The Obama/Holder drug cartel arms smuggling scandal (merged)

if this were the Bush administration, the media would be going nuts

they don't even seem to care that the Bush admin actually had a similar program, but kept the Mexican government in the loop, because to report that Bush did it means that they have to acknowledge the utter failure of Obama and Holder.
I'm much too busy to collect stamps.

Doing what??

Did you get a Tshirt yet??


if this were the Bush administration, the media would be going nuts

they don't even seem to care that the Bush admin actually had a similar program, but kept the Mexican government in the loop, because to report that Bush did it means that they have to acknowledge the utter failure of Obama and Holder.

The media (which promotes gun control and the end of
2nd amendment rights of the American people at every
possible turn,) seems determined to ignore this fiasco.

The Bush 'gunrunner' program was successful in arressting
and prosecuting several illegal arms trafficers.

The Obama administrion, which seems to be involved
at every level, including secretary level appointees,
perverted that program and knowingly facilitated the
arms trafficing, including military grade weapons such
as grenades and grenade launchers, to at least two
countries in violation of all sorts of international and
national laws.

And they did this for the purpose of giving the false
impression that American gun laws were too lax.

Now they are scrambling to cover it up.

This is worse than all the American political scandals
of the twentieth century put together.
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Surprised that Obama hasn't cut the cord yet. He is looking very, very Nixonian. Nixon protected his guys too.... because they were protecting him.

Implying Obama is involved is irresponsible. But typical of you
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Implying Obama is involved is irresponsible. But typical of you
Posted via VolNation Mobile

How is it irresponsible? You mean irresponsible like the way Dems attacked Reagan over Iran-Contra?

BTW, this was not a new operation model. The Bush Admin had done something similar but had kept closer control of the weapons.

I would say it is "irresponsibly" naive to believe that Bush nor Obama had knowledge of a program that could turn into a diplomatic disaster.
When you guys are trotting out the sniffley, whiney, "but you did it that time!" I know I've won the argument.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
When you guys are trotting out the sniffley, whiney, "but you did it that time!" I know I've won the argument.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

you haven't won jack squat, you just don't like having your own hypocrisy exposed for all to see.

Also, it doesn't really matter how much Obama knew then, it's what he knows now and the fact that Eric Holder still has a job should be infuriating even for an apologist like you.
Implying Obama is involved is irresponsible. But typical of you
Posted via VolNation Mobile

No implication involved.

This is a direct accusation and communications between
White House staff and various agencies prove it so.

If Obama wasn't aware that a half dozen cabinet level
agencies were involved in this fiasco (read psyop), then
in NCAA parlance that would be 'lack of institutional
control' and worthy of the death penalty!


WillisWG Quote:

Gun walking is just a really stupid idea.

AP Exclusive: Second Bush-era gun-smuggling probe - Yahoo! News

As I've explained before there is quite a difference
between the Bush program and the 'felony stupid'
Obma/Holder program.

The following explains it a bit to you.

Pajamas Media New Documents Highlight Differences in Bush-Era, Obama-Era Gunrunner Investigations

There seem to be two avenues of document extraction
in the ongoing Gunwalker scandal, in addition to witness
testimony. One is the subpoena process being used by
House and Senate committees investigating the plot.

The other is selective leaking to favored media sources,
which appears to be a preferred tactic of the White
House. The former is official process, the latter an
attempt to short-circuit the process.

The Associated Press article goes on to paint the
picture of a serially incompetent ATF office that
began acting in a dangerous manner in 2007 and
which continued until ATF whistleblowers came
forward after Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was
gunned down in December of 2010, in a variation
of the “Bush did it” meme that has long been a
reflexive defense mechanism of the Obama White

But the ABC News article paints a very different
picture, using newly obtained emails between ATF
supervisors running Operation Wide Receiver:
Looks like the media won't be able to turn their noses
up at this story any longer.

Senate Unanimously Passes Amendment Banning Funds For Fast And Furious-Style Programs | Fox News

The U.S. Senate unanimously voted in favor of an
amendment Wednesday that guarantees zero funding
for programs that include the transfer of firearms to
drug cartels unless law enforcement continuously
monitors the weapons "at all times."

The amendment stemmed directly from Operation
Fast and Furious, the controversial botched weapons
program, and was introduced by Sen. John Cornyn,

During floor debate on Tuesday, Commerce, Justice,
Science Appropriations Subcommittee Chairwoman
Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., jumped on board and praised
Cornyn's effort to prevent any more programs like
the botched "gun-walking" effort that enabled U.S.-
purchased weapons to end up in the hands of
Mexican drug cartels.



