The Official Tennessee vs. W. Kentucky Game Thread, 12:21pm ET(09/07/13), SEC Network

This offense is terrible. I can't put it strictly on personnel. The coaches have to take some of the blame. Worley hasn't improved since he was coached by Dooley. The coaches have had 8 months to install a competent offense and I haven't seen our passing game look this bad since we played Wyoming.
Im not bashing Worley, but peterman played with the 2s and 3s against AP
I'm on this.

Let's get the Peterman misadventure on and over with. I'd had hoped that we could play our two crappy returning QBs until S. AL where we could insert a frosh but Worley, as predicted, won't make it past Game 3.

Gatorade POY my ass.
REALLY bad play letting the friggin hillbillys block a punt that close to end zone. Ask Gen. Neyland where the breaks are made!
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Let's not lose sight of the fact that we're up by 14 aganst a very good, yes the turnovers have helped, but they didn't come by accident, this is a very solid team defensively. Did we even have 6 turnovers all of last season???

Ah yes, we did have 6 turnovers...and gave up 236 yards. Awesome!!
Complaining at the coach about that blocked punt is about as silly as complaining at the coach for calling an extra point when it gets blocked. Complain at the players who refused to block like it mattered instead.

The pass play almost worked anyway...Having said that, I would have called a run again there.

Only 3 blockers back deep in our territory with :48 seconds left? Yea that makes sense. That's on the coaches
If peterman can't compete against Austin-Peay, then how the hell do you expect him to beat WKU. Just except it, Worley is all we've got this year. Support him and hope he improves his game.

Those calling for Peterman sound like those who were so astute (in their minds) as to call for Stewart over Manning.
The coaches know a little more than armchair fans.
A lot of the bad offensive stats are a result of the turnovers by the defense. We've been working with a short offensive field the entire half.

Riiight...if not for the short fields, we would be getting beat. The offense is completely offensive. Worley cannot throw to save his life. One, yes one, good throw and it was dropped.

So what happens when u cannot throw? 8/9 men in the box to keep u from running.

Total yards is not a stat I look at, but 3rd down conversions is....and we still cannot Connery a third frigging down.
You have to admit. With a strong armed QB like Bray two of those passes to North would have been TDs. Worley seems to do Ok at managing the game but just a weak arm. I'd like to see Dobbs or Ferguson get a series.
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This offense is terrible. I can't put it strictly on personnel. The coaches have to take some of the blame. Worley hasn't improved since he was coached by Dooley. The coaches have had 8 months to install a competent offense and I haven't seen our passing game look this bad since we played Wyoming.

i hate to agree with you, but i somewhat do.
Don't blame the defense when they have been on the field for 22 minutes. Cause 6 turnovers and Worley has his thumb up his ass. Worley doesn't look like a gatorade player if the year to me
I'm on an airplane and I just looked the halftime stats. Is this for real? They are killing us except the score. Is my phone just messing with me? I was hoping for so much more. Damn we suck again.
I really am tempted to make a "I told you all Worley was terrible and we wouldn't win more than 5 games" Thread.
Relax guys. This WKU squad is a pretty good team and could finish around 11-1, 10-2 this season.

I'm not that concerned by Western moving the ball on O. But, our offense has looked sub-par when not working with a short field.

If we hold on and survive, this game will be one that helps us a lot going forward.

Best to work the kinks out now.
Make it to a bowl game. For the first time ever I feel like we don't even have the team to compete with other SEC teams. I've never seen such a poor effort. If it wasn't for the turnovers, we'd be behind by 30. Worley is just awful. But when he does throw a decent pass, someone like Croom drops it. Just shaking my head and reaching for another drink....

Turd burglar.

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