The Official Tennessee @ #8 Alabama Game Thread, 3:30pm ET, CBS

Finally got to see another game over here while deployed -- Had to watch it with some of my Soldiers ( Alabama fans).

I'm not that disappointed by the level of play. The kids fought hard. I still get irritated by some of the play-calling, but I think that is probably mostly just left-over hatred from the Florida game (the only other game I've gotten to see over here). Overall, this is our team - they are young, banged up, and still thin at some positions.

All that being said, this still isn't good enough. We still don't make the plays when we need it the most. The other team does. We don't. There's enough talent on the field to win these games. I'd sure like for our boys to start some time soon. I think (hope) they will break thru the barrier, but it won't be until next year. Running the table the rest of the way would be great, but it won't answer the toughest (and most important) questions: Florida and Alabama.

Beating UGA was a glimmer of hope. But we have to win more than just one of these to be more than just an afterthought. There's lots to be happy and hopeful about today. However, there is nothing to be satisfied with.

I hope this sticks in our players' minds and they use it for fuel the rest of the way and during next season.

I bet your missing that Colorado Pork Green Chilli. Get you some at Sandy's or Maggie Mae's when you get back and stay safe until then!
Medley feels worse about this probably than anyone. I pray that he'll get better next week and do better and better. Go Vols.

I pray we try Bullock next week. No hard feelings to Medley as a person, but his time as the TN FG Kicker needs to come to an end.
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Yes it is. Unless youve never played any sport, you know there are practice players and there are gameday players. Medley just foesnt have it on game day. Hes too far gone at this point. I had thoughts of him missing the extra point at the end. Its in his head now, and mot his leg. Think Steve Sax! He is DONE. Poor guy.

Losing is not way his fault, but his missed kicks contributed largely to the losses this yr.

You're right. They have cost us a few games. I've played and coached sports all my life. Never played or coached kicking but they're a different breed. You give up on him and he's done for good. Didn't Lincoln struggle his SO year? He turned out well, didn't he?
If you can't see how this football program is getting better and better, you sure are an ignorant person when it comes to evaluating football programs!! Please go root for a program that meets you "standards" and quit embarrassing yourself here!
Yes, because everyone should jump on the losers bandwagon and feel good about this loss. The only people embarrassing themselves are the ones that are excepting losing as progress! It makes no sense and is disgusting! Other fan bases celebrate wins while our pussified fan base celebrates losing!

Every freaking loss the same bs of we're improving, I'm proud, they played hard blah, blah, blah!

Losing is losing I don't care how you spin it.
Yes, because everyone should jump on the losers bandwagon and feel good about this loss. The only people embarrassing themselves are the ones that are excepting losing as progress! It makes no sense and is disgusting! Other fan bases celebrate wins while our pussified fan base celebrates losing!

Every freaking loss the same bs of we're improving, I'm proud, they played hard blah, blah, blah!

Losing is losing I don't care how you spin it.

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I pray we try Bullock next week. No hard feelings to Medley as a person, but his time as the TN FG Kicker needs to come to an end.

Doubt Bullock is any better. The answer is just quit trying to kick 40+ yard field goals. Just go for it every time. If it's 50+ punt
All I know is the SEC better take notice. The Vols are no longer a guaranteed win for anybody and are right on the verge of greatness. GBO
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Doubt Bullock is any better. The answer is just quit trying to kick 40+ yard field goals. Just go for it every time. If it's 50+ punt

No, you better find a kicker in the SEC you can send out there to hit a 50 yard FG and have confidence it has a good chance.
The coaching staff and this team need to learn how to win. I'm not talking against WCU. The win against Georgia was good. We need to beat BAMA and Florida. Those teams still have the psychological edge against us. We need to find a way to gain the edge.
So when does try outs start. No hard feelings Aaron medley ,but u killed us this game 9 unaccounted pts............ it's hurting bad

it's still
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First lead in 4th quarter against Bama since 2006. I hate losing as much as rest of us but man we are turning a page in the right direction!!! Let our boys grow up and turn it around. Ya know its coming!!!
The thing that stinks about it is knowing he has the leg for a 50+ yarder. The accuracy is terrible. That makes it hard to punt...
Finally got to see another game over here while deployed -- Had to watch it with some of my Soldiers ( Alabama fans).

I'm not that disappointed by the level of play. The kids fought hard. I still get irritated by some of the play-calling, but I think that is probably mostly just left-over hatred from the Florida game (the only other game I've gotten to see over here). Overall, this is our team - they are young, banged up, and still thin at some positions.

All that being said, this still isn't good enough. We still don't make the plays when we need it the most. The other team does. We don't. There's enough talent on the field to win these games. I'd sure like for our boys to start some time soon. I think (hope) they will break thru the barrier, but it won't be until next year. Running the table the rest of the way would be great, but it won't answer the toughest (and most important) questions: Florida and Alabama.

Beating UGA was a glimmer of hope. But we have to win more than just one of these to be more than just an afterthought. There's lots to be happy and hopeful about today. However, there is nothing to be satisfied with.

I hope this sticks in our players' minds and they use it for fuel the rest of the way and during next season.

Stay safe over there.

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