The Problems with Trans-ideology

Just bc 2 students "misgendered" a classmate (probably just playing around or kidding) there's no reason to "force them" into a "restorative justice" training class before they get back into school is a little harsh. There was no harmful impact. If their classmate's feelings got hurt bc of "misgendered" that's his/her problem. Society need to toughen up some liberal panties that are all bunched up.
Restorative justice - Wikipedia
I will only call someone by the gender they are not one they think they are. Mentally ill wack jobs
Just bc 2 students "misgendered" a classmate (probably just playing around or kidding) there's no reason to "force them" into a "restorative justice" training class before they get back into school is a little harsh. That's called brainwashing by the liberal thought process to "conform to their ways" of thinking. Shouldn't be allowed in schools. There was no harmful impact. If their classmate's feelings got hurt bc of "misgendered" that's his/her problem. Society need to toughen up some liberal panties that are all bunched up.
Restorative justice - Wikipedia

“Playing around or kidding” doesn’t get anyone in trouble and even the Fox News article people posted said it was about intent. Whining this much about having kids talk it out when one is harassing another is wild as hell
“Playing around or kidding” doesn’t get anyone in trouble and even the Fox News article people posted said it was about intent. Whining this much about having kids talk it out when one is harassing another is wild as hell

You're just a brainwashed little softie trying to act like a sj warrior for crazy thinking liberal causes. Go back to the tent you live in & smoke your crack pipe some more.
Advocating harassment of children because you don’t like trans people is pretty “soft” too FWIW. Anyone surprised it’s coming from the “Save Our Children” crowd?
“Softie” would be whining for several pages because you don’t know what restorative justice means and didn’t read your own article lmao

Whining is what your doing now numb nuts. I posted the meaning of restorative justice so you could understand the meaning. Now go & smoke your crack pipe troll.
Whining is what your doing now numb nuts. I posted the meaning of restorative justice so you could understand the meaning. Now go & smoke your crack pipe troll.

Pointing out that you don’t know what words mean and didn’t read the article isn’t “whining” lol, there’s another word you can look up and learn as an adult
Advocating harassment of children because you don’t like trans people is pretty “soft” too FWIW, and from the “Save Our Children” crowd at that

Oh, boo hoo. I didn't know you were wanting to be called another name besides the one mommy & daddy gave you at birth. Well, excuse me MFer. Grow up in this tough world & stop w/the feelings getting hurt bc you were called an a-hole.
Oh, boo hoo. I didn't know you were wanting to be called another name besides the one mommy & daddy gave you at birth. Well, excuse me MF. Grow up in this tough world & stop w/the feelings getting hurt bc you were called an a-hole.

^ this person is learning about nicknames as we speak lmao. Did you scream at kids with nicknames talking about “we don’t have to participate in your delusion” too, smart guy?
I can't recall who coined the phrase, but it's the most apt description of the Left's MO on topics like this:

"The thing you're worried about isn't even happening and it's good that it's happening."
Sounds just like CRT in schools
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It follows this pattern. You can see it in many of the articles and posts from the various proponents.

Advocating harassment of children because you don’t like trans people is pretty “soft” too FWIW. Anyone surprised it’s coming from the “Save Our Children” crowd?
Encouraging mental illness with an suicide rate at 40%+ higher rate and a 50% chance that person will regret transitioning seems like a bad idea..but hey words hurt more then action to dems
If someone can't accept the way they're born why do I have to be forced to.

I had a recent experience with an obvious guy wanting to be a chic. A young black male with long hair, painted nails, and an effeminate voice. I was buying a new tv for the man cave and ready to check out. I won’t say they were ignoring me because they were helping someone else but it would have only taken a minute to get me on my way instead of trying to show the other person every iPad when she was simply looking for the cheapest. I knew the one she was looking for and chimed in. Had a bit of small of small talk and the lady asked the salesperson to take care of me. No pronouns were exchanged, everyone was polite, and I went on my way. If the person had tried to go full pronoun I probably would have attempted to ignore it and if they had insisted I probably would have just left.
I had a recent experience with an obvious guy wanting to be a chic. A young black male with long hair, painted nails, and an effeminate voice. I was buying a new tv for the man cave and ready to check out. I won’t say they were ignoring me because they were helping someone else but it would have only taken a minute to get me on my way instead of trying to show the other person every iPad when she was simply looking for the cheapest. I knew the one she was looking for and chimed in. Had a bit of small of small talk and the lady asked the salesperson to take care of me. No pronouns were exchanged, everyone was polite, and I went on my way. If the person had tried to go full pronoun I probably would have attempted to ignore it and if they had insisted I probably would have just left.
I can promise you that some all interactions would go this way if people would stop forcing others into that delusions
Hell yeah brother, every kid should be bullied and might as well beat the **** out of them too. Toughness!!
Nobody was beating the h&ll out of anyone….. people keep acting like words are violence but they have no power unless you give it to them…. All of the rules around bullying are set up to protect kids…. Never do they ever try to teach kids how to stand up for themselves.

My daughter had absentee seizures and was developmentally/socially behind…. She was being made fun of at school and came home crying…. I listened to what she told me what they were saying to her… it was as simple as telling her what to say in response… they left her alone…. She was proud of herself bc she had handled it herself… if it reaches a different level then at that time it may require adult intervention. The other day a 12-13 yr old kid committed suicide bc he couldn’t handle very minimal bullying… we need to teach kids how to handle negative things.

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