The mountain is high

I felt this needed its own thread because I think several people are forgetting the mountain the new staff has to climb.

Talking about signature wins, having a shot against Oregon, how the talent has been rated by rivals, etc, etc, etc.

Tennessee has no clue who it's qb is and is running a new system. And I think the cluelessness is genuine. They don't have a decision made and are keeping it hush hush. I think they really don't know.

They have a wr corps that is almost completely inexperienced.

Then, they have to fix one of the worst defenses they have ever fielded.

And the first two major tests are on the road against highly ranked teams on opposite ends of the country.

Now, some of you will say I'm stating the obvious, but I get the sense people will turn on butch jones after Florida week because some of you have already turned him into the man, the myth, the legend. Or, some of you have declared if he doesn't show something almost immediately, he isn't the guy.

The mountain is high. Just remember what they are walking into and give the staff time.

I know how high and Butch knows how high. So do those that matter as far as Butch is concerned. They are prepared.

you are right though. Very likely, Butch will go into year 3 on the "hot seat". the media will pick up the general unrest of the fan base and play that up to no end.. The man easily needs year 5 before anyone should even hint at Atlanta possibilities but that is not the world we live in.

What's your point?

Edit: I're trying to say that another timeout wouldn't help. Get over yourself man. Then you might know that after Bray's "game ending" sack/fumble, we actually got the ball back with 15-20 seconds left. Had we had the third TO Dooley had to burn because we had the incorrect #of men on the effing FG block team, we actually would have gotten the ball back with just under a minute. 15-20 seconds to go 70 some yards vs 50 sec-1 minute to go 70 some yards. Which would you rather have with the game on the line?
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Anyone who know football knows my point. Saban doesn't hire bad football people. You think Jancek is a better SEC coach?!?! Let's discuss!

The Jury is out on Janceck. Sal sucked ass! Anybody who knows football could see it. It was clear as glass. A good position coach? Perhaps. Coordinator, worst defense in Tennessee history. How can you defend that?
The Jury is out on Janceck. Sal sucked ass! Anybody who knows football could see it. It was clear as glass. A good position coach? Perhaps. Coordinator, worst defense in Tennessee history. How can you defend that?

Do you know anything about football? He installed a 3-4. Takes time and correct personnel recruiting to be effective. For ANY program. Did you think the D would be stellar the first season?!?! You think the D was bad last season? Wait 'til Jancek gets hold of it!
Do you know anything about football? He installed a 3-4. Takes time and correct personnel recruiting to be effective. For ANY program. Did you think the D would be stellar the first season?!?! You think the D was bad last season? Wait 'til Jancek gets hold of it!

LOL. How did Sal's other coordinator jobs go? Why did those lead to him going back to being a position coach? We'll see about Janceck. I clearly stated that the jury is out. I never brought the man up, nor did I say he was all this or that. Sal was a disaster. 3-4/4-3 doesn't matter. He was easily equal to Dave Clawson, just on defense. Now I'm sure Clawson is a good football guy as you put it. Perhaps Sal is too as a position coach. But he's had multiple chances as a coordinator and for some odd reason continues to land back as a position coach. Grantham was nowhere near the disaster Sal was. The full impact of the change wasn't seen until year two under Grantham (6 nationally I think). But his first year was NOTHING LIKE SAL'S...NOTHING!!!!!

Edit: I think they will improve under Janceck due to familiarity to the scheme. Not saying they will be top notch. If he doesn't get it done, he will get fired. It's really not that difficult. But I'm gonna give the man a chance. I would have went hard for Shannon or Nick Holt. But Janceck deserves a chance if that's who CBJ thinks his man is.
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Your best post IMO. Now **** off.

I felt this needed its own thread because I think several people are forgetting the mountain the new staff has to climb.

Talking about signature wins, having a shot against Oregon, how the talent has been rated by rivals, etc, etc, etc.

Tennessee has no clue who it's qb is and is running a new system. And I think the cluelessness is genuine. They don't have a decision made and are keeping it hush hush. I think they really don't know.

They have a wr corps that is almost completely inexperienced.

Then, they have to fix one of the worst defenses they have ever fielded.

And the first two major tests are on the road against highly ranked teams on opposite ends of the country.

Now, some of you will say I'm stating the obvious, but I get the sense people will turn on butch jones after Florida week because some of you have already turned him into the man, the myth, the legend. Or, some of you have declared if he doesn't show something almost immediately, he isn't the guy.

