The old ball coach????

He didnt have to the talent comes to him. As it will in SC give it a yr or two more. I Hate the prick but he is good at what he does

This is his 4th year! When are they gonna start coming to him? The 4th year is generally considered the year to put up or shut up.
I don't know if it is a loss of fire. I think his expectations are tempered to the athletes that he has.

At the very least I would say that he is frustrated at his inability to find the personnel he was used to. As soon as he has the players (it may never happen) he will regain some of his "competitive juices".

...or it could simply be that losing bothers him too much. Maybe his disappointment is miscontrued as a lack of fire.
this was my thought as well. he has no swagger, his team has no swagger.

the thought of 'the 'ol ball coach' doesn't mean what it did 8 or 10 years ago.

and to be honest, it's going to take more than a qb to get it there.

i honestly think that what afflicts CPF, also afflicts SOS to a certain extent. these two were the only real competition for each other back in their hay day......not so today. as the coaching has gotten better, neither has been able to grab hold and come close to dominating agian.

that said, the difference then between the two is SOS is at SC, not FL. two differen animals.

relatively speaking SOS has done fine at SC. Comparitivaly speaking, he's no where near the standard he set for himself while at FL.
This is his 4th year! When are they gonna start coming to him? The 4th year is generally considered the year to put up or shut up.

They have to a certain extent! this is his put or shut up year, along w/ perhaps Fulmer......again.

Spurrier is at home in Knoxville, wouldn't be suprised to see him wearing orange if UT doesn't have a "Booster Pleasing season"
I know what your saying but Spurier does have a personal history w/ Knoxville outside of football. If the season pans out just the right way it could happen.

You have about as much of a chance of seeing Bear Bryant coach at UT as you do SOS.

It wont happen.
They have to a certain extent! this is his put or shut up year, along w/ perhaps Fulmer......again.

Spurrier is at home in Knoxville, wouldn't be suprised to see him wearing orange if UT doesn't have a "Booster Pleasing season"

What do you mean they have. His team got worse as the year wore on. In his 3rd year his team didnt make a bowl when the previous 2 they did make a bowl.
we don't need a 60+ year old, regardless of who it is, to come in and be 'the future' of TN football.

it's just not realistic. hiring SOS at this point in his career is a short term solution that fits for programs like SC.
not at a 5.5 million buyout that will go up if we wins 8 games.

he's here to stay as long he wants folks..(barring a complete catastrophe 5-7 or worse).....that's not really up for debate.
He will get a raise when he brings home the NC this year. I have faith. "eerie similarities with the 98 team" LOL
not at a 5.5 million buyout that will go up if we wins 8 games.

he's here to stay as long he wants folks..(barring a complete catastrophe 5-7 or worse).....that's not really up for debate.

Not buying it.....prevailing theory of 8 wins doesn't sit well with me. Catastrophes against SEC foes similar to last year's Florida or Bama game will have some of the higher ups doing some hand wringing.
He will get a raise when he brings home the NC this year. I have faith. "eerie similarities with the 98 team" LOL

The only similarities that I can see are that we were picked to finish 3rd in the SECE in 98 and we're picked to finish 3rd this year.
The only similarities that I can see are that we were picked to finish 3rd in the SECE in 98 and we're picked to finish 3rd this year.

Tee finnnaly got the nod/ crompton finaly gets the nod.

nobodies expecting much from us etc...:toast:
Not buying it.....prevailing theory of 8 wins doesn't sit well with me. Catastrophes against SEC foes similar to last year's Florida or Bama game will have some of the higher ups doing some hand wringing.
the fact he got the new deal with the 8 win clause tells me all i need to know. 59-20 could happen again. 41-17 could happen again, and who knows, we might lose to Bama, Aub, Ga and FL this season.

and finish 8-4. and hand wringing aside, it's going to cost you 5.5 milllllllllllion to do anything about it. and the dumb part is, they're the ones that set it up this way......

it doesn't sit well with me either, but why have it in there? even if CPF asked for it, which i don't know that he did, why on earth would anyone agree to it, unless they had the blessings of all involved?

and now that losing 6 games only gets you to .500, that's not even a real sin anymore.:eek:lol:

oh, he's here to stay. Good, bad or indifferent.
The only similarities that I can see are that we were picked to finish 3rd in the SECE in 98 and we're picked to finish 3rd this year. you go:

1. pre season picks are the same.
2. We play Auburn @ Auburn, the same weekend we played them in 98.
3. We played UAB as one of our OOC games in 98 too.
4. We played MSU in 98. We play MSU in the reg season this year.
5. Crompton is a 1st year Jr. Starter behind a drop back pocket passer. Martin was a 1st year Jr. starter coming in behind a drop back passer. both are said to be more athletic than their predecessors.
6. We opened the season in 98 on the road against a 2nd tier BCS conf. team. We open on the road against 2nd tier BCS conf. team.
I love how people make excuses for him. He no longer has the fire. Proof is he isn't even calling his plays this year. Les Miles get's no credit because he is at LSU and many of you on this thread say that anyone could win there because of the talent. Yet the great one gets all the credit in the world for coaching one of if not the most talent laden states.

Is SOS a very good coach and better than Miles? Of course but both won at schools where the states are LOADED with talent. And dont give me the LSU is the only school crap. There is more than enough talent in FL for all the big schools there and many left over. Check UT roster over the years.

Good post. I don't think Spurrier has completely lost it but the gap between him and the rest of the SEC coaches has closed significantly. I still wouldn't want that cocky jerk coaching UT. How could you guys accept him after all he has said to disrespect his home state and team? I don't care if it got us an NC every year I wouldn't want him as the coach. I would take Tommy Turbeville, Phil Fulmer or Mark Richt over Spurrier. Heck even Croom. Surround any of those guys with the right OC and DC and with their recruiting abilities they will bring you a NC just as easily as Spurrier and they will do it with class.
#96 you go:

1. pre season picks are the same.
2. We play Auburn @ Auburn, the same weekend we played them in 98.
3. We played UAB as one of our OOC games in 98 too.
4. We played MSU in 98. We play MSU in the reg season this year.
5. Crompton is a 1st year Jr. Starter behind a drop back pocket passer. Martin was a 1st year Jr. starter coming in behind a drop back passer. both are said to be more athletic than their predecessors.
6. We opened the season in 98 on the road against a 2nd tier BCS conf. team. We open on the road against 2nd tier BCS conf. team.

You missed my sarcasm. I meant about the team itself more than anything. I just dont think this team is anywhere near the team we had in 98. You can find a few bright spots but in general not much.
Spurrier's strength was having a vastly superior offensive strategy paired with superior athletes. Once all that started to even out the shine kind of came off. His record from the UF days is still amazing and probably won't happen again
You missed my sarcasm. I meant about the team itself more than anything. I just dont think this team is anywhere near the team we had in 98. You can find a few bright spots but in general not much.
oh i got it....i just couldn't resist.
Much less now.

1. Bear Bryant -13 SEC- 6 MNC
2. Bob Neyland- 6 SEC-4 MNC
3. John Vaught- 6 SEC-3 MNC
4. Steve Spurrier- 6 SEC- 1 MNC
5. Vince Dooley- 6 SEC- 1 MNC

All those thinking Fulmer is locked in because of his 5.5 million buyout need to think about something. We just spent 200 million to renovate our stadium. UT could buyout 5.5 million without even breaking a sweat. If the big gun boosters want Fulmer gone he will be gone. End of story.

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