The Problems with Trans-ideology

You keep repeating this and I don't care. You can't harass people without consequence even if you want to argue that it's for a good reason lol, and it has nothing to do with the First Amendment
We need to teach those kids to toughen up.
The entire thing is Orwellian. To proclaim calling someone by their actual gender is “misgendering” them, is insane. The only thing more insane is the number of people willing to accept these things

Hopefully these people know it’s not scientific, but only go along with it under threat of reprisals or a herd mentality.
The entire thing is Orwellian. To proclaim calling someone by their actual gender is “misgendering” them, is insane. The only thing more insane is the number of people willing to accept these things

The term “misgender” is incorrectly used, every time I see it used. It is the continued effort to go down the path of everything means nothing. There are no rules. No boundaries.
Just bc 2 students "misgendered" a classmate (probably just playing around or kidding) there's no reason to "force them" into a "restorative justice" training class before they get back into school is a little harsh. That's called brainwashing by the liberal thought process to "conform to their ways" of thinking. Shouldn't be allowed in schools. There was no harmful impact. If their classmate's feelings got hurt bc of "misgendered" that's his/her problem. Society need to toughen up some liberal panties that are all bunched up.
Restorative justice - Wikipedia
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