The mountain is high. Just remember what they are walking into and give the staff time.
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LOL. How did Sal's other coordinator jobs go? Why did those lead to him going back to being a position coach? We'll see about Janceck. I clearly stated that the jury is out. I never brought the man up, nor did I say he was all this or that. Sal was a disaster. 3-4/4-3 doesn't matter. He was easily equal to Dave Clawson, just on defense. Now I'm sure Clawson is a good football guy as you put it. Perhaps Sal is too as a position coach. But he's had multiple chances as a coordinator and for some odd reason continues to land back as a position coach. Grantham was nowhere near the disaster Sal was. The full impact of the change wasn't seen until year two under Grantham (6 nationally I think). But his first year was NOTHING LIKE SAL'S...NOTHING!!!!!

Edit: I think they will improve under Janceck due to familiarity to the scheme. Not saying they will be top notch. If he doesn't get it done, he will get fired. It's really not that difficult. But I'm gonna give the man a chance. I would have went hard for Shannon or Nick Holt. But Janceck deserves a chance if that's who CBJ thinks his man is.

O'kay, you've proven that you're a neophyte. Sorry to be so harsh. You'll learn but you have to pay attention. UGA fired Jancek and Martinez because they were "ineffective". Hired Grantham and he installed the 3-4 and we couldn't stop KY. 3-4 players were recruited (does matter, look at 3-4 pro team personnel, any idiot knows that) D got better. More and more pro teams are using 3-4 or hybrids so more college recruits are looking at 3-4 schools. Sunseri's forgotten more D than Moe and "not Curley" will ever know. Remember, Saban didn't fire him, he left on his own for a better job but the mob was already lighting the fire to burn the castle. You have your 4-3 back and you have Moe and "not Curley" (who would have been fired much sooner had he not been someone's best friend). You'll be fine though.........really!
O'kay, you've proven that you're a neophyte. Sorry to be so harsh. You'll learn but you have to pay attention. UGA fired Jancek and Martinez because they were "ineffective". Hired Grantham and he installed the 3-4 and we couldn't stop KY. 3-4 players were recruited (does matter, look at 3-4 pro team personnel, any idiot knows that) D got better. More and more pro teams are using 3-4 or hybrids so more college recruits are looking at 3-4 schools. Sunseri's forgotten more D than Moe and "not Curley" will ever know. Remember, Saban didn't fire him, he left on his own for a better job but the mob was already lighting the fire to burn the castle. You have your 4-3 back and you have Moe and "not Curley" (who would have been fired much sooner had he not been someone's best friend). You'll be fine though.........really!

Lol, whatever man whatever. Janceck might not be John Chavis, but he's not Sal either. In 09 UGA's D was in the 60's (scoring d). They had co- coordinators. Please give me an example where the co-coordinator deal actually worked for...ANYONE. It's funny how you crack on Martinez when he's not even our DC. It widely known that Martinez is a good position coach. DC, perhaps not that great. Dudes a good position coach. As for Janceck, the only thing we really have to go on as him being a coordinator solo is at UC. He had two top twenty scoring Ds there. Not in the SEC I know. But show me where Sal did that...EVER. I've stated that Sal is a good position coach, so whether or not Saban fired him is completely irrelevant. What matters is what he did here. His ass got fired here. Majors fired a guy and switched schemes mid season back in the 80s. That even worked better than bringing in Sal.

I'm fully aware that the 3-4 is a great defense. I'm telling you, it doesn't matter what damn defense he ran. He was in over his head as a DC. Grantham didn't struggle like Sal his first year now did he? No because he knows what the hell he's doing. Sal did not. Funny how you throw off on Martinez and vehemently defend Sal. Kinda contradictory, When really they are similar. Good position coaches, bad coordinators. But as co coordinators they were nowhere near as bad as Sal. You are the only person I've heard defend Sal as a DC. The only person. And I've been all over son.
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Sh*t...Florida ain't that sweet. I fully expect this team do well against the gators. If a Dooley coached team in a 3-4 can hang...CBJ in a 4-3 should make for a nice game.
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99 Gator, is Ronald Powell back from his injury? I remember him being a beast in the under armor or army game coming out of high school. I think he was the #1 player in the nation his year which should help Easley with the DL if healthy
99 Gator, is Ronald Powell back from his injury? I remember him being a beast in the under armor or army game coming out of high school. I think he was the #1 player in the nation his year which should help Easley with the DL if healthy

Powell is back and is supposed to be 100%. We'll see. Easley is a tackle. Powell is an end. They have two other players at end who will be very good. Easley is really their only stud right now at dt.
O'kay, you've proven that you're a neophyte. Sorry to be so harsh. You'll learn but you have to pay attention. UGA fired Jancek and Martinez because they were "ineffective". Hired Grantham and he installed the 3-4 and we couldn't stop KY. 3-4 players were recruited (does matter, look at 3-4 pro team personnel, any idiot knows that) D got better. More and more pro teams are using 3-4 or hybrids so more college recruits are looking at 3-4 schools. Sunseri's forgotten more D than Moe and "not Curley" will ever know. Remember, Saban didn't fire him, he left on his own for a better job but the mob was already lighting the fire to burn the castle. You have your 4-3 back and you have Moe and "not Curley" (who would have been fired much sooner had he not been someone's best friend). You'll be fine though.........really!

