The mountain is high

I felt this needed its own thread because I think several people are forgetting the mountain the new staff has to climb.

Talking about signature wins, having a shot against Oregon, how the talent has been rated by rivals, etc, etc, etc.

Tennessee has no clue who it's qb is and is running a new system. And I think the cluelessness is genuine. They don't have a decision made and are keeping it hush hush. I think they really don't know.

They have a wr corps that is almost completely inexperienced.

Then, they have to fix one of the worst defenses they have ever fielded.

And the first two major tests are on the road against highly ranked teams on opposite ends of the country.

Now, some of you will say I'm stating the obvious, but I get the sense people will turn on butch jones after Florida week because some of you have already turned him into the man, the myth, the legend. Or, some of you have declared if he doesn't show something almost immediately, he isn't the guy.

The mountain is high. Just remember what they are walking into and give the staff time.

Butch Jones and Co. have never fielded a defense at UT, so how could it be "the worst" they have ever fielded?
I felt this needed its own thread because I think several people are forgetting the mountain the new staff has to climb.

Talking about signature wins, having a shot against Oregon, how the talent has been rated by rivals, etc, etc, etc.

Tennessee has no clue who it's qb is and is running a new system. And I think the cluelessness is genuine. They don't have a decision made and are keeping it hush hush. I think they really don't know.

They have a wr corps that is almost completely inexperienced.

Then, they have to fix one of the worst defenses they have ever fielded.

And the first two major tests are on the road against highly ranked teams on opposite ends of the country.

Now, some of you will say I'm stating the obvious, but I get the sense people will turn on butch jones after Florida week because some of you have already turned him into the man, the myth, the legend. Or, some of you have declared if he doesn't show something almost immediately, he isn't the guy.

The mountain is high. Just remember what they are walking into and give the staff time.

I agree with all of this.
fack a bunch of spinless gator loving UT fans that are shooting for 6 Wins! Hell why even watch the season? You guys are giving up way to early! I say we Kick Florida's ass and muschamp makes dork of him self yet again!
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I think things will be turned around by Butch but it'll take time. I just love how fans of other SEC teams think they're on a mission to tell us how bad UT has been the last few seasons.:rolleyes:
I felt this needed its own thread because I think several people are forgetting the mountain the new staff has to climb.

Talking about signature wins, having a shot against Oregon, how the talent has been rated by rivals, etc, etc, etc.

Tennessee has no clue who it's qb is and is running a new system. And I think the cluelessness is genuine. They don't have a decision made and are keeping it hush hush. I think they really don't know.

They have a wr corps that is almost completely inexperienced.

Then, they have to fix one of the worst defenses they have ever fielded.

And the first two major tests are on the road against highly ranked teams on opposite ends of the country.

Now, some of you will say I'm stating the obvious, but I get the sense people will turn on butch jones after Florida week because some of you have already turned him into the man, the myth, the legend. Or, some of you have declared if he doesn't show something almost immediately, he isn't the guy.

The mountain is high. Just remember what they are walking into and give the staff time.
Derek, Now run along and go play cowboy.
I think most on here are expecting a 6-7 win season, which is more than possible. I haven't seen any reasonable fan on here expecting anything other than losses for Oregon, Florida, Georgia, and Bama. I don't think the fanbase will turn on him if significant improvement is shown on the defensive side and overall team character. It's a successful season if we beat everybody we are supposed to.

I think the Gators and the Dawgs are beatable. The Ducks and the Bammers, not so much.
I felt this needed its own thread because I think several people are forgetting the mountain the new staff has to climb.

The mountain is high. Just remember what they are walking into and give the staff time.

Well said! Butch's staff is Walking Tall, into these here mountains, with baseball bats.

It takes a few years to get rid of the scum-bags when you just become the High Sheriff.

You'all see alot of scum-bags, go coach somewhere beside the SEC, after they get Butch-Wacked with some timber.
The 3-4 that you were running is a great defense, if appropriately manned and well coached. The problem is, as UGA can attest, it takes 2-3 seasons to implement effectively. With ever more complicated offensive schemes, good teams will at least need to run hybrid 3-4's to keep a good QB in check. Sunseri is a very good football coach. And many Vol fans were excited when he was hired, and rightly so. But Dooley knew it was a gamble and he'd need a few seasons to implement the defense. You scored enough points to win last season, which is Dooley's baby, the D just couldn't keep up. Don't be surprised to see similar next season. UT fans are the least patient in the SEC, probably all of CFB. Which is not always a bad thing. But UT fans also can be the most unrealistic in SEC/CFB, as my Gator colleague astutely pointed out. There are no gods ('cept maybe Satan.......sorry.....Saban) CBJ might be very good, but don't elevate him to god status until he coaches a few games.

I agree with you on the defense taking several years to get right but the refusal to blend a bit more slowly and stay competitive blew the entire season - it wasn't until late october that they moved back to the 4-3. They didn't have to scrap it entirely but needed to transition more slowly.

