purchase the right to dream about how it would be if you did win. Let us dream.

And who knows? Maybe our wildest dreams will actually come true. People do win the lottery, I'm told. Or maybe we'll match 5 out of 6 and most of us will still be very happy.
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Wait a minute.... this isn't a Gators message board! Eureka!

He is just trying to keep our Expectations for the season reasonable for what Butch is dealing with.. No problem.

But, any right minded football fan knows that this year will be tough to watch for UT. So yes he is stating the obvious for me.

I think we find out what kind of coach we have this year though. The Carolina game at home is the one to watch. I think we take that one ...:salute:
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While most of what you say might be true, I don't think most fans expectations are too lofty. 95% of our fans (including me) are in that 6-8 win range. If that's not realistic I don't know what is. 1)Are you telling me that Ole Piss and Vandy can have winning seasons last year with less talent but we can't win 7 this year? Serious question.
2) You do know that Oregon travels cross country to UVA the week before playing us don't you? So are you insinuating that a cross country trip will be more difficult for us than it will be for Oregon? Serious question.

3) Who are UF's WRs? all fairness I took a jab at you on question 3. Only because I like you....but I am interested to see who steps up for UF. Because for about 5-6 years the WR position at UF has been...well we'll just say that "next Percy Harvin" has yet to step up and materialize.

1. They don't have the same schedules.

2. Oregon and Florida on the road or Virginia on the road and Tennessee at home. Hmmm. That's a tough one.

3. We hired a new coach. They will immediately become awesome
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We all know Tennessee is Down, But I'll promise you one thing , all the top programs go through down years. We will be back. I look for Tennessee To be in every Game we Play This season.Even the mighty Gators are very beatable at home. I have faith that a piss poor Vandy team has given Georgia,Florida & Southcarolina very close games and No reason we can't do the same and even take a win here and there this season.
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1. They don't have the same schedules.

2. Oregon and Florida on the road or Virginia on the road and Tennessee at home. Hmmm. That's a tough one.

3. We hired a new coach. They will immediately become awesome

Atleast you answered the questions. A couple were half assed answers but you did answer them. Better than I can say for some on here.
Honestly I think we'll win 6 or 7. Hell I have a good feeling we may give a very good team a little scare like sackalina, Georgia, maybe even alabubba for 3 quarters.

I think this team will have discipline and that's what will help us be competitive even in games we'll lose.
1. They don't have the same schedules.

2. Oregon and Florida on the road or Virginia on the road and Tennessee at home. Hmmm. That's a tough one.

3. We hired a new coach. They will immediately become awesome

1) We can play with anyone with the right scheme, They say Butch does more with less and if true ..who knows
2) who gives a damned about Florida here? If something happens and we loose maybe at least we can cripple them up for the rest of the season. ( I hate Florida)
3) No but they will be Coached! UT will also have a diffrent threat for D's to sheme for ! Nice to know the QB's can tuck the darn ball and go. ( and to answer your D-line question from the Other Day . I'll take Big Moe & Big Dan with Maggit and Vareen on the ends and say they will be just as damned good as Florida's D-Line!)
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We all know Tennessee is Down, But I'll promise you one thing , all the top programs go through down years. We will be back. I look for Tennessee To be in every Game we Play This season.Even the mighty Gators are very beatable at home. I have faith that a piss poor Vandy team has given Georgia,Florida & Southcarolina very close games and No reason we can't do the same and even take a win here and there this season.

UT gave all of those teams tough games last year. UT had a chance against UF, UGA, Miss St., USC, & Mizzou. It's not like UT was blown off the field.

The problem is going to be the same as last year with the Oct schedule being extremely tough following back to back road trips to Eugene, OR and Gainesville in Sept.

What will the team have in the tank in Nov?
UT gave all of those teams tough games last year. UT had a chance against UF, UGA, Miss St., USC, & Mizzou. It's not like UT was blown off the field.

The problem is going to be the same as last year with the Oct schedule being extremely tough following back to back road trips to Eugene, OR and Gainesville in Sept.

What will the team have in the tank in Nov?
This fast pace offense Our D- has been go against every day will help there.
I felt this needed its own thread because I think several people are forgetting the mountain the new staff has to climb.

Talking about signature wins, having a shot against Oregon, how the talent has been rated by rivals, etc, etc, etc.

Tennessee has no clue who it's qb is and is running a new system. And I think the cluelessness is genuine. They don't have a decision made and are keeping it hush hush. I think they really don't know.

They have a wr corps that is almost completely inexperienced.

Then, they have to fix one of the worst defenses they have ever fielded.

And the first two major tests are on the road against highly ranked teams on opposite ends of the country.

Now, some of you will say I'm stating the obvious, but I get the sense people will turn on butch jones after Florida week because some of you have already turned him into the man, the myth, the legend. Or, some of you have declared if he doesn't show something almost immediately, he isn't the guy.

The mountain is high. Just remember what they are walking into and give the staff time.

Don't you have to go iron your jorts and comb that mullet?
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Don't you have to go iron your jorts and comb that mullet?