Wow - and you chide other posters for name calling?

Everyone here gets your point, no reason to be an ass about it. We were all stoked about the 3-4 but Dooley made that change in a pivotal year for him, knowing that he had to produce. When they realized they didn't have the personnel to do it a quality coach would have dialed back to a hybrid or reduced it to less than 20% of the playbook.

I know Jancek and Martinez records at UGA, they won a lot of games. Besides the fact it was years ago that this occurred; whose to say they haven't learned a thing or two since then?

I don't imagine that you pay a whole lot of attention other than to troll this board - but - do you know the future plans of this staff? How and who they are recruiting and for what purpose?

I didn't think so. So roll your Dawg butt right back on down to athens and log off this site :hi:
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Lol, whatever man whatever. Janceck might not be John Chavis, but he's not Sal either. In 09 UGA's D was in the 60's (scoring d). They had co- coordinators. Please give me an example where the co-coordinator deal actually worked for...ANYONE. It's funny how you crack on Martinez when he's not even our DC. It widely known that Martinez is a good position coach. DC, perhaps not that great. Dudes a good position coach. As for Janceck, the only thing we really have to go on as him being a coordinator solo is at UC. He had two top twenty scoring Ds there. Not in the SEC I know. But show me where Sal did that...EVER. I've stated that Sal is a good position coach, so whether or not Saban fired him is completely irrelevant. What matters is what he did here. His ass got fired here. Majors fired a guy and switched schemes mid season back in the 80s. That even worked better than bringing in Sal.

I'm fully aware that the 3-4 is a great defense. I'm telling you, it doesn't matter what damn defense he ran. He was in over his head as a DC. Grantham didn't struggle like Sal his first year now did he? No because he knows what the hell he's doing. Sal did not. Funny how you throw off on Martinez and vehemently defend Sal. Kinda contradictory, When really they are similar. Good position coaches, bad coordinators. But as co coordinators they were nowhere near as bad as Sal. You are the only person I've heard defend Sal as a DC. The only person. And I've been all over son.

"What we have a failure to communicate" Jancek an Martinez, co-coordinators at UGA, had SEVERAL seasons and failed. UGA boosters and fans were patient but eventually had enough of the defense costing us several games over their tenure. Sunseri had ONE season at UT to install a new defensive scheme. (Read his bio, he was a consensus first-team All-American at Pitt and coached on a NC team among other really good college and pro teams. Are you trying to tell me that the guy doesn't know how to coach? If he didn't he wouldn't have been successful under Nick Saban). Neither Jancek nor Martinez have the resume that Sunseri has. Want to debate that?
Are you trying to tell me that the guy doesn't know how to coach? If he didn't he wouldn't have been successful under Nick Saban).

I am absolutely telling you he has no business being a defensive coordinator in any league where the players are old enough to drive themselves home. Even then I would take some convincing. He was also never DC under Saban and the Saban argument is useless anyways after the Dooley experiment
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I felt this needed its own thread because I think several people are forgetting the mountain the new staff has to climb.

Talking about signature wins, having a shot against Oregon, how the talent has been rated by rivals, etc, etc, etc.

Tennessee has no clue who it's qb is and is running a new system. And I think the cluelessness is genuine. They don't have a decision made and are keeping it hush hush. I think they really don't know.

They have a wr corps that is almost completely inexperienced.

Then, they have to fix one of the worst defenses they have ever fielded.

And the first two major tests are on the road against highly ranked teams on opposite ends of the country.

Now, some of you will say I'm stating the obvious, but I get the sense people will turn on butch jones after Florida week because some of you have already turned him into the man, the myth, the legend. Or, some of you have declared if he doesn't show something almost immediately, he isn't the guy.

The mountain is high. Just remember what they are walking into and give the staff time.

The mountain is high for Florida as well. Despite your stellar record last year, y'all are nowhere near being a national championship contender.
"What we have a failure to communicate" Jancek an Martinez, co-coordinators at UGA, had SEVERAL seasons and failed. UGA boosters and fans were patient but eventually had enough of the defense costing us several games over their tenure. Sunseri had ONE season at UT to install a new defensive scheme. (Read his bio, he was a consensus first-team All-American at Pitt and coached on a NC team among other really good college and pro teams. Are you trying to tell me that the guy doesn't know how to coach? If he didn't he wouldn't have been successful under Nick Saban). Neither Jancek nor Martinez have the resume that Sunseri has. Want to debate that?