As for the highlighted text - every fan base has that. you just have to know that its there and move on. I have a good friend that anoints UGA the NC every year before the season starts. they're like A-holes - we all have them and they usually stink.

And in what part of my text did I elevate CBJ to God status? I fully expect 6 -7 wins this fall. I expect us to lose a few, but we damn well better compete our butts off!
We'll turn on jones after losing to Oregon and uf on the road? Really? I guess I can't speak for everybody but I'll be happy with seeing continued improvement throughout the season and making a bowl game. Your probably just trying to stir it up. Whatever. Your coach is a total doofus that has wasted more 5* players than any program I can remember. They called yalls class a few years ago the best ever ect,,.and what the hell have y'all won? We'll see what happens over the next several years
We'll turn on jones after losing to Oregon and uf on the road? Really? I guess I can't speak for everybody but I'll be happy with seeing continued improvement throughout the season and making a bowl game. Your probably just trying to stir it up. Whatever. Your coach is a total doofus that has wasted more 5* players than any program I can remember. They called yalls class a few years ago the best ever ect,,.and what the hell have y'all won? We'll see what happens over the next several years

It's ridiculous that a damn Dawg fan comes on here and tries to tell us how we should think about the football team and Coach Jones. The rival SEC fans posting on here think it's their god given mission to tell us how we should think about the Tennessee football team and Butch Jones
I wholeheartedly endorse viewing the world through unapologetically orange-tinted lenses and support steadfast optimism. My take on realistic expectations for this season, however, would include the following:

(1) 6-7 regular season wins.

(2) A significant reduction in offensive productivity, at least in terms of scoring and YPG, and a corresponding improvement in defensive performance. Posting defensive numbers in the range of what we accomplished under Wilcox is not an unrealistic goal. Precisely where the statistical balance lies between those two projections is anybody’s guess at this point. Given our inexperience at most offensive skill positions, the best overall solution, given the strength of our offensive line, should be to rely heavily on the infantry, particularly as our young quarterbacks gain experience under fire.

(3) Better team chemistry and player leadership. Butch has made competition (on and off the field), team building, personal accountability, and the development of player leadership major points of emphasis, both from a strategic and motivational perspective. Those qualities will pay dividends in the fourth quarter when fatigue is setting in.

(4) Better disciplined play and a much better-conditioned team. Butch has said repeatedly that one of his goals is to play at a pace that fatigues the opponent physically and psychologically. As the old saying goes, fatigue makes cowards of us all and better conditioning can partially offset disparities in overall talent. If Butch is largely successful in honing that mental toughness, it should also mainfest itself in a more consistent, "fight-to-the-finish" attitude.

(5) Much better coaching. Dooley was the source of unending criticism, much of it deserved, but, as bad as things played out over the course of last season, there were still a remarkable number of games there for the taking in the fourth quarter. Between inopportune turnovers by Bray and porous defensive play, we did not take advantage of any of those opportunities. If Butch has the same number of chances to pull out a fourth-quarter win, he WILL snatch a victory that, “on paper,” we should not have obtained.
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I wholeheartedly endorse viewing the world through unapologetically orange-tinted lenses and support steadfast optimism. My take on realistic expectations for this season, however, would include the following:

(1) 6-7 regular season wins.

(2) A significant reduction in offensive productivity, at least in terms of scoring and YPG, and a corresponding improvement in defensive performance. Posting defensive numbers in the range of what we accomplished under Wilcox is not an unrealistic goal. Precisely where the statistical balance lies between those two projections is anybody’s guess at this point. Given our inexperience at most offensive skill positions, the best overall solution, given the strength of our offensive line, should be to rely heavily on the infantry, particularly as our young quarterbacks gain experience under fire.

(3) Better team chemistry and player leadership. Butch has made competition (on and off the field), team building, personal accountability, and the development of player leadership major points of emphasis, both from a strategic and motivational perspective. Those qualities will pay dividends in the fourth quarter when fatigue is setting in.

(4) Better disciplined play and a much better-conditioned team. Butch has said repeatedly that one of his goals is to play at a pace that fatigues the opponent physically and psychologically. As the old saying goes, fatigue makes cowards of us all and better conditioning can partially offset disparities in overall talent. If Butch is largely successful in honing that mental toughness, it should also mainfest itself in a more consistent, "fight-to-the-finish" attitude.

(5) Much better coaching. Dooley was the source of unending criticism, much of it deserved, but, as bad as things played out over the course of last season, there were still a remarkable number of games there for the taking in the fourth quarter. Between inopportune turnovers by Bray and porous defensive play, we did not take advantage of any of those opportunities. If Butch has the same number of chances to pull out a fourth-quarter win, he WILL snatch a victory that, “on paper,” we should not have obtained.

Kind of on the negative side, but very articulate.

I agree with you.
Kind of on the negative side, but very articulate.

I agree with you.

