I liked the episode fairly well, but I can see what everyone is talking about with Andy being manager. He was the worst salesman but he was the second choice behind California? That doesn't make since to begin with and then he being given the job makes less since, but I'll role with it. And until it was brought up here, I had forgotten that Gabe was supposed to be gone. Why was he even there? The only thing I can think of is that he works for California like he worked for Jo, but they didnt mention anything about Gabe in the opener.
But after thinking about it, what bugged me was this. I can't remember, but have they ever come back with the first episode and did a "wrap-up" or review of the character's lives since the last episode of the previous season? If the documentary format is supposed to be believed, shouldn't one season role into the next like the filming is continuous (like Parks & Rec. did from season to season)? There should have been no reason for a break from the time a new manager was being sought after and one was found, at least not one long enough for Pam to be THAT pregnant. I know Sarah Fisher is pregnant for real so it would be impossible to write that she wasn't pregnant in the show but it didn't make any since that they did a review of stuff that happened like the documentary crew hasnt been there for months. Makes it kinda obvious that its a TV show IMO.