The Obama/Holder drug cartel arms smuggling scandal (merged)

Deliberate smear--Media Matters story on ATF gun smuggling - National Conservative |

It goes without saying that Media Matters, the pompous pimps of progressive propaganda, has but one goal in making such assertions--to create doubt on the part of readers concerning the veracity of the facts disclosed thus far concerning Project Gunwalker, or 'Operation Fast and Furious,' the ATF-DOJ-Obama Administration scheme to deliberately place U.S. guns into the hands of dangerous criminals in Mexico and Honduras for the purpose of bolstering statistics that would then erroneously show that the vast majority of weapons used by drug cartels came from the U.S.

Such phony statistics would then be used to push for massive new gun control measures throughout the U.S.

However, the facts that have been disclosed by whistleblowers, informants, and investigative reporters have all turned out to be true. Not one single assertion made by Mike Vanderboegh, David Codrea, or this writer, has been proved to be false.

Pajamas Media Gunwalker: One Step Closer to the Oval Office

The cover-up is always worse than the crime: considering the Gunwalker scandal, it’s hard to know if that is true — for the moment. America is now a bit closer to that answer, and is also closer to an answer for the question at the heart of all Washington scandals: what did the president know, and when did he know it?

July 20: The Examiner reported that the State Department, through a little-known program called “U.S. Direct Commercial Sales,” supplied considerable small arms to the Zeta cartel. In fact, a Zeta leader has said that all of their weapons were purchased in the U.S. Evidence indicates that weapons not obtained through the State Department were obtained through straw purchasers in the Gunwalker investigation.

The Zetas apparently purchased land in Columbus, New Mexico, which was used as a transshipment point for taking weapons directly across the border. Another method reportedly saw weapons flown out of Alliance Airport north of Ft. Worth, an air operations center of the Drug Enforcement Agency.

July 25: Fox News reported that two of the 20 people indicted in Operation Fast And Furious for making straw purchases of firearms which were primarily shipped to Mexican drug cartels were cleared by the FBI to make those purchases. Federal officials refuse to explain how this occurred.

July 27: Hot Air reported that before Rep. Darrell Issa’s committee on July 26, William Newell testified that in September 2010 he discussed the Gunwalker case with White House National Security Director for North America Kevin O’Reilly. In relation to that communication, Newell sent O’Reilly an e-mail in which he wrote: “You didn’t get this from me.” Newell explained that O’Reilly was a long-time friend, and he shouldn’t have informed him.

The revelations of this week not only support or confirm much of what was already known, but add new, more disturbing dimensions to the scandal. It has long been known that heads of the FBI and DEA were informed about the program, as well as officials in the Department of Justice, Homeland Security, and the State Department.

However, the State Department’s role in selling significant quantities of military surplus and military grade weapons and other equipment to the Zeta cartel, possibly through a thinly veiled front company, was not previously known.

The most significant revelation of the week is that someone in the White House was made aware of the operation. Did the president or his chosen officials not only allow but encourage the illegal purchase and smuggling of arms into Mexico, a foolish and cynical attempt to further gun-control policies unobtainable through the legislative process?

We now know that knowledge of the program was within a few steps of Obama.

Meanwhile, the MSM continues to avoid perhaps the most important, most deadly scandal in modern American history.
The case could prove to be a bombshell on par with the ATF's "Operation Fast and Furious," except that instead of U.S. guns being allowed to walk across the border, the Sinaloa cartel was allowed to bring drugs into the United States over a five-year period, the documents allege.

It just gets better and better..Documents: Feds allegedly allowed Sinaloa cartel to move cocaine into U.S. for information - El Paso Times

Gotta keep those campaign contributions rolling in.

lmao GS. where in the h$ll do you find all these pictures?

Thanks, good to know at least one other poster has a
sense of humor. :)

I spend about an hour + every morning data mining
various sites, it took me about ten years to find the
most productive veins.

People's Cube and the Looking Spoon are good places
to start for humorous satire.


Can you spot Jiffy and Spiffy in this thread??