Obama: Well I heard about it from the news reports. This is not something we were aware of in the White House and the Attorney General it turns out wasn't aware of either. Obviously Eric Holder has launched a full investigation of this, it is not acceptable for us to allow guns to go into Mexico. Our whole goal has been to interdict aggressively in the flow of weapons and cash flowing south into Mexico because the Mexican president, President Calderon, has done a heroic job of trying to take on these transnational drug cartels. So this investigation will be complete, people who have screwed up will be held accountable but our overarching goal consistently has been to say we've got a responsibility not only to stop drugs from flowing north, we've also got a responsibility to make sure we are not helping to either arm or finance these drug cartels in Mexico. So it's very upsetting to me to think that somebody showed such bad judgment that they would allow something like that to happen and we will find out who and what happened in this situation and make sure it gets corrected.

Obama's view
Barack Hussein Obama is a liar and the truth is not in him.


The coverup and obstruction of justice continues:

Sipsey Street Irregulars: SSI Exclusive: The 3rd Gun & "K1" -- not the same thing. But that doesn't mean there wasn't a 3rd gun. There was. It just didn't make it to the lab.

DOJ also issued a statement on Monday night saying
that Issa’s comments were offensive and misunderstood
how the FBI catalogues evidence found at crime scenes.

“The FBI has made clear that reports of a third gun
recovered from the perpetrators at the scene of Agent
Terry’s murder are false,” said the DOJ in a statement.

A third gun linked to "Operation Fast and Furious" was
found at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian
Terry, new documents obtained exclusively by Fox News
suggest, contradicting earlier assertions by federal
agencies that police found only two weapons tied to
the federal government's now infamous gun interdiction

Unlike the two AK-style assault weapons found at the
scene, the third weapon could more easily be linked to
the informant. To prevent that from happening, sources
say, the third gun "disappeared."

In addition to the emails obtained by Fox News, an audio
recording from a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
and Explosives agent investigating the Terry case seems
to confirm the existence of a third weapon. In that
conversation, the agent refers to an "SKS assault rifle
out of Texas"
found at the Terry murder scene south
of Tucson.

The FBI refused to answer a detailed set of questions
submitted to officials by Fox News.

In one, an intelligence analyst writes that by 7:45 p.m.
-- about 21 hours after the shooting -- she had
successfully traced two weapons at the scene, and
is now "researching the trace status of firearms
recovered earlier today by the FBI."

In another email, deputy ATF-Phoenix director George
Gillett asks: "Are those two (AK-47s) in addition to
the gun already recovered this morning?"


Now the previous DOJ "refutation" of the third
gun allegation was that experienced crime scene
investigators didn't know the difference between an
SKS and a Kalashnikov and couldn't count the number
of firearms in front of them on one hand.

The question then becomes, was the paid FBI informant
at the shoot-out? How did the weapon get there
without him, if not? What was the FBI's understanding
of the events in the desert outside Rio Rico BEFORE
the investigation team arrived? The need to remove
the informant's weapon from the evidence stream to
protect their source -- even from the charge of murder
of a federal officer -- would have been -- and my
sources say, was -- overwhelming.

One called him, "The Mexican Whitey Bulger," and
added, "They still protect their snitches -- always."
He said, "They had an 'Oh ****!' moment. The gun
was there, and then it wasn't.
Do I have to draw
you a picture?

Hell, no, it didn't go to the lab.

They're not THAT stupid."



PS PJ; You opened the door to the joke about your
wife's burkha since you said you were buying her one.
Claiming my post was an insult rests on rather flimsy
evidence since you opened that door yourself.
Anyway, no offense meant, I thought it was rather
complimentary. :)
When you guys are trotting out the sniffley, whiney, "but you did it that time!" I know I've won the argument.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Fail!......and so did my gif, sorry........she tries to swing out on the rope and falls flat on her face


  • Fail!.jpg
    26.5 KB · Views: 5
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Wonder if Hitlery's approval of shipping AK-47s to
M-13 drug lords in Honduras had anything to do
with this?:

Crime is out of control in Honduras, Part I | La Gringa's Blogicito

The article reported that one police investigator said
that they have been threatened with AK-47's and
threats of massacres if they tried to collect bodies for
investigation. The article reports that in one instance,
a contingent of 15 agents was attacked and the police
official in charge was captured and decapitated.

During January through June of this year [Eng.], violent
deaths in Honduras were 3,587 compared to the 2,929
deaths in the same period in 2010, a 22% increase.