So by your logic - Randy Sanders Coached on a NC team - he should be a world eater of an OC right? how about Ed Orgeron? Coached on a NC team, Great position coach, great recruiter - TERRIBLE HC. some guys have ti for the higher level - some don't.

Sal doesn't have it to be a DC - or else FSU would have hired him for that - instead he went back to being a positions coach - where he excels.

Any time you have Co-DC's you are in trouble to start. I'll take my chances with this staff over last years any day - nothing about switching schemes makes me think SS would be more effective. The guy was a DE-motivator - the kids shut down with him...not a good DC - regardless of the scheme.
"What we have a failure to communicate" Jancek an Martinez, co-coordinators at UGA, had SEVERAL seasons and failed. UGA boosters and fans were patient but eventually had enough of the defense costing us several games over their tenure. Sunseri had ONE season at UT to install a new defensive scheme. (Read his bio, he was a consensus first-team All-American at Pitt and coached on a NC team among other really good college and pro teams. Are you trying to tell me that the guy doesn't know how to coach? If he didn't he wouldn't have been successful under Nick Saban). Neither Jancek nor Martinez have the resume that Sunseri has. Want to debate that?

There's nothing to debate. Provide me some stats that prove Sal is a better DC. I'm willing to bet you can't. Look I'm not say Janceck is gonna light the world up. But his resume as a DC is actually better than Sal's. Perhaps he's not up to UGA standards, but he's still better than Sal. Sal is a really good position coach, I've said that countless times! But you are trying to brainwash me into thinking Sal is a good DC. There's a HUGE difference in being a "football man", knowing football, and being a good DC. Sal DOES IN FACT know more football than you and I combined. He is a fantastic position coach he is a piss poor DC. And to sit here and smash on Janceck and say he's not UGA material yet cream over Sal and try to act like he is major SEC DC material is arguably the most hypocritical thing I've witnessed. I'd bet you money Sal wouldn't have made it at UGA as a DC.

As for him being an all American at Pitt. What the hell does that have to do with anything? Magic Johnson is a Hall of Famer, a top 20 hoops player all time. He's also the worst HC in LA Lakers history. See what I did there lil fellar. So either you provide me with numbers from the teams and years Sal was a DC to prove your point or STFU and move on. You are fighting a losing battle.
So by your logic - Randy Sanders Coached on a NC team - he should be a world eater of an OC right? how about Ed Orgeron? Coached on a NC team, Great position coach, great recruiter - TERRIBLE HC. some guys have ti for the higher level - some don't.

Sal doesn't have it to be a DC - or else FSU would have hired him for that - instead he went back to being a positions coach - where he excels.

Any time you have Co-DC's you are in trouble to start. I'll take my chances with this staff over last years any day - nothing about switching schemes makes me think SS would be more effective. The guy was a DE-motivator - the kids shut down with him...not a good DC - regardless of the scheme.

Completely unrelated, but I love your avi. That is one silly lookin pup, looks like a world of fun. :birgits_giggle:
I see an OP that is bored and needing to stir it up or act condescending to the underpriveleged. This is similar stuff that was being said on UF message boards as Muschamp came in.

The D went from top 30 to over #100 because of a horrible scheme and bad coaches. They are gone and being returned to the style of D that was in the top 30. The players are essentially the same players that were top 30. The O needs the right trigger man and WR's, but returns the best O-line in the SEC with experienced RB's if Lane is indeed coming back.

If we turn on Jones for incompetency that is our business. This ain't our first rodeo with flakey, bad coaches of late. However, if he does what it appears he and his staff are capable of doing a turnaround will come sooner rather than later. So yes, we expect to make a bowl game this season and start being a factor in the division the next season.

If VN can turn on CPF, no coach is safe.
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One more thing puppy dawg...I've asked countless times for stats, info, etc. proving Sal's worth as a DC and you won't provide it. You just keep going on and on and on. Let me ask you this....instead of smashing on Janceck and Martinez, let's look a little deeper. Who's bright idea was it to go the co-coordinator route. The co-coordinator route NEVER works. Whoever made that decision is the one who FAILED as you put it...and ultimately is fully responsible. That would be St. Richt and your former panty eating AD. Any more questions lil' fellar?
21-23-1....the combined record of the 3 teams Sal has been DC at over 4 years. I couldn't find stats for 1994 Illinois State or 1998-1999 Alabama A&M just records. But a losing record along with heading up the ABSOLUTE worst defense in Tennessee history simply is not a ringing endorsement for Sal. All the while, UGA won 48 games during Jancecks 5 year stent in the toughest league in America.

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