1. Money can't buy happiness but somehow, it's more
comfortable to cry in a Corvette than on a city bus.

2. Forgive your enemy, but remember the bastard's

3. Help a man when he is in trouble and he'll remember
you when he is in trouble again.

4. Many people are alive only because it's illegal to
shoot them.

5. Alcohol doesn't solve problems, but then, neither
does milk.

To add insult to injury, the fed AG for the Arizona district has petitioned the court to deny the family of a murdered border patrol agent 'victim's status' in the trial of a gun runner.

Not only was the border patrol agent killed with a gun that was in a drug dealer's possession because of an ATF program that congressman Issa called 'felony stupid', our (anti)Justice Dept, as run by Obama appointee Eric Holder is petitioning the court to deny his family the same rights that are routinely granted.

What doucebags!
No Lawyers - Only Guns and Money: Senator John Cornyn Now Demanding Answers From Eric Holder

First there was Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) in his lonely quest to get answers from Attorney General Eric Holder about Project Gunwalker. Then Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) got on board and through his chairmanship of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held hearings. Now Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, is asking questions of Eric Holder as it appears Texas had its own version of Operation Fast and Furious.

Below is the letter he sent to Attorney General Eric Holder (yesterday).

August 11, 2011

The Honorable Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Dear Attorney General Holder:

I write to express my deep concerns regarding press reports of an ATF “gun-walking” program that allegedly operated in the state of Texas. I request that the Department of Justice immediately brief my office regarding the scope and details of any past or present ATF “gun-walking” programs operated in the state of Texas.

As you are aware, recent congressional investigations have revealed the existence of a controversial “gun-walking” program operated by the ATF in Phoenix, Arizona. As a part of that program, known as “Operation Fast and Furious,” ATF agents instructed federally licensed firearms dealers to illegally sell more than 1,000 weapons to straw purchasers working for drug cartels in Mexico. These ATF agents were also ordered by their superiors to ignore well-established practice and refrain from interdicting these weapons before they flowed into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. Sadly, this ill-advised program had tragic consequences, with these “walked” weapons showing up at the scene of multiple violent crimes—including the murder of United States Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Unfortunately, the Department of Justice has been less than forthcoming during congressional investigations into the failed “Operation Fast and Furious.” For instance, Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich initially told Congress that the allegation that “ATF sanctioned or otherwise knowingly allowed the sale of assault weapons to a straw purchaser who then transported them into Mexico—is false.” Additionally, Acting ATF Director Kenneth Melson told congressional investigators that “ATF’s senior leadership would have preferred to be more cooperative” with the congressional investigation of “Operation Fast and Furious,” but “Justice Department officials directed [ATF] not to respond and took full control of replying to briefing and document requests from Congress.”

I believe it is important that you promptly disclose the details of any past or present Texas-based ATF “gun-walking” program similar to “Operation Fast and Furious.” My constituents deserve a full accounting of any such activities in Texas. I look forward to your reply.


United States Senator

The Washington Times is covering the story and Cornyn's letter here. (LINK) Meanwhile, the Houston Chronicle is also giving it good coverage including a video (LINK) about Operation Fast and Furious.
had this happened during Bush, LG and the rest of the left would be screaming "impeachment" and demanding Alberto Gonzalez be disbarred and remanded into custody at Gitmo.

However, since it's Obama/Holder, the left is content to look the other way and lob specious charges of racism at those who dare criticize POTUS.
had this happened during Bush, LG and the rest of the left would be screaming "impeachment" and demanding Alberto Gonzalez be disbarred and remanded into custody at Gitmo.

However, since it's Obama/Holder, the left is content to look the other way and lob specious charges of racism at those who dare criticize POTUS.

Well the bottom line is that this whole operation has been to promote the idea that our US weapons laws are too lenient and that we need to implement more stingent laws.

This has been so since the the 1968 gun control law which was drawn directly from and 1930s era nazi gun control law.

Universal health care and Gun control caused the holocaust Episode 1 - YouTube

Universal health care and gun control caused the holocaust Episode 2: Babi Yar - YouTube
NYSlimes does hit piece on Congressman Issa.