Security measures, Honduran style (Crime Part II) | La Gringa's Blogicito

The pastor's murder was followed by the assasination
of a couple of attorneys and the surviving brother of
a congressman who was himself assasinated a few
months previously. At least two mayors have been
murdered and other attempts have been made against
mayors this year. Forty-plus police officers have been
murdered, including the head of the organized
crime/narcotrafficking unit of the police. Journalists
continue to be murdered. A judge who ruled against
invasionistas in the controversial Bajo Aguan dispute
was murdered. Those are only some of the most notable
assasinations, only a taste of news, which is usually
complete with gruesome photos and video that we are
subjected to every single day in Honduras, where an
average of 20 murders per day, or one every 72
minutes, are committed.

Most of their weapons are already illegally imported,
like AK-47's and M-16s. Honduran port authorities have
confiscated several incoming shipments of illegal
guns 'missed' by US port authorities.


“We’re still pursuing gun control, but we have to do it
under the radar.”
-Obama to Sarah Brady
The following is the epitome of creepy corruption
in high places and effectively shows just what kind
of men Obama, Holder and the sort of men they
hire and promote are:

PJ Media ATF Whistleblower Backs Up Latest Allegations Against William Newell

According to Pavlich, Newell was sanctioned for
his failures by the Office of the Inspector General:

Additionally, in response to the ATF/FBI interview,
despite all the evidence the death threats were
credible, Special Agent in Charge of the Los Angeles
Field Division John Torres, who like Newell has also
been promoted into ATF headquarters, informed
Dobyns through an email, “The Chief of Operations
Security does not deem the emergency action is
required as of this date and time.”

Later, a DOJ Inspector General report concluded
that management within the ATF Phoenix office,
despite having the necessary resources, did not
adequately address threats made against Dobyns
and found “absence of any corrective measures
proposed to address the failure to conduct timely
and thorough investigations into the death threats
made against Dobyns.”

In addition, a U.S. Office of Special Counsel report
concluded, “I note with concern the absence of any
corrective measures proposed to address the failure
to conduct timely and thorough investigations into
the death threats made against Special Agent Dobyns.

ATF does not appear to have held anyone accountable
in this regard. Fully addressing the problems and failures
identified in this care requires more than amending ATF
policies and procedures. It requires that threats against
ATF agents be taken seriously and pursued aggressively
and that ATF officials at all level cooperate to ensure
the timely and comprehensive investigation of threats
leveled against its own agents.”

Well, Dobyns’ house was then set on fire.

And ATF has named him as a suspect:

On top of ignoring death threats, recently Dobyns’
house was set on fire at 3 a.m. with his wife, son
and daughter sleeping inside in a confirmed act of
arson. It is suspected members of the Hells Angels,
or close associates of the gang carried out the arson
in retaliation of Dobyns’ undercover work.

When Dobyns reported the incident to both ATF and
Newell, he asked for an investigation into the case.
Newell not only refused to investigate, calling the
incident “just scorching,” but allowed his subordinates,
including Gillett, to attempt to frame Dobyns, accusing
him of purposely burning down his own home with his
family inside, has named him as a suspect and is
investigating him. Newell conspired to destroy and
fabricate evidence to “prove” his case. Emails, witness
testimony, phone conversations and other
documentation show the ATF Phoenix Field Divisions’
intentions, led by Newell, were to frame Dobyns, yet
Newell denied under oath any involvement in this
His subordinates Gillett and ATF Tucson
Group Supervisor over Operation Wide Receiver Charles
Higman, also denied any attempts to frame Dobyns
under oath, despite evidence showing otherwise.

According to ATF Special Agent Vince Cefalu — who
has been the target of retaliation by ATF bosses
himself — this is part of a pattern of behavior by ATF
upper management:

These are just deplorable actions. It’s just nauseating;
the family’s been through enough.

Cefalu said the response was lackluster at best:

I was there three days after the fire, there wasn’t
an ATF agent within a hundred … miles.

Cefalu was understandably incensed by the attempt to
paint a decorated agent as an arsonist. Cefalu noted
that had it been an FBI agent or DEA agent whose home
had been burned, federal agents would have descended
in droves.

Instead, he noted, the investigation was botched from
the beginning. Cefalu said a neighbor saw a glow that
might have been a cell phone in the backyard of Dobyns’
house, and agents tried back-channel to get the U.S.
Marshals Service to ping the cellphone towers to try to
find out who might have had an active phone in the
area at the time of the fire — to no avail.

In addition, protocol would have made the investigation
a federal matter, since it involved a federal agent
who received death threats pertaining to some
of his cases.
That’s not what initially happened:

We [ATF] are the arson police, that’s what we do.