I'm not on the negative side at all; look at the orange-fonted first sentence of my introductory paragraph for the previous post. I am cautiously optimistic only with respect to short-term results. I have been thoroughly impressed with everything Butch has done thus far. I know that Dooley took a lot of hits for his World War II metaphors, but I really believe that we have found our own "Desert Fox" in Coach Jones. Coach Gillespie said that he had never been around a more detail-oriented coaching staff. Everything that Butch does is carefully crafted and meticulously detailed for calculated, strategic effect. The one thing he can't do is simply wave a magic wand and instantaneously upgrade our overall talent level to what the elite SEC teams currently possess or, for that matter, what we had throughout much of the '90s. That will take time.
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I'm not on the negative side at all. I am cautiously optimistic only with respect to short-term results. I have been thoroughly impressed with everything Butch has done thus far. I know that Dooley took a lot of hits for his World War II metaphors, but I really believe that we have found our own "Desert Fox" in Coach Jones. Coach Gillespie said that he had never been around a more detail-oriented coaching staff. Everything that Butch does is carefully crafted and meticulously detailed for calculated, strategic effect. The one thing he can't do is simply wave a magic wand and instantaneously upgrade our overall talent level to what the elite SEC teams currentrly possess or, for that matter, what we had throughout much of the '90s. That will take time.

Or at least Tennessee has found it's own Nick Saban:hi:
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The 3-4 that you were running is a great defense, if appropriately manned and well coached. The problem is, as UGA can attest, it takes 2-3 seasons to implement effectively. With ever more complicated offensive schemes, good teams will at least need to run hybrid 3-4's to keep a good QB in check. Sunseri is a very good football coach. And many Vol fans were excited when he was hired, and rightly so. But Dooley knew it was a gamble and he'd need a few seasons to implement the defense. You scored enough points to win last season, which is Dooley's baby, the D just couldn't keep up. Don't be surprised to see similar next season. UT fans are the least patient in the SEC, probably all of CFB. Which is not always a bad thing. But UT fans also can be the most unrealistic in SEC/CFB, as my Gator colleague astutely pointed out. There are no gods ('cept maybe Satan.......sorry.....Saban) CBJ might be very good, but don't elevate him to god status until he coaches a few games.

Sunseri is a career position coach that lucked up when we were stupid enough to make the offer and write the check.

I guess at worst he helped usher Dooley out the door a year or two early. For that he deserves credit.
I'm not on the negative side at all. I am cautiously optimistic only with respect to short-term results. I have been thoroughly impressed with everything Butch has done thus far. I know that Dooley took a lot of hits for his World War II metaphors, but I really believe that we have found our own "Desert Fox" in Coach Jones. Coach Gillespie said that he had never been around a more detail-oriented coaching staff. Everything that Butch does is carefully crafted and meticulously detailed for calculated, strategic effect. The one thing he can't do is simply wave a magic wand and instantaneously upgrade our overall talent level to what the elite SEC teams currentrly possess or, for that matter, what we had throughout much of the '90s. That will take time.

Brother you were preaching to the choir. I've got this morbid black-humor gene.

I believe what you say will happen; from the depths of my orange-blooded soul!
I wholeheartedly endorse viewing the world through unapologetically orange-tinted lenses and support steadfast optimism. My take on realistic expectations for this season, however, would include the following:

(1) 6-7 regular season wins.

(2) A significant reduction in offensive productivity, at least in terms of scoring and YPG, and a corresponding improvement in defensive performance. Posting defensive numbers in the range of what we accomplished under Wilcox is not an unrealistic goal. Precisely where the statistical balance lies between those two projections is anybody’s guess at this point. Given our inexperience at most offensive skill positions, the best overall solution, given the strength of our offensive line, should be to rely heavily on the infantry, particularly as our young quarterbacks gain experience under fire.

(3) Better team chemistry and player leadership. Butch has made competition (on and off the field), team building, personal accountability, and the development of player leadership major points of emphasis, both from a strategic and motivational perspective. Those qualities will pay dividends in the fourth quarter when fatigue is setting in.

(4) Better disciplined play and a much better-conditioned team. Butch has said repeatedly that one of his goals is to play at a pace that fatigues the opponent physically and psychologically. As the old saying goes, fatigue makes cowards of us all and better conditioning can partially offset disparities in overall talent. If Butch is largely successful in honing that mental toughness, it should also mainfest itself in a more consistent, "fight-to-the-finish" attitude.

(5) Much better coaching. Dooley was the source of unending criticism, much of it deserved, but, as bad as things played out over the course of last season, there were still a remarkable number of games there for the taking in the fourth quarter. Between inopportune turnovers by Bray and porous defensive play, we did not take advantage of any of those opportunities. If Butch has the same number of chances to pull out a fourth-quarter win, he WILL snatch a victory that, “on paper,” we should not have obtained.

Agree with all but no.1. Predicting wins/losses is just impossible to do at this point. I think 6 is on the low side. 8 would be on the high side. As u said...we were in the majority of our losses in the fourth quarter the last couple of years. With better leadership, coaching, and conditioning who knows who many we could win.
Lol @ Vol fans listening to anything these Jort wearing swamp people have to say.

Theres a Gator infestation around here that needs to be addressed.
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