Pajamas Media The Darrell Issa Hit Piece: Most Inaccurate NYT Article ? Ever?

As Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), chairman of the House
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform,
begins to close in on Attorney General Eric Holder
regarding Operation Fast and Furious, the MSM
bringing out their knives for the combative
congressman seemed a fait accompli.

Sunday, the Times jumped in. And they didn’t just use
knives, they sprayed it around with an elephant gun.

Eric Lichtblau’s front-page article started by claiming
Issa has made billions while investigating corruption
with his committee:

The central theme of the NYT article seems to be that
Issa is a wealthy man — and he is, with a net worth of
about $250 million — and a successful businessman.

Worse yet, he’s an American success story: the
grandson of Lebanese immigrants who came from a
hardscrabble background in a blue-collar neighborhood
in Cleveland who worked hard and became wealthy.

Further, he’s a persistent thorn in the administration’s
side, and is uncovering a scandal worse than

Obviously he must be destroyed by the MSM —
even if they have to lie to do it.
so Holder did know. How can he keep his job after this fiasco?

New documents obtained by CBS News show Attorney General Eric Holder was sent briefings on the controversial Fast and Furious operation as far back as July 2010. That directly contradicts his statement to Congress.

On May 3, 2011, Holder told a Judiciary Committee hearing, "I'm not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks."
ATF Fast and Furious: New documents show Attorney General Eric Holder was briefed in July 2010 - CBS News Investigates - CBS News
Of course he knew, among others.


See the thread about the Mexican AG press conference.


Pundit Press: Breaking: Holder Was Aware of Fast and Furious

New leaked information has indicated that United
States Attorney General Eric Holder, was in fact of
the operation known as Fast and Furious. Holder
testified that he had only heard of the operation

FoxNews is reporting that Holder was personally
identified as being informed of the plan at least

One report, from 2010, states that Holder was
informed of the plan. This new information premiered
just minutes ago on Fox's Special Report with Bret

If true, this would show that the Department of Justice
was far more involved in the operation than it previously
admitted. With more revelations spilling out regarding
the case, Holder's duplicity could either point to gross
incompetence or a cover-up. Both are unbecoming to
his office.

Plus impeachable!

The DOJ is saying he gets hundreds of memos a week so he never saw them. Fire him for lying or fire him for incompetence - either is applicable.
The DOJ is saying he gets hundreds of memos a week so he never saw them. Fire him for lying or fire him for incompetence - either is applicable.

I have a hard time the 'We're giving guns to Mexican cartels" memo got lost in the shuffle
is CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC even covering this? I'd like to see how d-bag Keither Olberman spins this.
ATF Fast and Furious: New documents show Attorney General Eric Holder was briefed in July 2010 - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

WASHINGTON - New documents obtained by CBS
News show Attorney General Eric Holder was sent
briefings on the controversial Fast and Furious guns
operation as far back as July of 2010. That directly
contradicts his statement to Congress.

On May 3, 2011, Holder told a Judiciary Committee
hearing, “I’m not sure of the exact date, but I probably
heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over
the last few weeks.”
CBS News Reporter Says White House Screamed, Swore at Her Over Fast and Furious

Audio and partial transcript at link.

What’s more, CBS News investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson — who’s been covering the scandal from the beginning — says in an interview on the Laura Ingraham Show today that the White House and Justice Department have taken to screaming at her for reporting on the story. You can listen to the full interview below, but here are the key excerpts from Attkisson:
Ingraham: So they were literally screaming at you?
Attkisson: Yes. Well the DOJ woman was just yelling at me. The guy from the White House on Friday night literally screamed at me and cussed at me.
Ingraham: Who was the person? Who was the person at Justice screaming?
Attkisson: Eric Schultz. Oh, the person screaming was [DOJ spokeswoman] Tracy Schmaler, she was yelling not screaming. And the person who screamed at me was Eric Schultz at the White House.”