But instead of ATF leading the investigation, the Pima
County Sheriff’s Department took the lead. Additionally,
any information that Dobyns was a suspect should have
been turned over to the FBI within 24 hours, as should
any evidence ATF collected based on the death threats
Dobyns had received. Instead, according to Cefalu, ATF
waited 30 days:

Our policy is information has to be turned over to
FBI within 24 hours. … ATF sat on it for a month.
Nobody did nothing.

At this point, who burned down Dobyns’ house will
probably never be known, according to Cefalu:

“All the physical evidence has been tainted,” he said,
adding FBI never reduced interviews to writing, so
there’s nothing even to go back to check against
should fresh evidence or suspects be uncovered.
“FBI did a lackluster job.”

According to Pavlich, this is par for the course where
retaliation in the ATF is concerned:

Throughout the years it has become clear that ATF is
more interested in protecting and promoting the corrupt
practices of the men who have made careers profiting
off of corruption, obstruction of justice and lies, like
Newell, rather than rewarding field agents taking out
dangerous criminals like ATF Special Agent Jay Dobyns,
ATF Operation Fast and Furious Whistleblowers John
Dodson, Pete Forcelli, Vince Cefalu and others for their
bravery and sacrifice to fight violent crime and for
exposing corruption within the agency.

The bottom line is, ATF as an agency doesn’t care
about recommendations or evidence of misconduct,
in fact, the agency rewards screw ups on a regular
basis. The Dobyns case could be counted as the most
reckless case of retaliation in ATF history, yet nobody
has been held accountable for it.

I think everyone already knows what a sorry POS
the Pima county sheriff is, but hey he's the kind
of corrupt law officer the Obama regime embraces.

The article also shows that there are good men in
government with great enough courage to stand
up and speak the truth and do the right thing even
though they stand between violent criminals and
superiors who would throw them to the wolves to
promote their own corrupt rule.

How does the saying go? 'All it takes for evil to
triumph is for good men to do nothing.

Can wait for the Obama apologists to explain all
this away.



Darrell Issa’s Fast and Furious rebuke of Eric Holder is one for the ages Coach is Right

With no trace of the professional courtesy or benefit of the doubt so often accorded one longtime inhabitant of D.C. by another, Issa pointedly accused Holder of deliberately “…undermining the [Fast and Furious] investigation” by offering a “roving set of ever-changing explanations to justify its (DOJ) involvement.”

And Issa rightly stated that, in shifting blame for the Operation’s “shortcomings” from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) to the Phoenix US Attorney’s Office, Holder’s “efforts were designed to circle the wagons around DOJ and its political appointees.”

Of Holder’s letter itself, the congressman made it clear the Attorney General had done little but “obfuscate, shift blame, berate and attempt to change the topic from the [DOJ's] responsibility in the creation, implementation and authorization of this reckless program (Fast and Furious.)

Of course that was obviously Holder’s intent. But rarely has a D.C. Republican had the courage to make such an unequivocal charge and call out a radical leftist for his blatant dishonesty and contempt for the American public.
Four federal agencies were “full partners” in the Obama administration’s bungled Operation Fast and Furious, which allowed guns to wind up in the hands of Mexican drug lords, the man who implemented the program revealed today at a hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

William Newell, the former head of the Phoenix field office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, was pressed by Rep. Pat Meehan, R-Penn. to identify all the federal agencies involved in the operation.

In response, Newell identified the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Internal Revenue Service as “full partners” with the ATF.

The DEA and ATF are both part of the Department of Justice and ICE is part of the Department of Homeland Security.
VIDEO: ATF agent who implemented 'Fast and Furious' says 4 federal agencies were 'full partners' | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner


William Newel

Newell has some integrity issues to include these statements. Last week while Republicans were grilling Janet "Incompitano" it came out that ICE had intercepted some of the Fast and Furious weapons and were told by the AUSA not to interfere with ATF. The second time that happened the SAIC for ICE went to headquarters and ICE general counsel about it. Not a sign of being in full partners.

Was Newell involved with the ATF's stupendous debacle 'Operation Showtime' at Mount Carmel, Waco, Tx?

I'm still waiting for revelations fo Hitlery's state department involment in the overall scheme to attempt to preempt the American's 2nd amendment rights.

To me this looks like a conspiracy between Obama, Holder and Clinton at this point, so far as we know.

Newel looks to be the fall guy as he rightly should but it surely shouldn't stop there.
Holder has testified he found out about the gunrunning earlier this year when it became news.

What a freakin liar.
This is the most corrupt administration in US history and that include the Nixon and Carter admins.

Holder and Obama should be held for treason!
Holder also testified he had not spoken with or apologized to the Terry family.

Now he is a scumbag liar.

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