I have family and close friends from all service academies too. The language is pretty clear, assignment to specialized services comes at junior year, along with a commitment to possible forced enlistment. Lots of people go the full term, graduate, and then go on to professional careers with no service. He knew the chance was low that he’d have to enlist with the positive exposure of a pro career ahead of him. He chose more development and exposure via going to the best conference in America. His exit prior to the commitment year is typically seen as more honorable than doing so after four years. Faced with a possible 100mm plus career value, I’m interested to hear what everyone would do. It’s easy to take a stand when you aren’t faced with that choice. Hearing him interviewed on the topic, he obviously thought about it very seriously and collaborated with the Academy, who encouraged him to go. His baseball exposure as a branding exercise is more valuable to the Air Force than him staying in the Academy.