I really am in great despair about this right now.

I get my jorts dry cleaned and the local cleaners is now run by Habib.

I don't think he understands how to properly clean the jorts like the previous owner. He's also not selling Skoal or beer. It's just not the one stop shop it used to be.

I miss Cletus
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6 and 6 and improve week to week, the mountain is very high. it will take time to climb, but 6 and 6 and improve from week to week is not to much to ask for.
I felt this needed its own thread because I think several people are forgetting the mountain the new staff has to climb.

Talking about signature wins, having a shot against Oregon, how the talent has been rated by rivals, etc, etc, etc.

Tennessee has no clue who it's qb is and is running a new system. And I think the cluelessness is genuine. They don't have a decision made and are keeping it hush hush. I think they really don't know.

They have a wr corps that is almost completely inexperienced.

Then, they have to fix one of the worst defenses they have ever fielded.

And the first two major tests are on the road against highly ranked teams on opposite ends of the country.

Now, some of you will say I'm stating the obvious, but I get the sense people will turn on butch jones after Florida week because some of you have already turned him into the man, the myth, the legend. Or, some of you have declared if he doesn't show something almost immediately, he isn't the guy.

The mountain is high. Just remember what they are walking into and give the staff time.

What everyone is forgetting, "On any given Saturday ...” For example, Florida was competitive with Louisville for the first two minutes in the Sugar Bowl? Who would have thought that?
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Just like most fan bases you have the lunatic fringe that pump sunshine all day. I for one have said all along that if we pull out 7 wins this fall then we are ahead of schedule.

One thing that opposing fans need to realize as well - our defense is not as far off as you think. Prior to the Sunseri apocalypse we weren't horrid, we have some talent and playing a better base scheme to fit the talent will carry them a long way. I firmly believe that we will be much improved on the defensive side because the players will be able to play instead of think.

People are confusing the recruiting success with football success - and while its good to win the recruiting battles none of those guys we be on campus for at least a year.

The 3-4 that you were running is a great defense, if appropriately manned and well coached. The problem is, as UGA can attest, it takes 2-3 seasons to implement effectively. With ever more complicated offensive schemes, good teams will at least need to run hybrid 3-4's to keep a good QB in check. Sunseri is a very good football coach. And many Vol fans were excited when he was hired, and rightly so. But Dooley knew it was a gamble and he'd need a few seasons to implement the defense. You scored enough points to win last season, which is Dooley's baby, the D just couldn't keep up. Don't be surprised to see similar next season. UT fans are the least patient in the SEC, probably all of CFB. Which is not always a bad thing. But UT fans also can be the most unrealistic in SEC/CFB, as my Gator colleague astutely pointed out. There are no gods ('cept maybe Satan.......sorry.....Saban) CBJ might be very good, but don't elevate him to god status until he coaches a few games.
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So why are they looked at as a NC contender?

1) because they've been coached up like no other.

2) I can't remember the last time Oregon's October schedule looked like that of an SEC team. Seriously, we all seen the thrashing LSU gave Oregon 2 years ago in Jerry's House. How do you think it would have impacted Oregon's record if they had Bama looming the following week, then UF, then UGA, then when you see Miss St. On the schedule you think you have a week off. Well, you relax on them and you will get beat.

They would get injured up playing a schedule like that. And IMO it would show by seasons end. That's just my opinion, but I really think that's how it would be.
Well, I for one, am tired of this part of the tapestry. I would like to focus on the part of the tapestry where we are beating everybody's ass, including gators.

Hah! I'm sure if we could see the tapestry as it hangs in Volhalla, there would be a big scorched spot where the last few years are supposed to be.
UT gave all of those teams tough games last year. UT had a chance against UF, UGA, Miss St., USC, & Mizzou. It's not like UT was blown off the field.

The problem is going to be the same as last year with the Oct schedule being extremely tough following back to back road trips to Eugene, OR and Gainesville in Sept.

What will the team have in the tank in Nov?

And the fact that we were so close in those games is frustrating, because I believe that with even an average d coordinator, we would've won over half those games we lost.
And the fact that we were so close in those games is frustrating, because I believe that with even an average d coordinator, we would've won over half those games we lost.

I agree 100%. Not only a D coordinator, but a HC too. 2 games off the top of my head (UGA, Miss St.) where blown TOs due to personel mismanagement came back to bite us late in the game when we needed a TO. And the clock mismanagement debacle against Mizzou as well. A remotely competent DC and HC and I honestly think last years team was a 9-10 win team after a bowl game.

Seriously. Look at the Patrino Arkansas teams. We're they that different than last yrs UT teams? Great offenses, average defenses, middle of the pack talent (sec wise). Insert John L. Smith and that same Arkansas team that smashed us the previous season rapidly in a sense.

That's why I'm higher on this years team than some. Not that 7 wins is out of this world. But IMO most are viewing us as a 5-7 team that lost our best players. Last year was a 9-10 win team (talent wise) that lost its best offensive skill players in my eyes. Leaving me to believe that if coached up this is a 7-8 win team after a bowl.

Very good post AC.

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