The Patriot Party (Trump considering creating a 3rd Party)

I can assure you that moderate Republicans aren’t joining the “Patriot” Party if Trump controls it. All it would do is split Republican votes and the Dems win every time. Maybe that’s what Trump wants. He only cares about himself anyway.
I don't want moderate Rs. They are about as much of POS as the dems, they deserve each other.
I think we'll see option 1. Unless they completely lose their collective mind the Dems will become the dominate party on the national level.

Dims are the cobbled together party of low intellect and highly intelligent dreamers. The same groups that communism has duped time and again into believing the dream. Their lack of rational thought to guide them through the process has always led them into a life of abject socialist misery. Dims will absolutely remain part of the collective; they've always been the beneficiaries of third party schemes. If Bernie didn't split them, they aren't going to be divided - just that simple because they understand the power of a mob.
How long have we had to hear about Hillary from you mooks... and she didn’t even hold office.

Let's see.

She was FLOTUS for 8 years. Senator from New York for 8 years and SOS for 4 years.

To answer your post, she held public office on multiple occasions and elected to one position.

She's fair game and after the BS she's pulled over the years, every bit deserving of it.
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I don't want moderate Rs. They are about as much of POS as the dems, they deserve each other.
The party absolutely needs social moderates. It’s been held hostage by religious zealots for far too long.
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He's not likely to endorse an idiot dim is he? Politics makes for strange bedfellows, but that doesn't mean that Trump or the GOP align with the KKK, and every individual (no matter how vile you think them or paint them) is still entitled to an opinion ... perhaps in a few more days the option for free thought and opinion will change. China likes Joe; there's a message there, too.
The pandemic and dem governors/mayors shutting down their states and cities had nothing to do with it.

Waste of time, hog. They need their feel good day - facts are irrelevant to a dim argument.
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It is hard to see the GOP nominate Trump again. He burnt way too many bridges and the Capitol riots were the last straw for some, including Mitch McConnell.

So Trump has no choice but to try to splinter off the Trumpster base. He's a bigger threat to the GOP than to the Dems.

If he can evade criminal and financial problems, I am not sure he will really have an appetite to run again in 2024. Its a ton of work and one wonders whether, absent the trappings of office, he really cared that much about being POTUS. Plus, he can get the same accolades and feed his ego just by going around and doing rallies, acting as kingmaker in Republican states and districts. He could charge enormous fees to those seeking his appearance in their corner in those contests.

Best of all worlds: ego satiated, money coming in, no responsibility.
The amount of mocking you did about the Hillary going to jail rhetoric to then turn around and do the same thing is a microcosm of your inability to be objective about political matters.
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Let's see.

She was FLOTUS for 8 years. Senator from New York for 8 years and SOS for 4 years.

To answer your post, she held public office on multiple occasions and elected to one position.

She's fair game and after the BS she's pulled over the years, every bit deserving of it.
Sounds like the same thing you’re whining about.
You do realize that was the democrats right?

LOL, the boys in those robes aren't democrats. They'd probably split your skull for even suggesting it.

Maybe you'd like to regail us with moronic "iT wAz Th3 diM0kR@tZ thA7 wus tH3 Klan"
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Just as a reminder, he's going to have his portrait up in the White House for all eternity.

Well, he was the President, so...

My guess is that they'll put it behind the door of a room that's always open.
Wish we could erase the stench of Donny Two-Times.
Well your brothers are trying hard by trying to have him removed from the Home Alone 2 movie. Next to pointguard your party has to be the most petty and stupid party on earth.
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Well, he was the President, so...

My guess is that they'll put it behind the door of a room that's always open.

It'll grace whichever room it's put in.

Though I do hope it's better than Obama's portrait. Nothing against Obama, but didn't care for the one he did in front of the poison ivy.
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Well your brothers are trying hard by trying to have him removed from the Home Alone 2 movie. Next to pointguard your party has to be the most petty and stupid party on earth.

They didn't try.
It'll grace whichever room it's put in.

Though I do hope it's better than Obama's portrait. Nothing against Obama, but didn't care for the one he did in front of the poison ivy.

If I were Biden I'd put it in the bathroom, nothing more fitting to look at while pinching a loaf.

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