Finally, Attkisson notes that the White House is claiming that a thorough investigation of the scandal is unwarranted.
Nothing like a little perjury to liven things up!
A couple other things:

1) DOJ is saying that he thought the question he answered to Congress was about the inner workings of the program, not if he was aware of its existence. Of course his quote doesn't support that excuse

2) Apparently the WH and DOJ are really letting the CBS reporter Sheryl Attkinson have it over her coverage - yelling, screaming, cursing and telling her she is biased and unreasonable unlike reporters from NYT among other outlets

Fast And Furious | CBS Reporter | White House | The Daily Caller

On Tuesday’s Laura Ingraham Show, Attkisson said DOJ spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler and White House associate communications director Eric Schultz yelled and screamed at her over the story.
“The DOJ woman was just yelling at me,” Attkisson said. “The guy from the White House on Friday night literally screamed at me and cussed at me. Eric Schultz — oh, the person screaming was Tracy Schmaler. She was yelling, not screaming. And the person who screamed at me was Eric Schultz at the White House.”
Attkisson explained the vicious tongue-lashing:
“In between the yelling that I received from the Justice Department yesterday, the spokeswoman — who would not put anything in writing — I was asking for her explanation so there would be clarity and no confusion later over what had been said. She wouldn’t put anything in writing,” she said.

Read more: Fast And Furious | CBS Reporter | White House | The Daily Caller

Attkisson also said the DOJ and White House representatives complained that CBS was “unfair and biased” because it didn’t give the White House favorable coverage on the developing scandal.
“Is it sort of a drip, drip. And I’m certainly not the one to make the case for DOJ and White House about what I’m doing wrong,” she added. “They will tell you that I’m the only reporter, as they told me, that is not reasonable. They say The Washington Post is reasonable, the LA Times is reasonable, The New York Times is reasonable — I’m the only one who thinks this is a story, and they think I’m unfair and biased by pursuing it.”

Read more: Fast And Furious | CBS Reporter | White House | The Daily Caller
The Ulsterman Report – White House Insider: “They Are Crumbling In Amongst Themselves” - The Ulsterman Report

After a prolonged absence, our longtime D.C. Insider
sends us this message regarding the inner workings of
the Obama White House, including an “eruption” from
Michelle Obama, and an administration breaking under
the strain of accumulating scandals and a disapproving
American public.

The First Lady is being prepped as one of the few assets
for the re-election campaign but those inside know she
is as big a potential liability as anything associated with
the administration. They are using her in controlled
environments only. That’s the word from on high. What
went down between her and the staff member wasn’t
just a tantrum, or some shouting. It was put to me as
being “an eruption”. Talking full on screaming here. Not
the first time this kind of thing has happened. I’ve
shared a bit of that w/you before but this was on
another scale apparently. Put the WH on security alert
for a brief time. It was that bad.

That’s the dynamics of this White House. They are
crumbling in amongst themselves. The donors, as I have
been repeating to you for months, are getting more
agitated and concerned each day.

More importantly at the moment though is Fast and
Furious. The Solyndra thing was an unexpected
surprise. Had nothing to do w/that but happy to see
it out there. If it continues to get attention from the
public that’s great. The more the merrier when it comes
to scandals against this administration. I continue to
see Fast and Furious as the much bigger deal for this
White House though. That has everyone running
interference at a level only seen when something very
big and very dangerous to a president is hovering over
an administration.

You keep asking about Issa. At this point I don’t know.
Information has been effectively shut down from his
office. That either means a deal has been struck and
some stooge will take the fall, or they are preparing to
go all in on this thing. A Watergate type moment. At
this point it’s one or the other.

Holder has openly insulated himself and the president.
Doing it so openly means he’s either very confident or
very afraid. I am hoping its fear that is motivating him
to cover his tracks right in front of everyone. Been told
there is a memo, or was a memo, tying Fast and Furious
directly to some kind of proposed gun control legislation
or plan. Not certain how developed it was. Something
that was pending . The memo is a direct link between
the program and the gun control issue. An entire
coordinated effort that required people to be killed.


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